# # default.bld for build mark 3. This guy does it all, so watch out! # :) # CXXFLAGS += "-ggdb -W -Wall"; action "default" { build: "build"; } action "man" { build: targets("all"); } action "pkg" { build: targets("pkg"); } action "clean" { clean: "build-m3"; } action "devinstall" { if "$(id -u)" != "0\n" then { error "You can only install as the root user, su then run this."; } install: targets("devinstall"); } action "viminstall" { if "$(id -u)" != "0\n" then { error "You can only install as the root user, su then run this."; } install: targets("viminstall"); } target "build" { input [files("src/*.y"), files("src/*.l"), files("src/*.cpp")]; rule "exe"; LDFLAGS += "-Llibbu++ -lbu++ -ldl"; CXXFLAGS += "-Ilibbu++"; tag "tools"; } target "build-r$(svnversion "-n").tar.bz2" { input [ "build.conf", "Doxyfile", "default.bld", "docs/build.1", "docs/build.7", "support/vim/syntax/build.vim", "support/vim/ftdetect/build.vim", "support/vim/ftplugin/build.vim", files("src/*.y"), files("src/*.l"), files("src/*.cpp"), files("src/*.h"), files("share/autoinclude/*"), files("share/include/*") ]; rule "tarball"; tag "pkg"; } // We want to override the c rule, and just use c++ for it rule "c" { input "*.c"; output replace(".c", ".o"); tag "auto-source"; requires getMakeDeps("g++ ${CXXFLAGS} -M ${INPUT}"); profile "build" { execute("g++ ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}"); } } rule "tarball" { input matches("*.cpp", "*.h", "*.c", "*.y", "*.l", "*.conf", "Doxyfile", "*.1", "*.7", "*.vim"); profile "build" { OUTDIR = OUTPUT.replace(".tar.bz2",""); execute("tar --transform=\"s@^@${OUTDIR}/@\" -c ${INPUT} |" " bzip2 -9 > ${OUTPUT}"); } } target "/usr/share/build" { input "$(echo -n $PWD)/share"; tag "devinstall"; profile "install" { execute("ln -fsv ${INPUT} \"${OUTPUT}\""); } } for vimdir in dirs("/usr/share/vim/vim*") do { for ftype in ["ftplugin/build.vim", "ftdetect/build.vim", "syntax/build.vim"] do { target vimdir + "/" + ftype { input "support/vim/" + ftype; tag "viminstall"; display "install"; profile "install" { execute("cp -f ${INPUT} ${OUTPUT}"); } } } }