#ifndef AST_H #define AST_H #include "bu/list.h" #include "bu/stack.h" #include "bu/fstring.h" #include "bu/formatter.h" #include "astnode.h" /** * Abstract Symbol Tree. This is the thing that the parser builds for us. In * the end, this is also what we "run" when we run build files. */ class Ast { public: typedef Bu::List NodeList; Ast(); virtual ~Ast(); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType ); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType, int iVal ); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType, float fVal ); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType, bool bVal ); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType, const Bu::FString &sVal ); void addNode( struct YYLTYPE &loc, AstNode::Type eType, const char *sVal ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType, int iVal ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType, float fVal ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType, bool bVal ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType, const Bu::FString &sVal ); void addNode( AstNode::Type eType, const char *sVal ); void addNode( AstNode *pNode ); void openBranch(); void closeNode(); NodeList::const_iterator getNodeBegin() const; private: NodeList lNode; typedef Bu::Stack BranchStack; BranchStack sBranch; }; Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Ast &a ); #endif