#include "target.h" #include "variable.h" #include "condition.h" #include "astleaf.h" #include "astbranch.h" #include "runner.h" #include "context.h" #include "profile.h" #include "view.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace Bu; Target::Target( bool bExplicit ) : bExplicit( bExplicit ), bRun( false ), iDepCount( 0 ) { } Target::Target( const Bu::FString &sOutput, bool bExplicit ) : bExplicit( bExplicit ), lsOutput( sOutput ), iDepCount( 0 ) { } Target::~Target() { } void Target::addInput( const Bu::FString &sInput ) { lsInput.append( sInput ); } const StrList &Target::getInputList() const { return lsInput; } void Target::resetInputList( const StrList &lInputs ) { lsInput = lInputs; if( lsInput.getSize() == 1 ) { hVars.insert("INPUT", lsInput.first() ); } else { Variable vInput( Variable::typeList ); for( StrList::iterator i = lsInput.begin(); i; i++ ) { vInput.append( Variable( *i ) ); } hVars.insert("INPUT", vInput ); } } void Target::addRequires( const Bu::FString &sReq ) { lsRequires.append( sReq ); } void Target::addRequires( const AstBranch *pBr ) { lbRequires.append( pBr ); } const StrList &Target::getRequiresList() const { return lsRequires; } void Target::buildRequires( Runner &r ) { r.getContext().getView()->buildRequires( *this ); r.getContext().pushScope( hVars ); for( AstBranchList::iterator i = lbRequires.begin(); i; i++ ) { Variable v = r.execExpr( (*(*i)->getBranchBegin()).begin() ); if( v.getType() == Variable::typeList ) { for( VarList::iterator j = v.begin(); j; j++ ) { Bu::FString sReq = (*j).toString(); addRequires( sReq ); /* try { addDep( r.getContext().getTarget( sReq ) ); } catch(...) { }*/ } } else { Bu::FString sReq = v.toString(); addRequires( sReq ); /* try { addDep( r.getContext().getTarget( sReq ) ); } catch(...) { }*/ } } r.getContext().popScope(); } void Target::addOutput( const Bu::FString &sOutput ) { lsOutput.append( sOutput ); } const StrList &Target::getOutputList() const { return lsOutput; } void Target::setPrefix( const Bu::FString &sPrefix ) { this->sPrefix = sPrefix; } const Bu::FString &Target::getPrefix() const { return sPrefix; } void Target::setRule( const Bu::FString &sRule ) { this->sRule = sRule; } const Bu::FString &Target::getRule() const { return sRule; } bool Target::hasRule() const { return !sRule.isEmpty(); } bool Target::isExplicit() const { return bExplicit; } void Target::addDep( Target *pDep ) { lDeps.append( pDep ); } const TargetList &Target::getDepList() const { return lDeps; } void Target::addProfile( const class AstBranch *pProfRoot ) { Profile *pProf = new Profile( pProfRoot ); hProfiles.insert( pProf->getName(), pProf ); /* hProfiles.insert( dynamic_cast( (*pProfRoot->getBranchBegin()).first() )->getStrValue(), pProfRoot ); */ } void Target::addProfile( const class Profile *pSrc ) { hProfiles.insert( pSrc->getName(), new Profile( *pSrc ) ); } bool Target::hasProfile( const Bu::FString &sName ) const { return hProfiles.has( sName ); } const Profile *Target::getProfile( const Bu::FString &sName ) const { return hProfiles.get( sName ); } void Target::setVars( const VarHash &hNewVars ) { hVars = hNewVars; } const VarHash &Target::getVars() const { return hVars; } void Target::setDisplay( const Bu::FString &sNewDisplay ) { if( !sDisplay ) sDisplay = sNewDisplay; } const Bu::FString &Target::getDisplay() const { return sDisplay; } void Target::process( class Runner &r, const Bu::FString &sProfile ) { r.getContext().getView()->beginTarget( sProfile, *this ); bRun = true; bool bShouldExec = false; for( TargetList::iterator i = lDeps.