#build-m3 file for fishtrax client execute("ln -sf parser.yy.c src/parser.yy.cpp"); execute("ln -sf parser.tab.c src/parser.tab.cpp"); action "default" { warning "Use the 'release' target to strip debugging and build without deps."; DEBUG = "true"; build: ["stage.exe"]; } action "release" { warning "Relesae will build without deps, and will strip debugging."; DEBUG = "false"; build: ["stage.exe"]; } action "clean" { clean: targets(); } ZIPFILE = "stage-$(git describe).zip"; ZIPINPUT = [ "stage.exe", "bloodfields.stage" ]; action "package" { build: [ZIPFILE]; } CXXFLAGS += "-ggdb"; target ZIPFILE { profile "build" { execute("zip -9 ${ZIPFILE} ${ZIPINPUT}"); } } target "stage.exe" { input [ files("src/*.cpp") // files("src/*.c") ]; rule "winexe"; CXXFLAGS += "-O2 -frtti -fexceptions -Wall -Ilibbu++/support/windows -Isrc"; LDFLAGS += "-enable-stdcall-fixup -Wl,-enable-auto-import -Wl,-enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc -mthreads -Wl -lmingw32 -Llibbu++ -lbu++win -Llibbu++/support/windows -lbz2 -Wl,-subsystem,console"; CXXFLAGS += "-Ilibbu++"; } rule "winlib" { input "*.win_o"; profile "build" { execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/ar.exe cr ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}"); } } rule "winexe" { input "*.win_o"; profile "build" { if DEBUG != "true" then { LDFLAGS += "-Wl,-s"; } execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-g++.exe -o ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT} ${LDFLAGS}"); } } function cppToWinObj() { if OBJ_DIR == null then { DIR = INPUT.dirName(); } else { DIR = OBJ_DIR; } return DIR + "/" + INPUT.fileName().replace(".cpp", ".win_o"); } function cToWinObj() { if OBJ_DIR == null then { DIR = INPUT.dirName(); } else { DIR = OBJ_DIR; } return DIR + "/" + INPUT.fileName().replace(".c", ".win_o"); } function winDeps( CMD ) { if DEBUG == "true" then { return getMakeDeps( CMD ); } return []; } rule "wincpp" { input "*.cpp"; output INPUT.cppToWinObj(); requires winDeps("wine C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -M ${INPUT}"); profile "build" { //condition always; execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}", "g++"); } } rule "winc" { input "*.c"; output INPUT.cToWinObj(); requires winDeps("wine C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -M ${INPUT}"); profile "build" { //condition always; execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/mingw32-g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}", "g++"); } }