%defines %{ # include # include "buildparser.h" # include "build.tab.h" # include "action.h" void yyerror( YYLTYPE *locp, BuildParser &bld, char const *msg ); %} %parse-param { BuildParser &bld } %lex-param { BuildParser &bld } %pure-parser %locations %debug %error-verbose %union { char *strval; } %token STRING "string literal" %token TARGETTYPE "target type" %token FUNCTION "function name" %token PERFORM "perform name" %token TOK_ADDSET "+=" %token TOK_DEFAULT "default" %token TOK_ACTION "action" %token TOK_CHECK "check" %token TOK_CLEAN "clean" %token TOK_RULE "rule" %token TOK_TARGET "target" %token TOK_SET "set" %token TOK_INPUT "input" %token TOK_FILTER "filter" %token TOK_PREFIX "prefix" %token TOK_REQUIRES "requires" %token TOK_MATCHES "matches" %token TOK_PERFORM "perform" %token TOK_PRODUCES "produces" %token TOK_AGGREGATE "aggregate" %token TOK_GROUP "group" %token ',' ':' '=' '(' ')' %destructor { delete[] $$; } STRING FUNCTION %% // General input format input: | input rule | input action | input target | input set ; // Rule interpretation rule: TOK_RULE STRING ':' { bld.addRule( $2 ); } rulecmds ; rulecmds: rulecmd | rulecmds ',' rulecmd ; rulecmd: TOK_MATCHES func { bld.addRuleMatches(); } | TOK_PRODUCES list { bld.addRuleProduces(); } | TOK_REQUIRES list { bld.addRuleRequires(); } | TOK_INPUT TOK_FILTER func { bld.addRuleInputFilter(); } | TOK_PERFORM perf { bld.addRulePerform(); } | TOK_AGGREGATE func { bld.setRuleAggregate(); } ; // Action interpretation action: TOK_DEFAULT TOK_ACTION ':' { bld.addAction(); } actioncmds | STRING TOK_ACTION ':' { if( $1[0] == '\0' ) bld.error( &yylloc, "You cannot use an empty string as the name of an action." ); bld.addAction( $1 ); } actioncmds ; actioncmds: actioncmd | actioncmds ',' actioncmd ; actioncmd: TOK_CHECK list { bld.addCommand( Action::actCheck ); } | TOK_CLEAN list { bld.addCommand( Action::actClean ); } | TOK_CHECK TOK_GROUP STRING | TOK_CLEAN TOK_GROUP STRING ; // Target interpretation target: list ':' { bld.newTarget(); } targetcmds ; targetcmds: targetcmd | targetcmds ',' targetcmd ; targetcmd: TOK_RULE STRING { bld.setTargetRule( $2 ); } | TOK_TARGET TOK_PREFIX STRING { bld.setTargetPrefix( $3 ); } | TOK_TARGET TARGETTYPE { bld.setTargetType( $2 ); } | TOK_INPUT list { bld.addTargetInput(); } | TOK_REQUIRES list { bld.addTargetRequires(); } | TOK_SET targetset | TOK_GROUP STRING { bld.addTargetGroup( $2 ); } ; targetset: STRING '=' STRING { bld.addTargetSet( $1, $3, setSet ); } | STRING TOK_ADDSET STRING { bld.addTargetSet( $1, $3, setAdd ); } ; // global set set: TOK_SET setwhat ; setwhat: STRING '=' STRING { bld.addGlobalSet( $1, $3, setSet ); } | STRING TOK_ADDSET STRING { bld.addGlobalSet( $1, $3, setAdd ); } ; // list goo list: singlelistitem listfilter | '[' { bld.newList(); } listitems ']' listfilter ; listfilter: | TOK_FILTER func { bld.filterList(); } ; listitems: listitem | listitems ',' listitem ; listitem: STRING { bld.addListString( $1 ); } | func { bld.addListFunc(); } ; singlelistitem: STRING { bld.newList(); bld.addListString( $1 ); } | func { bld.newList(); bld.addListFunc(); } ; // Function func: FUNCTION { bld.newFunctionCall( $1 ); } '(' funcparams ')' ; funcparams: | STRING { bld.addFunctionParam( $1 ); } | funcparams ',' STRING { bld.addFunctionParam( $3 ); } ; // Perform perf: PERFORM { bld.newPerform( $1 ); } '(' perfparams ')' ; perfparams: | STRING { bld.addPerformParam( $1 ); } | perfparams ',' STRING { bld.addPerformParam( $3 ); } ; %% void yyerror( YYLTYPE *locp, BuildParser &bld, char const *msg ) { bld.error( locp, msg ); }