#include "runner.h" #include "ast.h" #include "astnode.h" #include "astleaf.h" #include "astbranch.h" #include "context.h" #include "functionast.h" #include "rule.h" #include "variable.h" #include "target.h" #include "action.h" #include "profile.h" #include "view.h" #include "bu/sio.h" using Bu::sio; Runner::Runner( Ast &rAst, Context &rCont ) : rAst( rAst ), rCont( rCont ), pCurTarget( NULL ), pCurRule( NULL ) { } Runner::~Runner() { } void Runner::initialize() { for( Ast::NodeList::const_iterator i = rAst.getNodeBegin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i)->getType() == AstNode::typeFunctionDef ) { AstBranch *pFnc = dynamic_cast(*i); rCont.addFunction( new FunctionAst( pFnc, this ) ); } else if( (*i)->getType() == AstNode::typeActionDef ) { AstBranch *pAction = dynamic_cast(*i); rCont.addAction( new Action( pAction ) ); } } } Variable Runner::execFunc( const AstBranch *pFunc, Variable &vIn ) { Bu::String sName = dynamic_cast( (*pFunc->getBranchBegin()).first())->getStrValue(); VarList lParams; for( AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator p = pFunc->getBranchBegin()+1; p; p++ ) { lParams.append( execExpr( (*p).begin() ) ); } return rCont.call( sName, vIn, lParams ); } Variable Runner::execExpr( AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator e ) { Variable vBlank; return execExpr( e, vBlank ); } Variable Runner::execExpr( AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator e, const Variable &vIn ) { // Variable v( vIn ); VarList lStack; lStack.push( vIn ); for(; e; e++ ) { if( ((*e)->getType()&AstNode::typeClassMask) == AstNode::typeBranch ) { const AstBranch *pBranch = dynamic_cast( *e ); switch( pBranch->getType() ) { case AstNode::typeFunction: //sio << "FUNC: " << *pBranch << sio.nl << sio.nl; { Variable v = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( execFunc( pBranch, v ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeSet: lStack.push( doSet( pBranch ) ); break; case AstNode::typeList: { Variable vLst( Variable::typeList ); for( AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator i = pBranch->getBranchBegin(); i; i++ ) { vLst.append( execExpr( (*i).begin() ) ); } lStack.push( vLst ); } break; case AstNode::typeExpr: { sio << "!!! typeExpr in an expr maybe should be an error..." << sio.nl; for( AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator i = pBranch->getBranchBegin(); i; i++ ) { lStack.push( execExpr( (*i).begin() ) // Are they atomic? ); } if( lStack.getSize() != 1 ) { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "Something went wrong, expression processing " "left %d elements on stack, should be 1.", lStack.getSize() ); } } break; default: sio << "?? branch ???: " << (pBranch)->getType(); break; } } else { const AstLeaf *pLeaf = dynamic_cast( *e ); switch( pLeaf->getType() ) { case AstNode::typeVariable: try { lStack.push( rCont.getVariable( pLeaf->getStrValue() ) ); } catch(...) { lStack.push( Variable() ); } break; case AstNode::typeVariableRef: lStack.push( Variable::mkRef( pLeaf->getStrValue() ) ); break; case AstNode::typeString: lStack.push( rCont.expand( pLeaf->getStrValue() ) ); break; case AstNode::typeInt: lStack.push( pLeaf->getIntValue() ); break; case AstNode::typeFloat: lStack.push( pLeaf->getFloatValue() ); break; case AstNode::typeBool: lStack.push( pLeaf->getBoolValue() ); break; case AstNode::typeVersion: break; case AstNode::typeNull: lStack.push( Variable() ); break; case AstNode::typeCmpEq: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( a == b ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeCmpLt: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b < a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeCmpGt: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b > a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeCmpNe: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( a != b ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeCmpLtEq: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b <= a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeCmpGtEq: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b >= a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpEq: { Variable ref, val; val = lStack.peekPop(); ref = lStack.peekPop(); rCont.addVariable( ref.getString(), val ); lStack.push( val ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpPlusEq: { Variable ref, val; val = lStack.peekPop(); ref = lStack.peekPop(); try { Variable &nVal = rCont.getVariable( ref.getString() ); nVal += val; lStack.push( nVal ); } catch(...) { rCont.addVariable( ref.getString(), val ); lStack.push( val ); } } break; case AstNode::typeOpPlusEqRaw: { Variable ref, val; val = lStack.peekPop(); ref = lStack.peekPop(); try { Variable &nVal = rCont.getVariable( ref.getString() ); nVal << val; lStack.push( nVal ); } catch(...) { rCont.addVariable( ref.getString(), val ); lStack.push( val ); } } break; case AstNode::typeOpPlus: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b + a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpMinus: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b - a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpMultiply: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b * a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpDivide: { Variable a, b; a = lStack.peekPop(); b = lStack.peekPop(); lStack.push( Variable( b / a ) ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpNegate: lStack.peek().doNegate(); break; case AstNode::typeOpNot: lStack.peek().doNot(); break; default: sio << "?? leaf ???: " << (pLeaf)->getType(); break; } } } return lStack.peek(); } void Runner::run() { run( rAst.getNodeBegin() ); rCont.buildTargetTree( *this ); rCont.attachDefaults(); rCont.genDefaultActions(); // rCont.writeTargetDot(); } Variable Runner::run( AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator n ) { /* Execute the top level code. */ Variable vReturn; Bu::List sI; sI.push( n ); // for( Ast::NodeList::const_iterator i = rAst.getNodeBegin(); i; i++ ) while( !sI.isEmpty() ) { while( !sI.isEmpty() && !(sI.peek()) ) { sI.pop(); } if( sI.isEmpty() ) break; Ast::NodeList::const_iterator &i = sI.peek(); if( ((*i)->getType()&AstNode::typeClassMask) == AstNode::typeLeaf ) { const AstLeaf *pExpr = dynamic_cast( *i ); switch( pExpr->getType() ) { case AstNode::typeError: { Bu::String sMsg = rCont.expand( pExpr->getStrValue() ); rCont.getView()->userError( sMsg.getStr() ); throw Bu::ExceptionBase( sMsg.getStr() ); } break; case AstNode::typeWarning: rCont.getView()->userWarning( rCont.expand( pExpr->getStrValue() ) ); break; case AstNode::typeNotice: rCont.getView()->userNotice( rCont.expand( pExpr->getStrValue() ) ); break; case AstNode::typeCondition: break; case AstNode::typeDisplay: if( pCurTarget ) { pCurTarget->setDisplay( rCont.expand( pExpr->getStrValue() ) ); } else if( pCurRule ) { pCurRule->setDisplay( rCont.expand( pExpr->getStrValue() ) ); } break; case AstNode::typePushPrefix: case AstNode::typePopPrefix: break; /* case AstNode::typeCondition: if( pCurTarget ) { if( pExpr->getStrValue() == "filetime" ) { pCurTarget->setCondition( new ConditionFileTime() ); } } else if( pCurRule ) { if( pExpr->getStrValue() == "filetime" ) { pCurRule->setCondition( new ConditionFileTime() ); } } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "You can only set a condition in a target or rule."); } break; */ default: sio << "Leaf? " << (*i)->getType() << sio.nl; break; } } else { const AstBranch *pExpr = dynamic_cast( *i ); switch( pExpr->getType() ) { case AstNode::typeSet: { // This is effectively legacy, if we add the set // keyword back in I want it to work. doSet( pExpr ); } break; case AstNode::typeUnset: { AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator n = (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).begin(); Bu::String sVar = dynamic_cast( *n )->getStrValue(); rCont.delVariable( sVar ); } break; case AstNode::typeIf: { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Variable v = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); if( v.getType() != Variable::typeBool ) { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "If statement evaluated to non-boolean."); } b++; if( v.getBool() ) { i++; sI.push( (*b).begin() ); continue; } else { b++; if( b ) { i++; sI.push( (*b).begin() ); continue; } } } break; case AstNode::typeFor: { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Bu::String sVar = dynamic_cast( (*b).first() )->getStrValue(); b++; Variable v = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); b++; for( VarList::const_iterator vi = v.getList().begin(); vi; vi++ ) { rCont.addVariable( sVar, *vi ); run( (*b).begin() ); } } break; case AstNode::typeFunction: { Variable vIn; execFunc( pExpr, vIn ); } break; case AstNode::typeReturn: vReturn = execExpr( (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).begin() ); return vReturn; break; case AstNode::typeFunctionDef: case AstNode::typeActionDef: // We ignore these, we already dealt with them break; case AstNode::typeTarget: // This actually runs exactly like a for loop, if there's // only one item, then we only go once, if it's a list, go // more than once :-P if( pCurTarget == NULL ) { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Variable vLoop = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); b++; if( vLoop.getType() == Variable::typeString ) { rCont.addTarget( buildTarget( vLoop.getString(), (*b).begin() ) ); } else if( vLoop.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator i = vLoop.begin(); i; i++ ) { rCont.addTarget( buildTarget( (*i).getString(), (*b).begin() ) ); } } } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "You cannot declare a target within " "a target decleration."); } break; case AstNode::typeRuleDef: if( pCurRule == NULL ) { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Bu::String sName = dynamic_cast( (*b).first() )->getStrValue(); b++; rCont.addRule( buildRule( sName, (*b).begin() ) ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "You cannot declare a rule within " "a rule decleration."); } break; case AstNode::typeInput: if( pCurTarget != NULL ) { Variable vRet = execExpr( (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).begin() ); if( vRet.getType() == Variable::typeString ) { pCurTarget->addInput( vRet.getString() ); } else if( vRet.