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i)->bRun ) continue; // TODO: This is important, in the future, it may be possible for a // target to be triggered by multiple dependant targets, to cover for // this the below mergeUnder should be *TEMPORARY* and the target // that was marged to be reset post processing. (*i)->mergeUnder( hVars ); (*i)->process( r, sProfile ); } try { bShouldExec = hProfiles.get( sProfile )->shouldExec( r, *this ); } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { } if( !bShouldExec ) { r.getContext().getView()->skipTarget( sProfile, *this ); } else { r.getContext().getView()->processTarget( sProfile, *this ); r.execProfile( this, sProfile ); } r.getContext().getView()->endTarget(); } void Target::mergeUnder( const VarHash &hNewVars ) { for( VarHash::const_iterator i = hNewVars.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( !hVars.has( i.getKey() ) ) { hVars.insert( i.getKey(), i.getValue() ); } } } bool Target::hasRun() { return bRun; } void Target::mergeUnder( const Target *pSrc ) { // If either are explicit, then it's explicit bExplicit = bExplicit || pSrc->bExplicit; merge( lsInput, pSrc->lsInput ); merge( lsRequires, pSrc->lsRequires ); merge( lsOutput, pSrc->lsOutput ); if( !sPrefix ) sPrefix = pSrc->sPrefix; sRule = pSrc->sRule; mergeUnder( pSrc->hVars ); // Deps? They should be computed much after merging anyway, peh! for( ProfileHash::const_iterator i = pSrc->hProfiles.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( !hProfiles.has( i.getKey() ) ) { hProfiles.insert( i.getKey(), i.getValue() ); } } if( !sDisplay ) sDisplay = pSrc->sDisplay; // Now we need to reset our vars. hVars.insert("INPUT", lsInput ); hVars.insert("REQUIRES", lsRequires ); hVars.insert("OUTPUT", lsOutput ); } void Target::merge( StrList &lOut, const StrList &lIn ) { Bu::Heap hStr; for( StrList::const_iterator i = lOut.begin(); i; i++ ) { hStr.enqueue( *i ); } for( StrList::const_iterator i = lIn.begin(); i; i++ ) { hStr.enqueue( *i ); } lOut.clear(); if( hStr.isEmpty() ) return; lOut.append( hStr.dequeue() ); while( !hStr.isEmpty() ) { if( hStr.peek() == lOut.last() ) { hStr.dequeue(); } else { lOut.append( hStr.dequeue() ); } } } void Target::resetRun( bool bHasRun ) { bRun = bHasRun; for( TargetList::iterator i = lDeps.begin(); i; i++ ) { (*i)->resetRun( bHasRun ); } } void Target::setDepCount() { bRun = true; iDepCount = 1; for( TargetList::iterator i = lDeps.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i)->bRun ) { continue; } (*i)->setDepCount(); iDepCount += (*i)->getDepCount(); } } int Target::getDepCount() const { return iDepCount; } void Target::collapseDeps() { if( lDeps.getSize() <= 1 ) return; Bu::Hash hDep; for( TargetList::iterator i = lDeps.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( hDep.has( (ptrdiff_t)*i ) ) { lDeps.erase( i ); i--; } else { hDep.insert( (ptrdiff_t)*i, true ); } } } Bu::Formatter &operator<<( Bu::Formatter &f, const Target &t ) { f.incIndent(); f << f.nl << "Input = " << t.lsInput << "," << f.nl << "Requires = " << t.lsRequires << "," << f.nl << "Output = \"" << t.lsOutput << "\"," << f.nl << "Prefix = \"" << t.sPrefix << "\"," << f.nl << "Rule = \"" << t.sRule << "\"," << f.nl << "Explicit = " << t.bExplicit << "," << f.nl << "Vars = " << t.hVars << f.nl; f.decIndent(); return f; } template<> Bu::Formatter &Bu::operator<< ( Bu::Formatter &f, const Target *t ) { return f << (*t); }