/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Xagasoft Build and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "context.h" #include "target.h" #include "rule.h" #include "function.h" #include "runner.h" #include "action.h" #include "profile.h" #include "view.h" #include "functionplugger.h" #include #include using namespace Bu; Context::Context() : pView( NULL ) { pushScope(); } Context::~Context() { } void Context::addTarget( Target *pTarget ) { for( StrList::const_iterator i = pTarget->getOutputList().begin(); i; i++ ) { hTarget.insert( (*i).getStr(), pTarget ); } } void Context::addRule( Rule *pRule ) { hRule.insert( pRule->getName(), pRule ); } void Context::addFunction( Function *pFunction ) { pFunction->setContext( this ); hFunction.insert( pFunction->getName(), pFunction ); } void Context::addVariable( const Bu::String &sName, const Variable &vValue ) { for( ScopeStack::iterator i = sVars.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i).has( sName ) ) { // sio << "Replacing higher scope variable \"" << sName << "\" with value \"" << (*i).get( sName ) << "\" with new value \"" << vValue << "\"" << sio.nl; (*i).insert( sName, vValue ); return; } } sVars.first().insert( sName, vValue ); } void Context::addAction( Action *pAction ) { hAction.insert( pAction->getName(), pAction ); } Action *Context::getAction( const Bu::String &sName ) { return hAction.get( sName ); } void Context::addTargetToTag( Target *pTarget, const Bu::String &sTag ) { if( !hTag.has( sTag ) ) { hTag.insert( sTag, TargetList() ); } hTag.get( sTag ).append( pTarget ); } void Context::addTargetToTags( Target *pTarget, const StrList &sTags ) { for( StrList::const_iterator i = sTags.begin(); i; i++ ) { addTargetToTag( pTarget, *i ); } } TargetList &Context::getTag( const Bu::String &sTag ) { return hTag.get( sTag ); } Variable &Context::getVariable( const Bu::String &sName ) { for( ScopeStack::iterator i = sVars.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i).has( sName ) ) { return (*i).get( sName ); } } throw Bu::ExceptionBase("No such variable."); } void Context::delVariable( const Bu::String &sName ) { for( ScopeStack::iterator i = sVars.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i).has( sName ) ) { (*i).erase( sName ); } } } void Context::pushScope() { VarHash h; if( !sVars.isEmpty() ) h = sVars.peek(); sVars.push( h ); } void Context::pushScope( const VarHash &hNewVars ) { // sio << "Pushing scope, merging contexts." << sio.nl << sio.nl; VarHash h = hNewVars; if( !sVars.isEmpty() ) { // sio << "hNewVars = " << h << sio.nl << sio.nl // << "sVars = " << sVars.peek() << sio.nl; for( VarHash::iterator i = sVars.peek().begin(); i; i++ ) { // sio << "Checking '" << i.getKey() << "' (" << i.getValue() << ")." << sio.nl; if( !h.has( i.getKey() ) ) { // sio << " Context doesn't have '" << i.getKey() << "' adding... '" << i.getValue() << "'." << sio.nl; h.insert( i.getKey(), i.getValue() ); } } } sVars.push( h ); } VarHash &Context::getScope() { return sVars.peek(); } void Context::popScope() { sVars.pop(); } Variable Context::call( const Bu::String &sName, Variable &input, VarList lParams ) { if( !hFunction.has( sName ) ) { // Try to load the function... try { addFunction( FunctionPlugger::getInstance().instantiate( sName ) ); } catch(...) { throw Bu::ExceptionBase("Unknown function called: %s", sName.getStr() ); } } return hFunction.get( sName )->call( input, lParams ); } #include using namespace Bu; Bu::String Context::expand( const Bu::String &sInS ) { Bu::String sRet; Bu::String sIn = sInS; for( int iPass = 0; iPass < 2; iPass++ ) { Bu::String::const_iterator b = sIn.begin(); sRet.clear(); for(;;) { Bu::String::const_iterator