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator i = vRet.begin(); i; i++ ) { pCurTarget->addInput( (*i).getString() ); } } } else if( pCurRule != NULL ) { pCurRule->setInput( pExpr ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "input can only occur within a target or rule."); } break; case AstNode::typeRequires: if( pCurTarget != NULL ) { Variable vRet = execExpr( (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).begin() ); if( vRet.getType() == Variable::typeString ) { pCurTarget->addRequires( vRet.getString() ); } else if( vRet.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator i = vRet.begin(); i; i++ ) { pCurTarget->addRequires( (*i).getString() ); } } } else if( pCurRule != NULL ) { pCurRule->addRequires( pExpr ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "requires can only occur within a target or rule."); } break; case AstNode::typeRule: if( pCurTarget ) { pCurTarget->setRule( dynamic_cast( (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).first() )->getStrValue() ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "rule can only occur within a target."); } break; case AstNode::typeProfile: if( pCurTarget ) { pCurTarget->addProfile( pExpr ); } else if( pCurRule ) { pCurRule->addProfile( pExpr ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "profile can only occur within a target or rule."); } break; case AstNode::typeOutput: if( pCurRule ) { pCurRule->addOutput( pExpr ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "output can only occur within a rule."); } break; case AstNode::typeProcessTarget: { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Bu::String sProfile = dynamic_cast( (*b).first() )->getStrValue(); b++; Variable vTargs = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); if( vTargs.getType() == Variable::typeString ) { rCont.getTarget( vTargs.getString() )->process( *this, sProfile ); } else if( vTargs.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator v = vTargs.begin(); v; v++ ) { rCont.getTarget( (*v).getString() )->process( *this, sProfile ); } } } break; case AstNode::typeTag: if( pCurTarget ) { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Variable vTags = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); if( vTags.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator i = vTags.begin(); i; i++ ) { rCont.addTargetToTag( pCurTarget, (*i).toString() ); } } else { Bu::String sTag = vTags.toString(); if( sTag.isSet() ) { rCont.addTargetToTag( pCurTarget, sTag ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "A tag evaluted to empty string." ); } } } else if( pCurRule ) { AstBranch::BranchList::const_iterator b = pExpr->getBranchBegin(); Variable vTags = execExpr( (*b).begin() ); if( vTags.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator i = vTags.begin(); i; i++ ) { pCurRule->addTag( (*i).toString() ); } } else { Bu::String sTag = vTags.toString(); if( sTag.isSet() ) { pCurRule->addTag( sTag ); } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "A tag evaluted to empty string." ); } } } else { throw Bu::ExceptionBase( "tag can only occur within a target or rule."); } break; case AstNode::typeExpr: execExpr( (*pExpr->getBranchBegin()).begin() ); break; default: sio << "Branch? " << (*i)->getType() << sio.nl; break; } } i++; } return vReturn; } void Runner::execProfile( Target *pTarget, const Bu::String &sProfile ) { rCont.pushScope( pTarget->getVars() ); run( (*(pTarget->getProfile( sProfile )->getRoot()-> getBranchBegin()+1)).begin() ); rCont.popScope(); } void Runner::execAction( const Bu::String &sName ) { try { Action *pAct = rCont.getAction( sName ); pAct->call( this ); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { Bu::String sError("No such action '" + sName + "' found."); rCont.getView()->sysError( sError ); } } Context &Runner::getContext() { return rCont; } Target *Runner::buildTarget( const Bu::String &sOutput, AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator n ) { Target *pTrg = NULL; try { pTrg = rCont.getTarget( sOutput ); rCont.pushScope( pTrg->getVars() ); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { pTrg = new Target( sOutput, true ); rCont.pushScope(); } // sio << " (target) \"" << sOutput << "\" explicit." << sio.nl; rCont.addVariable("OUTPUT", sOutput ); pCurTarget = pTrg; run( n ); rCont.addVariable("INPUT", pTrg->getInputList() ); pCurTarget = NULL; pTrg->setVars( rCont.getScope() ); rCont.popScope(); return pTrg; } Rule *Runner::buildRule( const Bu::String &sName, AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator n ) { Rule *pRule = new Rule( sName ); rCont.pushScope(); pCurRule = pRule; run( n ); rCont.popScope(); pCurRule = NULL; return pRule; } Variable Runner::doSet( const AstBranch *pRoot ) { AstBranch::NodeList::const_iterator n = (*pRoot->getBranchBegin()).begin(); Bu::String sVar = dynamic_cast( *n )->getStrValue(); n++; const AstLeaf *pLeaf = dynamic_cast( *n ); n++; Variable v = execExpr( n ); switch( pLeaf->getType() ) { case AstNode::typeOpEq: rCont.addVariable( sVar, v ); break; case AstNode::typeOpPlusEq: try { rCont.getVariable( sVar ) += v; } catch(...) { rCont.addVariable( sVar, v ); } break; case AstNode::typeOpPlusEqRaw: try { rCont.getVariable( sVar ) << v; } catch(...) { rCont.addVariable( sVar, v ); } break; default: break; } return v; }