#include #include "builder.h" #include "action.h" #include "command.h" #include "target.h" #include "build.tab.h" #include "rule.h" #include "viewer.h" subExceptionDef( BuildException ) Builder::Builder( Viewer &rView ) : pDefaultAction( NULL ), pLastAddedAction( NULL ), sTmp(""), sContext(""), rView( rView ) { } Builder::~Builder() { } void yyparse( Builder &bld ); void Builder::load( const char *sFN ) { file = sFN; scanBegin(); yyparse( *this ); scanEnd(); } void Builder::build( const char *sAct ) { Action *pAct; if( sAct == NULL ) pAct = pDefaultAction; else { if( mAction.find( sAct ) == mAction.end() ) throw BuildException("No action matches '%s'.", sAct ); pAct = mAction[sAct]; } rView.beginAction( sAct, pAct->getNumCommands() ); pAct->execute( *this ); rView.endAction(); } void Builder::execute( Action *pAct ) { pAct->execute( *this ); } void Builder::add( Action *pAct ) { if( pAct->isDefault() ) { if( pDefaultAction ) throw BuildException("There's already a default exception"); pDefaultAction = pAct; } else { mAction[pAct->getName()] = pAct; } pLastAddedAction = pAct; } void Builder::add( Command *pCmd ) { if( pLastAddedAction ) { pLastAddedAction->add( pCmd ); } } void Builder::add( Rule *pRule ) { pLastAddedRule = pRule; mRule[pRule->getName()] = pRule; } void Builder::add( Target *pTarg ) { pLastAddedTarget = pTarg; mTarget[pTarg->getName()] = pTarg; } void Builder::debug() { printf("Actions:\n"); pDefaultAction->debug(); for( std::map::iterator i = mAction.begin(); i != mAction.end(); i++ ) { (*i).second->debug(); } printf("Targets:\n"); for( std::map::iterator i = mTarget.begin(); i != mTarget.end(); i++ ) { (*i).second->debug(); } printf("Rules:\n"); for( std::map::iterator i = mRule.begin(); i != mRule.end(); i++ ) { (*i).second->debug(); } printf("Variables:\n"); for( varmap::iterator i = mVar.begin(); i != mVar.end(); i++ ) { printf(" %s = \"%s\"\n", (*i).first.c_str(), (*i).second.c_str() ); } printf("Variables (by context):\n"); for( std::map::iterator j = mContVar.begin(); j != mContVar.end(); j++ ) { printf(" %s:\n", (*j).first.c_str() ); for( varmap::iterator i = (*j).second.begin(); i != (*j).second.end(); i++ ) { printf(" %s = \"%s\"\n", (*i).first.c_str(), (*i).second.c_str() ); } } printf("Dependancies:\n"); for( std::map *>::iterator i = mRequires.begin(); i != mRequires.end(); i++ ) { printf(" %s: ", (*i).first.c_str() ); std::list *pList = (*i).second; int i = 0; for( std::list::iterator j = pList->begin(); j != pList->end(); j++ ) { if( j != pList->begin() ) printf(", "); printf("%s", (*j).c_str() ); if( i++ >= 3 ) { printf("..."); break; } } printf("\n"); } } void Builder::checkVar( const char *cont, const char *sName ) { if( cont[0] != '\0' ) { varmap &mmVar = mContVar[cont]; if( mmVar.find( sName ) == mmVar.end() ) { checkVar( "", sName ); mmVar[sName] = mVar[sName]; } } else { if( mVar.find( sName ) == mVar.end() ) { char *env = getenv( sName ); if( env ) mVar[sName] = env; else mVar[sName] = ""; } } } void Builder::varSet( const char *sName, const char *sValue ) { checkVar( sContext, sName ); std::string newVal = varRepl( sValue, sContext, NULL ); if( sContext[0] == '\0' ) { mVar[sName] = newVal; } else { mContVar[sContext.getString()][sName] = newVal; } } void Builder::varAddSet( const char *sName, const char *sValue ) { checkVar( sContext, sName ); std::string newVal = varRepl( sValue, sContext, NULL ); if( sContext[0] == '\0' ) { std::string s = mVar[sName]; s += " "; s += newVal; mVar[sName] = s; } else { std::string s = mContVar[sContext.getString()][sName]; s += " "; s += newVal; mContVar[sContext.getString()][sName] = s; } } void Builder::processRequires( std::list &lInput ) { // These are cheap and handy to have all the time for( regreqlist::iterator i = lRequiresRegexp.begin(); i != lRequiresRegexp.end(); i++ ) { RegExp *re = (*i).first; for( std::list::iterator j = lInput.begin(); j != lInput.end(); j++ ) { if( re->execute( (*j).c_str() ) ) { varmap *revars = regexVars( re ); requiresNormal( (*j).c_str(), varRepl( (*i).second.c_str(), "", revars ).c_str() ); delete revars; } } } // These are only done on request now, they were too expensive /* for( regreqlist::iterator i = lRequiresRegexpCommand.begin(); i != lRequiresRegexpCommand.end(); i++ ) { RegExp *re = (*i).first; for( std::list::iterator j = lInput.begin(); j != lInput.end(); j++ ) { if( re->execute( (*j).c_str() ) ) { varmap *revars = regexVars( re ); std::string s = varRepl( (*i).second.c_str(), "", revars ); FILE *fcmd = popen( s.c_str(), "r" ); std::string rhs; bool bHeader = true; for(;;) { if( feof( fcmd ) ) break; int cc = fgetc( fcmd ); if( cc == EOF ) break; unsigned char c = cc; if( bHeader ) { if( c == ':' ) bHeader = false; } else { if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) { if( rhs != "" ) { requiresNormal( (*j).c_str(), rhs.c_str() ); rhs = ""; } } else { if( c == '\\' ) c = fgetc( fcmd ); if( c != '\n' ) rhs += c; } } } if( rhs != "" ) { requiresNormal( (*j).c_str(), rhs.c_str() ); rhs = ""; } pclose( fcmd ); delete revars; } } } */ } void Builder::genRequiresFor( const char *sName ) { for( regreqlist::iterator i = lRequiresRegexpCommand.begin(); i != lRequiresRegexpCommand.end(); i++ ) { RegExp *re = (*i).first; if( re->execute( sName ) ) { varmap *revars = regexVars( re ); std::string s = varRepl( (*i).second.c_str(), "", revars ); rView.beginExtraRequiresCheck( s.c_str() ); rView.executeCmd( s.c_str() ); FILE *fcmd = popen( s.c_str(), "r" ); std::string rhs; bool bHeader = true; for(;;) { if( feof( fcmd ) ) break; int cc = fgetc( fcmd ); if( cc == EOF ) break; unsigned char c = cc; if( bHeader ) { if( c == ':' ) bHeader = false; } else { if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) { if( rhs != "" ) { requiresNormal( sName, rhs.c_str() ); rhs = ""; } } else { if( c == '\\' ) c = fgetc( fcmd ); if( c != '\n' ) rhs += c; } } } if( rhs != "" ) { requiresNormal( sName, rhs.c_str() ); rhs = ""; } pclose( fcmd ); delete revars; rView.endExtraRequiresCheck(); } } } std::map *Builder::regexVars( RegExp *re ) { varmap *map = new varmap; int jmax = re->getNumSubStrings(); for( int j = 0; j < jmax; j++ ) { char buf[8]; sprintf( buf, "re:%d", j ); (*map)[buf] = re->getSubString( j ); } return map; } void Builder::requires( const char *sBase, const char *sReq ) { if( bReqRegexp ) { requiresRegexp( sBase, sReq ); } else { requiresNormal( sBase, sReq ); } } void Builder::requiresNormal( const char *sBase, const char *sReq ) { std::list *pList = NULL; if( mRequires.find(sBase) == mRequires.end() ) { pList = new std::list; mRequires[sBase] = pList; } else { pList = mRequires[sBase]; } pList->push_back( sReq ); } void Builder::requiresRegexp( const char *sBase, const char *sReq ) { lRequiresRegexp.push_back( std::pair( new RegExp( sBase ), sReq ) ); } void Builder::requiresFromCommand( const char *sBase, const char *sCmd ) { lRequiresRegexpCommand.push_back( std::pair( new RegExp( sBase ), sCmd ) ); } void Builder::setContext( const char *sCont ) { sContext = sCont; } void Builder::setContext() { setContext(""); } bool Builder::hasVar( varmap *pMap, std::string &var ) { if( pMap == NULL ) return false; if( pMap->find( var ) == pMap->end() ) return false; return true; } std::string Builder::varRepl( const char *sSrc, const char *cont, varmap *mExtra ) { varmap *mCont = NULL; if( cont[0] != '\0' ) { if( mContVar.find( cont ) != mContVar.end() ) mCont = &mContVar[cont]; } std::string out; std::string var; bool bVar = false; for( const char *s = sSrc; *s; s++ ) { if( *s == '{' ) { bVar = true; continue; } else if( *s == '}' && bVar ) { if( hasVar( mExtra, var ) ) { out += (*mExtra)[var]; } else if( hasVar( mCont, var ) ) { out += (*mCont)[var]; } else if( hasVar( &mVar, var ) ) { out += mVar[var]; } var = ""; bVar = false; continue; } if( bVar == true ) { var += *s; } else { out += *s; } } return out; } Rule *Builder::getRule( const char *sName ) { if( mRule.find( sName ) != mRule.end() ) return mRule[sName]; return NULL; } std::list Builder::findRuleChain( Rule *pRule ) { std::list ret; for( std::map::iterator i = mRule.begin(); i != mRule.end(); i++ ) { if( pRule == (*i).second ) continue; if( pRule->willChain( (*i).second ) ) { ret.push_back( (*i).second ); } } return ret; } void cleanList( std::list &lst ) { std::map m; for( std::list::iterator i = lst.begin(); i != lst.end(); i++ ) { if( m.find( *i ) == m.end() ) m[ *i ] = true; else { std::list::iterator j = i; j--; lst.erase( i ); i = j; } } } void Builder::error( const std::string &err ) { throw BuildException( err.c_str() ); }