e = b.find('$'); if( !e ) { sRet.append( b ); break; } sRet.append( b, e ); b = e+1; if( !b ) { sRet.append('$'); } else if( *b == '{' ) { b++; e = b.find('}'); Bu::String sVar( b, e ); try { sRet.append( getVariable( sVar ).toString() ); } catch(...) { // TODO: This may be handy debugging later... //sio << "No variable named " << sVar << sio.nl; //sio << "Vars: " << sVars << sio.nl << sio.nl; } b = e+1; } else if( *b == '(' && iPass == 1 ) { Bu::String sCmd; b++; for( e = b; e != ')'; e++ ) { if( *e == '\\' && *(e+1) == ')' ) { sCmd += ')'; e++; } else sCmd += *e; } //e = b.find(')'); // Bu::String sCmd( b, e ); Bu::String sBuf; try { //sio << "Executing command: >>>" << sCmd << "<<<" << sio.nl; Process p( Process::StdOut, "/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-c", sCmd.getStr(), NULL ); char buf[4096]; do { sBuf.append( buf, p.read( buf, 4096 ) ); } while( p.isRunning() ); sBuf.append( buf, p.read( buf, 4096 ) ); sBuf = sBuf.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " "). trimWhitespace(); sRet.append( sBuf ); } catch(...) { // TODO: This may be handy debugging later... //sio << "No variable named " << sVar << sio.nl; //sio << "Vars: " << sVars << sio.nl << sio.nl; } b = e+1; } else { // Not a match, uh, just output the $ for now... sRet.append('$'); } } sIn = sRet; } return sRet; } Target *Context::getTarget( const Bu::String &sOutput ) { return hTarget.get( sOutput ); } TargetList Context::getExplicitTargets() { TargetList lRet; for( TargetHash::iterator i = hTarget.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i)->isExplicit() ) lRet.append( *i ); } return lRet; } void Context::buildTargetTree( Runner &r ) { TargetList lTargets = hTarget.getValues(); for( TargetList::iterator i = lTargets.begin(); i; i++ ) { // I believe we only want to autogenerate targets for explicit targets // that have rules defined. if( !(*i)->isExplicit() || !(*i)->hasRule() ) continue; StrList lNewIns; // The new "changed" inputs for this target Rule *pMaster; try { pMaster = hRule.get( (*i)->getRule() ); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { throw Bu::ExceptionBase("Unknown rule: %s", (*i)->getRule().getStr() ); } for( StrList::const_iterator j = (*i)->getInputList().begin(); j; j++ ) { if( pMaster->ruleMatches( r, *j ) ) { lNewIns.append( *j ); } if( hTarget.has( *j ) ) { // Find the existing dependancy lNewIns.append( *j ); } //else //{ buildTargetTree( r, *i, *j, pMaster, lNewIns ); //} } pMaster->prepTarget( *i ); (*i)->resetInputList( lNewIns ); } //sio << "Building dependancies: " << Fmt(3) << 0 << "%\r" << sio.flush; //int iSize = hTarget.getSize(), iCur = 0; for( TargetHash::iterator i = hTarget.begin(); i; i++ ) { // Before we can take a look at the requirements, we need to build // them... // (*i)->buildRequires( r ); // For every target we have to examine both it's inputs and it's // additional requirements. Inputs first StrList lDeps( (*i)->getInputList() ); lDeps += (*i)->getRequiresList(); for( StrList::const_iterator j = lDeps.begin(); j; j++ ) { try { (*i)->addDep( hTarget.get( *j ) ); } catch(...) { } } //iCur++; // sio << "Building dependancies: " << Fmt(3) << (iCur*100/iSize) << "%\r" << sio.flush; (*i)->collapseDeps(); } // sio << sio.nl; for( TargetHash::iterator i = hTarget.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( !(*i)->isExplicit() ) continue; (*i)->setDepCount(); (*i)->resetRun( false ); } } void Context::buildTargetTree( class Runner &r, class Target *pTarget, const Bu::String &sInput, Rule *pMaster, StrList &lNewIns ) { Target *pNewTarget = NULL; for( RuleHash::iterator i = hRule.