#include "buildparser.h" #include "context.h" #include "ast.h" #include "runner.h" #include "target.h" #include "viewplugger.h" #include "functionplugger.h" #include "conditionplugger.h" #include "cache.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include extern char **environ; using namespace Bu; class Options : public Bu::OptParser { public: Options( int argc, char *argv[] ) : sView("default"), sAction("default"), sConfig("default.bld"), sCacheFile(".build_cache"), bDot( false ), bDebug( false ), bAutoInclude( true ), bAstDump( false ), bEnviron( true ), bCache( true ), iInfoLevel( 0 ) { bool bClean = false; addHelpBanner("build mark 3\n"); Bu::FString sViews("Select a view from: "); StrList lViews = ViewPlugger::getInstance().getPluginList(); for( StrList::iterator i = lViews.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lViews.begin() ) sViews += ", "; sViews += *i; } addHelpBanner("The following options do things other than build:"); addOption( iInfoLevel, 'i', "info", "Display some basic info about the " "loaded build config, including available targets."); addOption( slot( this, &Options::onListPlugins), "list-plugins", "List all available plugins."); addHelpBanner("The following options control general execution:"); addOption( sView, 'v', "view", sViews ); addOption( sConfig, 'f', "file", "Select a different config file." ); addOption( bClean, 'c', "Shorthand for running action 'clean'. If an " "action is specified, this will modify it to run 'clean-action'."); addOption( slot(this, &Options::onChdir), 'C', "chdir", "Change to directory before doing anything else."); addOption( sCacheFile, "cache", "Select a different cache file."); addOption( bCache, "no-cache", "Disable using the cache."); addHelpBanner("\nThe following options control debugging:"); addOption( bEnviron, "no-env", "Do not import environment variables."); addOption( bDot, "dot", "Generate a dot chart after execution." ); addOption( bDebug, "debug", "Dump massive amounts of hard to read debugging data." ); addOption( bAstDump, "debug-ast", "Display the raw AST that is computed from parsing the input. " "You should probably never ever use this, it'll scare you." ); setOverride( "no-env", "false" ); setOverride( "dot", "true" ); setOverride( "debug", "true" ); setOverride( "debug-ast", "true" ); setOverride( "info", "1" ); setOverride( 'c', "true" ); setOverride( "no-cache", "false" ); addHelpOption(); setNonOption( slot( this, &Options::onNonOption ) ); parse( argc, argv ); if( bClean ) { if( sAction == "default" ) sAction = "clean"; else sAction.prepend("clean-"); } } virtual ~Options() { } int onChdir( StrArray sParams ) { if( sParams.getSize() == 0 ) { sio << "You must specify a directory name!" << sio.nl << sio.nl; exit(2); } chdir( sParams[1].getStr() ); return 1; } int onNonOption( StrArray sParams ) { sAction = sParams[0]; return 0; } int onListPlugins( StrArray /*sParams*/ ) { StrList lViews = ViewPlugger::getInstance().getPluginList(); sio << "Available view plugins:" << sio.nl << "\t"; for( StrList::iterator i = lViews.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lViews.begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << *i; } StrList lFuncs = FunctionPlugger::getInstance().getPluginList(); sio << sio.nl << sio.nl << "Available function plugins:" << sio.nl << "\t"; for( StrList::iterator i = lFuncs.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lFuncs.begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << *i; } StrList lConds = ConditionPlugger::getInstance().getPluginList(); sio << sio.nl << sio.nl << "Available condition plugins:" << sio.nl << "\t"; for( StrList::iterator i = lConds.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lConds.begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << *i; } sio << sio.nl << sio.nl; return 0; } Bu::FString sView; Bu::FString sAction; Bu::FString sConfig; Bu::FString sCacheFile; bool bDot; bool bDebug; bool bAutoInclude; bool bAstDump; bool bEnviron; bool bCache; int iInfoLevel; }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { typedef Bu::List StrList; StrList lShareList; lShareList.append("/usr/share/build/").append("./share/"); Ast ast; Context cnt; BuildParser bp( ast ); for( StrList::iterator i = lShareList.begin(); i; i++ ) { bp.addIncludePath( *i + "include"); } Options opts( argc, argv ); try { cnt.setView( ViewPlugger::getInstance().instantiate( opts.sView ) ); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { sio << "Error: Invalid view specified, please choose from the " "following choices:" << sio.nl << sio.nl << "\t"; StrList lViews = ViewPlugger::getInstance().getPluginList(); for( StrList::iterator i = lViews.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( i != lViews.begin() ) sio << ", "; sio << *i; } sio << sio.nl << sio.nl; return 1; } if( opts.bCache ) { Cache::getInstance().bind( opts.sCacheFile ); } // Load up the environment as vars. if( opts.bEnviron ) { for( char **env = environ; *env; env++ ) { int iSplit; for( iSplit = 0; (*env)[iSplit] != '='; iSplit++ ) { } cnt.addVariable( FString( *env, iSplit ), FString( *env+iSplit+1 ) ); } } if( opts.bAutoInclude ) { DIR *d; Bu::FString sAutoDir; for( StrList::iterator i = lShareList.begin(); i; i++ ) { sAutoDir = *i + "autoinclude"; d = opendir( sAutoDir.getStr() ); if( d ) break; } if( !d ) { cnt.getView()->sysWarning( "Could not find an autoinclude directory." ); } else { struct dirent *de; while( (de = readdir( d )) ) { if( de->d_name[0] == '.' || (de->d_type != DT_REG) ) continue; //sio << "Auto-including: " << de->d_name << sio.nl; bp.load( sAutoDir + "/" + de->d_name ); } } } bp.load( opts.sConfig ); if( opts.bAstDump ) { sio << ast << sio.nl << sio.nl; return 0; } // sio << ast << sio.nl; Runner r( ast, cnt ); r.initialize(); r.run(); switch( opts.iInfoLevel ) { case 0: // Do nothing break; case 1: cnt.printBasicInfo(); return 0; } try { r.execAction( opts.sAction ); } catch( std::exception &e ) { cnt.getView()->sysError(e.what()); } catch( ... ) { cnt.getView()->sysError( "Unknown error occured, this is probably bad..." ); } if( opts.bDot ) { cnt.writeTargetDot(); } if( opts.bDebug ) { sio << "Final context:" << sio.nl << cnt << sio.nl << sio.nl; } return 0; }