#include "buildparser.h" #include "functionfactory.h" #include "performfactory.h" #include "targetfactory.h" #include "action.h" #include "build.h" #include "rule.h" #include "stringprocbuild.h" BuildParser::BuildParser() : fFunction( FunctionFactory::getInstance() ), fPerform( PerformFactory::getInstance() ), fTarget( TargetFactory::getInstance() ) { } BuildParser::~BuildParser() { } void yyparse( BuildParser &bld ); extern int yydebug; Build *BuildParser::load( const std::string &sFile ) { file = sFile; scanBegin(); //yydebug = 1; yyparse( *this ); scanEnd(); return genBuild(); } // // Target functions // bool BuildParser::isTarget( const char *sType ) { return fTarget.hasPlugin( sType ); } void BuildParser::newTarget() { lTargetTmp.push_back( TargetTmp(lTmp, TargetInfo()) ); } void BuildParser::setTargetRule( const char *sRule ) { lTargetTmp.back().second.sRule = sRule; } void BuildParser::setTargetPrefix( const char *sPrefix ) { lTargetTmp.back().second.sPrefix = sPrefix; } void BuildParser::setTargetType( const char *sType ) { lTargetTmp.back().second.sType = sType; } void BuildParser::addTargetInput() { lTargetTmp.back().second.lInput.insert( lTargetTmp.back().second.lInput.end(), lTmp.begin(), lTmp.end() ); } void BuildParser::addTargetRequires() { lTargetTmp.back().second.lRequires.insert( lTargetTmp.back().second.lRequires.end(), lTmp.begin(), lTmp.end() ); } void BuildParser::addTargetSet( const char *sVar, const char *sVal, int nHow ) { lTargetTmp.back().second.lVar.push_back( SetVar( sVar, sVal, nHow ) ); } // // Function functions // bool BuildParser::isFunction( const char *sFunc ) { return fFunction.hasPlugin( sFunc ); } void BuildParser::newFunctionCall( const char *sName ) { pTmpFunc = fFunction.instantiate( sName ); } void BuildParser::addFunctionParam( const char *sParam ) { pTmpFunc->addParam( sParam ); } // // List functions // void BuildParser::newList() { lTmp.clear(); } void BuildParser::addListString( const char *str ) { lTmp.push_back( BuildListItem(str, NULL) ); } void BuildParser::addListFunc() { lTmp.push_back( BuildListItem("", pTmpFunc ) ); } void BuildParser::filterList() { StringList lTmp2; StringList lIn = buildToStringList( lTmp, StringList() ); pTmpFunc->execute( NULL, lIn, lTmp2 ); lTmp.clear(); for( StringList::iterator i = lTmp2.begin(); i != lTmp2.end(); i++ ) { lTmp.push_back( BuildListItem( *i, NULL ) ); } } StringList BuildParser::buildToStringList( const BuildList &lSrc, const StringList &lIn ) { StringList lOut; for( BuildList::const_iterator i = lSrc.begin(); i != lSrc.end(); i++ ) { if( (*i).second ) { (*i).second->execute( NULL, lIn, lOut ); } else { lOut.push_back( (*i).first ); } } return lOut; } // // Rule functions // void BuildParser::addRule( const char *sName ) { lRuleTmp.push_back( RuleInfo() ); lRuleTmp.back().sName = sName; lRuleTmp.back().pAggregate = NULL; } void BuildParser::addRuleMatches() { lRuleTmp.back().pMatches = pTmpFunc; } void BuildParser::addRuleProduces() { lRuleTmp.back().lProduces.insert( lRuleTmp.back().lProduces.end(), lTmp.begin(), lTmp.end() ); } void BuildParser::addRuleRequires() { lRuleTmp.back().lRequires.insert( lRuleTmp.back().lRequires.end(), lTmp.begin(), lTmp.end() ); } void BuildParser::addRuleInputFilter() { lRuleTmp.back().lFilter.push_back( pTmpFunc ); } void BuildParser::addRulePerform() { lRuleTmp.back().lPerform.push_back( pTmpPerform ); } void BuildParser::setRuleAggregate() { lRuleTmp.back().pAggregate = pTmpFunc; } // // Perform functions // bool BuildParser::isPerform( const char *sPerf ) { return fPerform.hasPlugin( sPerf ); } void BuildParser::newPerform( const char *sName ) { pTmpPerform = fPerform.instantiate( sName ); } void BuildParser::addPerformParam( const char *sParam ) { pTmpPerform->addParam( sParam ); } // // Functions for dealing with actions // void BuildParser::addAction() { lActions.push_back( ActionTmp("", ActionTmpCmdList()) ); } void BuildParser::addAction( const char *sName ) { lActions.push_back( ActionTmp(sName, ActionTmpCmdList()) ); } void BuildParser::addCommand( int nType ) { lActions.back().second.push_back( ActionTmpCmd( nType, lTmp ) ); } // // Global variable functions // void BuildParser::addGlobalSet( const char *sVar, const char *sValue, int nHow ) { lGlobalVars.push_back( SetVar( sVar, sValue, nHow ) ); } // // Debug // void BuildParser::debugDump() { printf("Actions:\n"); for( ActionTmpList::iterator i = lActions.begin(); i != lActions.end(); i++ ) { if( (*i).first == "" ) { printf(" default:\n"); } else { printf(" \"%s\":\n", (*i).first.c_str() ); } for( ActionTmpCmdList::iterator j = (*i).second.begin(); j != (*i).second.end(); j++ ) { printf(" %d ", (*j).first ); printBuildList( (*j).second ); printf("\n"); } } printf("\nTargets:\n"); for( TargetTmpList::iterator i = lTargetTmp.begin(); i != lTargetTmp.end(); i++ ) { printf(" "); printBuildList( (*i).first ); printf(":\n"); printf(" Rule: %s\n", (*i).second.sRule.c_str() ); printf(" Prefix: %s\n", (*i).second.sPrefix.c_str() ); printf(" Type: %s\n", (*i).second.sType.c_str() ); printf(" Input: "); printBuildList( (*i).second.lInput ); printf("\n Requires: "); printBuildList( (*i).second.lRequires ); printf("\n Vars:\n"); for( SetVarList::iterator j = (*i).second.lVar.begin(); j != (*i).second.lVar.end(); j++ ) { char *op; switch( (*j).third ) { case setSet: op = "="; break; case setAdd: op = "+="; break; } printf(" %s %s %s\n", (*j).first.c_str(), op, (*j).second.c_str() ); } } printf("\nGlobals:\n"); for( SetVarList::iterator j = lGlobalVars.begin(); j != lGlobalVars.end(); j++ ) { char *op; switch( (*j).third ) { case setSet: op = "="; break; case setAdd: op = "+="; break; } printf(" %s %s %s\n", (*j).first.c_str(), op, (*j).second.c_str() ); } printf("\nRules:\n"); for( RuleTmpList::iterator i = lRuleTmp.begin(); i != lRuleTmp.end(); i++ ) { printf(" %s:\n", (*i).sName.c_str() ); printf(" Matches: func()\n"); printf(" Produces: "); printBuildList( (*i).lProduces ); printf("\n Requires: "); printBuildList( (*i).lRequires ); printf("\n Filters: %d\n", (*i).lFilter.size() ); printf(" Performs: %d\n", (*i).lPerform.size() ); } } void BuildParser::printBuildList( const BuildList &lst ) { printf("["); for( BuildList::const_iterator k = lst.begin(); k != lst.end(); k++ ) { if( k != lst.begin() ) { printf(", "); } if( (*k).second ) { printf("func()"); } else { printf("\"%s\"", (*k).first.c_str() ); } } printf("]"); } // // Actually make a build object // Build *BuildParser::genBuild() { Build *bld = new Build; bld->setStringProc( new StringProcBuild( bld ) ); for( SetVarList::iterator i = lGlobalVars.begin(); i != lGlobalVars.end(); i++ ) { switch( (*i).third ) { case setSet: bld->set( "", (*i).first, (*i).second ); break; case setAdd: bld->setAdd( "", (*i).first, (*i).second ); break; } } for( TargetTmpList::iterator i = lTargetTmp.begin(); i != lTargetTmp.end(); i++ ) { StringList lTargetNames = buildToStringList( (*i).first, StringList() ); for( StringList::iterator j = lTargetNames.begin(); j != lTargetNames.end(); j++ ) { if( (*i).second.sType != "" ) { Target *pTarget = fTarget.instantiate( (*i).second.sType.c_str() ); pTarget->setName( *j ); pTarget->setRule( (*i).second.sRule ); StringList lInputs = buildToStringList( (*i).second.lInput, StringList() ); pTarget->getInput().insert( pTarget->getInput().end(), lInputs.begin(), lInputs.end() ); bld->addTarget( pTarget ); } StringList lReqs = buildToStringList( (*i).second.lRequires, StringList() ); for( StringList::iterator k = lReqs.begin(); k != lReqs.end(); k++ ) { bld->addRequires( (*j), (*k) ); } for( SetVarList::iterator k = (*i).second.lVar.begin(); k != (*i).second.lVar.end(); k++ ) { switch( (*k).third ) { case setSet: bld->set( *j, (*k).first, (*k).second ); break; case setAdd: bld->setAdd( *j, (*k).first, (*k).second ); break; } } } } for( RuleTmpList::iterator i = lRuleTmp.begin(); i != lRuleTmp.end(); i++ ) { Rule *pRule = new Rule; pRule->setName( (*i).sName ); pRule->getMatchesList().push_back( (*i).pMatches ); for( FunctionList::iterator j = (*i).lFilter.begin(); j != (*i).lFilter.end(); j++ ) { pRule->getFilterList().push_back( *j ); } for( PerformList::iterator j = (*i).lPerform.begin(); j != (*i).lPerform.end(); j++ ) { pRule->getPerformList().push_back( *j ); } for( BuildList::iterator j = (*i).lProduces.begin(); j != (*i).lProduces.end(); j++ ) { if( (*j).second ) { throw BuildException( "You cannot have functions in produces lists (rule %s).", (*i).sName.c_str() ); } pRule->getProducesList().push_back( (*j).first ); } if( (*i).pAggregate ) { pRule->setAggregate( (*i).pAggregate ); } for( BuildList::iterator j = (*i).lRequires.begin(); j != (*i).lRequires.end(); j++ ) { if( (*j).second ) { pRule->getReqFuncList().push_back( (*j).second ); } else { pRule->getReqStrList().push_back( (*j).first ); } } bld->addRule( pRule ); } for( ActionTmpList::iterator i = lActions.begin(); i != lActions.end(); i++ ) { Action *pAct = new Action; pAct->setName( (*i).first ); for( ActionTmpCmdList::iterator j = (*i).second.begin(); j != (*i).second.end(); j++ ) { StringList lWhat = buildToStringList( (*j).second, StringList() ); for( StringList::iterator k = lWhat.begin(); k != lWhat.end(); k++ ) { pAct->addCommand( (Action::eAction)((*j).first), *k ); } } bld->addAction( pAct ); } return bld; }