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i)->hasOutputs() && (*i)->ruleMatches( r, sInput ) ) { pNewTarget = (*i)->createTarget( r, sInput, pTarget ); Bu::Hash hDone; for( StrList::const_iterator oi = pNewTarget->getOutputList().begin(); oi; oi++ ) { try { Target *pOver = hTarget.get( *oi ); if( hDone.has( (ptrdiff_t)pOver ) ) continue; hDone.insert( (ptrdiff_t)pOver, true ); if( !pOver->isExplicit() ) { delete pNewTarget; pNewTarget = pOver; break; } pOver->mergeUnder( pNewTarget ); delete pNewTarget; // sio << "Delete: " << Fmt::ptr() << (ptrdiff_t)pNewTarget << sio.nl; pNewTarget = pOver; break; } catch(...) { } } // We actually want to add this either way, if the merge added new // outputs, then we need to take them into account. addTarget( pNewTarget ); addTargetToTags( pNewTarget, (*i)->getTagList() ); // We have created a new target (or not, either way, we need to // check if it matches.) for( StrList::const_iterator m = pNewTarget->getOutputList().begin(); m; m++ ) { // Does the new output match the master rule? if( pMaster->ruleMatches( r, (*m) ) ) { lNewIns.append( (*m) ); // sio << "What?" << sio.nl; // These relationships are difficult to pick up on except // that one target was created by the other, I suppose. // Anyway, that means that we need to add this while we // can. // pTarget->addDep( pNewTarget ); } // else // { buildTargetTree( r, pNewTarget, *m, pMaster, lNewIns ); // } } return; } } if( !pNewTarget ) { //sio << "Incomplete tree created, trying to find purpose for \"" // << sInput << "\"." << sio.nl; return; } } void Context::attachDefaults() { for( TargetHash::iterator i = hTarget.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( !(*i)->hasProfile("clean") ) { (*i)->addProfile( Profile::genDefaultClean() ); } } } void Context::genDefaultActions() { if( !hAction.has("all") ) { addAction( Action::genDefaultAll() ); } if( !hAction.has("clean") ) { addAction( Action::genDefaultClean() ); } if( !hAction.has("clean-all") ) { addAction( Action::genDefaultCleanAll() ); } if( !hAction.has("default") ) { addAction( Action::genDefaultDefault() ); } } void Context::writeTargetDot() { Bu::Hash hDone; sio << "digraph {" << sio.nl << "\trankdir=LR;" << sio.nl; for( TargetHash::iterator i = hTarget.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( hDone.has( (ptrdiff_t)*i ) ) continue; hDone.insert( (ptrdiff_t)*i, true ); for( StrList::const_iterator l = (*i)->getOutputList().begin(); l; l++ ) { for( StrList::const_iterator k = (*i)->getInputList().begin(); k; k++ ) { sio << "\t\"" << *k << "\" -> \"" << *l << "\";" << sio.nl; } for( StrList::const_iterator k = (*i)->getRequiresList().begin(); k; k++ ) { sio << "\t\"" << *k << "\" -> \"" << *l << "\" [color=red];" << sio.nl; } } } sio << "}" << sio.nl; } void Context::setView( View *pNewView ) { delete pView; pView = pNewView; } View *Context::getView() { return pView; } Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Context &c ) { f << "Variables: " << c.sVars << f.nl; f << "Targets: " << c.hTarget << f.nl; f << "Rules: " << c.hRule << f.nl; return f; } void Context::printBasicInfo() { sio << "Available actions:" << sio.nl << "\t"; for( ActionHash::iterator i = hAction.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != hAction.begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << i.getKey(); } TargetList lTargets = getExplicitTargets(); sio << sio.nl << sio.nl << "Available targets:" << sio.nl << "\t"; for( TargetList::iterator i = lTargets.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lTargets.begin() ) sio << ", "; for( StrList::const_iterator j = (*i)->getOutputList().begin(); j; j++ ) { if( j != (*i)->getOutputList().begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << (*j); } } sio << sio.nl << sio.nl; }