path: root/test.stage (follow)
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-12-31Random function added, other fixes.Mike Buland
2011-12-30All variants of for each loop are tested and workMike Buland
2011-12-30Well, +=, -= on dictionaries/lists works now.Mike Buland
2011-12-30Wow, dictionaries, nested dictionaries, for loopsMike Buland
They all work. I still think I should change the lists to arrays in the backend so they can be indexed as well as iterated over and appended to.
2011-12-30Dictionaries can be created, in operator works.Mike Buland
2011-12-30return, exit, lists added. You can't index them.Mike Buland
They're linked lists right now, maybe that's not really what I want long-term, but it'll work for now...
2011-12-30Added vim highlighting for stage scripts.Mike Buland
2011-12-30Simple test of command override, worked great.Mike Buland
2011-12-30Functions exists/delete work now.Mike Buland
2011-12-30It now builds for windows, cool.Mike Buland
2011-12-29While loops work perfectly :)Mike Buland
2011-12-29Goto works, scopes work.Mike Buland
2011-12-29Most AstNodes work now.Mike Buland
Next up: loops, proper variable references with scopes, and gotos.
2011-12-29Most operators work, as well as if/then/else.Mike Buland
Loops should be very easy, but we don't have lists working yet, next is scope selection.
2011-12-29This commit...I dunnoMike Buland
I'm using a different version of everything, and I don't know if it's forward compatible or not.
2011-12-29Situation code actually processes now.Mike Buland
Most of the AstNode types are unhandled yet.
2011-12-29Situations & their modes are built.Mike Buland
2011-12-29Getting close to realy running.Mike Buland
2011-12-27more and more making it into the Ast.Mike Buland
2011-12-27Wow, a whole lot of code builds now.Mike Buland
2011-12-24Ast nearly done, builder coming along.Mike Buland