.TH build 1 "October 30, 2009" "Xagasoft" "Geekgene" .SH NAME .P build.conf configuration files. .SH SYNOPSIS .P These files describe how to build something, generally software from source code, but it can really be anything. .SH DESCRIPTION .P For now, I'm just going to list some things here, here are the functions available to you for general use at the moment: .TP .B dirs() Takes any number of string parameters, matches the file system based on glob patterns and returns all directories that match the given patterns. .TP .B files() Takes any number of string parameters, matches the file system based on glob patterns and returns all files that match the given patterns. .TP .B execute() Takes one string parameter, and executes it as a command using your shell. .TP .B exists() Checks to see if the given file/directory/etc exists on the file system, if it does, true is returned, otherwise, false. .TP .B matches() Checks the input of the function to see if it matches a given wildcard pattern, the pattern may include any number of * (meaning match any number of any character) or ? (meaning match one of any character) symbols. If the input is a string, then true or false is returned. If the input is a list, a filtered version of the list is returned, containing only the elements that matched the pattern. .TP .B replace() Takes two string parameters and replaces all occurances of the first with the second in the input string or list of strings. .TP .B targets() Returns a list of target outputs, this will return every output for any target that it finds seperately, so targets with multiple outputs will be in the list more than once. With no parametrs it returns a list of all explicitly defined targets, with a string parameter it returns all targets that have the given tag. .TP .B toString() Takes the input and converts it to a string, with no parameters it uses default formatting, this means that for lists it puts a space between each element. .TP .B unlink() Unlinks (deletes) the given file or files from the filesystem. It can take any number of string or string list parameters. .TP .B getMakeDeps() Returns a list of files ready for use in a requires statement from the stdout of the command provided in the only string parameter. The command should output the dependancies in makefile format. .TP .B fileName() Returns the file portion of the string provided as input. That is, it returns everything after the last '/' character. This may not always be a file, it could be a directory, or even just an arbitrary part of a string that may or may not have '/' in it. If the input ends with a slash this will return an empty string. .TP .B dirName() Returns the directory portion of the string provided as input. That is, it returns everything before the last '/' character. Read the caveat for fileName about what this really means. If the input ends with a slash this will return the entire string, except the trailing slash. .P Here, lets list functions we wish we had... .SH ENVIRONMENT .SH FILES .SH CONFORMING TO .SH NOTES .SH BUGS .SH EXAMPLE .SH SEE ALSO