/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Xagasoft Build and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "rule.h" #include "target.h" #include "astbranch.h" #include "astleaf.h" #include "runner.h" #include "variable.h" #include "context.h" #include "condition.h" #include "profile.h" #include using namespace Bu; Rule::Rule( const Bu::String &sName ) : sName( sName ), pInput( NULL ) { } Rule::~Rule() { } const Bu::String &Rule::getName() const { return sName; } void Rule::setInput( const AstBranch *pNewInput ) { pInput = pNewInput; } const AstBranch *Rule::getInput() const { return pInput; } bool Rule::hasOutputs() const { return !lOutput.isEmpty(); } void Rule::addOutput( const AstBranch *pNewOutput ) { lOutput.append( pNewOutput ); } void Rule::addProfile( const AstBranch *pProfRoot ) { Profile *pProf = new Profile( pProfRoot ); hProfiles.insert( pProf->getName(), pProf ); /* hProfiles.insert( dynamic_cast( (*pProfile->getBranchBegin()).first() )->getStrValue(), pProfile ); */ } void Rule::prepTarget( class Target *pTarget ) { pTarget->setDisplay( getDisplay() ); for( ProfileHash::iterator i = hProfiles.begin(); i; i++ ) { pTarget->addProfile( *i ); } for( AstBranchList::iterator i = lRequires.begin(); i; i++ ) { pTarget->addRequires( *i ); } } Target *Rule::createTarget( class Runner &r, const Bu::String &sInput, Target *pParent ) { r.getContext().pushScope( pParent->getVars() ); r.getContext().addVariable("INPUT", sInput ); Target *pTrg = new Target( false ); for( AstBranchList::iterator i = lOutput.begin(); i; i++ ) { Variable vOut = r.execExpr( (*(*i)->getBranchBegin()).begin(), Variable( sInput ) ); if( vOut.getType() == Variable::typeString ) { pTrg->addOutput( vOut.getString() ); } else if( vOut.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator j = vOut.begin(); j; j++ ) { pTrg->addOutput( (*j).getString() ); } } } r.getContext().addVariable("OUTPUT", pTrg->getOutputList() ); pTrg->addInput( sInput ); pTrg->setDisplay( getDisplay() ); for( ProfileHash::iterator i = hProfiles.begin(); i; i++ ) { pTrg->addProfile( *i ); } for( AstBranchList::iterator i = lRequires.begin(); i; i++ ) { pTrg->addRequires( *i ); } pTrg->setVars( r.getContext().getScope() ); r.getContext().popScope(); return pTrg; } bool Rule::ruleMatches( Runner &r, const Bu::String &sInput ) { r.getContext().pushScope(); r.getContext().addVariable("INPUT", sInput ); Variable vInput( sInput ); Variable vOut = r.execExpr( (*pInput->getBranchBegin()).begin(), vInput ); r.getContext().popScope(); if( vOut.getType() == Variable::typeBool ) return vOut.getBool(); else if( vOut.getType() == Variable::typeList ) return vOut.begin(); return false; } void Rule::addTag( const Bu::String &sTag ) { lsTags.append( sTag ); } const StrList &Rule::getTagList() const { return lsTags; } void Rule::setDisplay( const Bu::String &sStr ) { sDisplay = sStr; } const Bu::String &Rule::getDisplay() const { return (sDisplay.isSet())?(sDisplay):(sName); } void Rule::addRequires( const AstBranch *pBr ) { lRequires.append( pBr ); } Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Rule &/*t*/ ) { return f << "rule"; } template<> Bu::Formatter &Bu::operator<< ( Bu::Formatter &f, const Rule *t ) { return f << (*t); }