game.title = "Bloodfields"; global { command: "quit" { exit(); } command: "exit" { exit(); } } situation <<start>> { setup { global.enemyTypes = { 1: { 'name': 'snail', 'action': 'oozes on', 'hp': 3, 'attack': 2 }, 2: { 'name': 'wolf', 'action': 'bites', 'hp': 7, 'attack': 3 }, 3: { 'name': 'snake', 'action': 'strikes at', 'hp': 3, 'attack': 3 } }; global.enemyMods = { 1: { 'name': 'pathetic', 'hp': 0, 'attack': 0 }, 2: { 'name': 'sickly', 'hp': 3, 'attack': 1 }, 3: { 'name': 'wimpy', 'hp': 5, 'attack': 2 } }; player.hpMax = 10; player.hpCur = player.hpMax; player.xp = 0; player.level = 1; player.attack = 3; player.potions = 1; global.bJustTravelled = false; goto( <<field>> ); } } function status() { display('You have ' + (100-player.xp) + ' xp until your next level.'); display('You have ' + player.hpCur + ' of ' + player.hpMax + ' hp.'); display('You are carrying ' + player.potions + ' potions.'); } function look() { display('''You are standing in a field of wheat.'''); if exists(global.enemy) then { display('You see a ' + global.enemy['name'] + ' in front of you.'); } else if exists( global.treasure ) then { display('You find a ' + global.treasure['name'] + ' lying here!'); } } function mkEnemy() { eid = random( 1, 3 ); global.enemy = global.enemyTypes[eid]; mod = player.level; if mod > 3 then { mod = 3; } global.enemy['name'] = global.enemyMods[mod]['name'] + ' ' + global.enemy['name']; global.enemy['attack'] += global.enemyMods[mod]['attack']; global.enemy['hp'] += global.enemyMods[mod]['hp']; global.enemy['level'] = mod; } function mkTreasure() { global.treasure = { 'name': 'potion' }; } function rollAttack( attack ) { return( random( attack-attack/3, attack+attack/3 ) ); } function playerAttack() { damage = rollAttack( player.attack ); global.enemy['hp'] = global.enemy['hp'] - damage; display('You strike the ' + global.enemy['name'] + ' for ' + damage + ' damage.'); if global.enemy['hp'] <= 0 then { xp = 10; display('You killed the ' + global.enemy['name'] + '! You gained ' + xp + ' experience points.'); player.xp += xp; while player.xp >= 100 do { player.xp -= 100; player.level += 1; player.hpMax += integer(random(0.25,0.75)*player.hpMax); player.hpCur = player.hpMax; display("You have leveled! Welcome to level " + player.level ); } select = random(1, 3); if select == 1 then { display('It looks like the ' + global.enemy['name'] + ' dropped something...'); mkTreasure(); } delete( global.enemy ); } } function enemyAttack() { damage = rollAttack( global.enemy['attack'] ); player.hpCur -= damage; display("The " + global.enemy['name'] + ' ' + global.enemy['action'] + ' you for ' + damage + ' damage.'); if player.hpCur <= 0 then { display('The ' + global.enemy['name'] + ' killed you!'); exit(); } else { display('''You have ''' + player.hpCur + ''' hp left.'''); } } situation <<travel>> { enter { delete( global.enemy ); delete( global.treasure ); display('You wander aimlessly through the endless field of wheat.'); select = random(1,6); if select <= 4 then // 66% of the time, enemy! { mkEnemy(); display('''There's a ''' + global.enemy['name'] + ''' here!'''); } else if select == 6 then // 16% of the time, treasure! { mkTreasure(); display('''You find a ''' + global.treasure['name'] + ''' lying here!'''); } global.bJustTravelled = true; goto( <<field>> ); } } situation <<field>> { command: "attack" { if exists(global.enemy) then { playerAttack(); goto( <<field>> ); } else { display('''There's nothing here to attack...'''); } } command: "take" { if exists(global.treasure) then { if global.treasure['name'] == 'potion' then { display('''You pickup the ''' + global.treasure['name'] + ''' and put it in your pocket.'''); player.potions += 1; delete( global.treasure ); } } else { display('''There's nothing here to take...'''); } } command: 'drink' { if player.potions == 0 then { display('''You don't have anything to drink!'''); } else { if player.hpCur == player.hpMax then { display('''You're already as healthy as can be! Save the potions for when you're more injured.'''); } else { player.potions -= 1; gain = integer( random( 0.25, 0.5 ) * player.hpMax ); player.hpCur += gain; if player.hpCur > player.hpMax then { gain -= player.hpCur - player.hpMax; player.hpCur = player.hpMax; } display('''That really hit the spot! The potion restored ''' + gain + ''' hp!'''); goto( <<field>> ); } } } command: "look" { look(); } command: "status" { status(); } command: "walk" { if not exists(global.enemy) then { goto( <<travel>> ); } else { display("You can't leave, the " + global.enemy['name'] + ' is blocking your path.'); } } command: "help" { display("Available commands are: walk, status, look, attack, take, drink"); } setup { look(); } enter { if not global.bJustTravelled then { if exists( global.enemy ) then { enemyAttack(); } } global.bJustTravelled = false; } }