#ifndef CONTEXT_H #define CONTEXT_H #include "bu/hash.h" #include "bu/fstring.h" #include "variable.h" class Target; class Rule; class Function; class Action; class View; class Context { friend Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Context &c ); public: Context(); virtual ~Context(); void addTarget( Target *pTarget ); void addRule( Rule *pRule ); void addFunction( Function *pFunction ); void addVariable( const Bu::FString &sName, const Variable &vValue ); void addAction( Action *pAction ); Action *getAction( const Bu::FString &sName ); void addTargetToTag( Target *pTarget, const Bu::FString &sTag ); void addTargetToTags( Target *pTarget, const StrList &sTags ); TargetList &getTag( const Bu::FString &sTag ); Variable &getVariable( const Bu::FString &sName ); void delVariable( const Bu::FString &sName ); void pushScope(); void pushScope( const VarHash &hNewVars ); VarHash &getScope(); void popScope(); Variable call( const Bu::FString &sName, Variable &input, VarList lParams ); Bu::FString expand( const Bu::FString &sIn ); Target *getTarget( const Bu::FString &sOutput ); TargetList getExplicitTargets(); /** * This function actually builds the dependancy tree, and is responsible * for creating all of the auto-generated targets that are required by the * explicitly created targets. */ void buildTargetTree( class Runner &r ); /** * This is done as a final step, it goes through all targets and * attaches things that they should have even if they haven't defined them, * like a clean profile, they'll get that even if they haven't added one of * their own. The defaults in this routine are added only if they aren't * already defined in the target. It should be excetued after * buildTargetTree, which means it doesn't need to affect rules. */ void attachDefaults(); /** * This function generates some default actions if they don't already * exist, pretty straight forward, it will create all, clean, and default * (default is the same as all). */ void genDefaultActions(); void writeTargetDot(); void setView( View *pNewView ); View *getView(); void printBasicInfo(); private: void buildTargetTree( class Runner &r, class Target *pTarget, const Bu::FString &sInput, class Rule *pMaster, StrList &lNewIns ); private: typedef Bu::Hash TargetHash; typedef Bu::Hash RuleHash; typedef Bu::Hash FunctionHash; typedef Bu::Hash ActionHash; typedef Bu::List ScopeStack; typedef Bu::Hash TagHash; TargetHash hTarget; RuleHash hRule; FunctionHash hFunction; ScopeStack sVars; ActionHash hAction; TagHash hTag; View *pView; }; Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Context &c ); #endif