/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the Xagasoft Build and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "viewdefault.h" #include "target.h" #include #include using namespace Bu; PluginInterface3( pluginViewDefault, default, ViewDefault, View, "Mike Buland", 0, 1 ); #define ESC "\x1b" #define C_RESET ESC "[0m" #define C_RED ESC "[31m" #define C_GREEN ESC "[32m" #define C_YELLOW ESC "[33m" #define C_BLUE ESC "[34m" #define C_MAGENTA ESC "[35m" #define C_CYAN ESC "[36m" #define C_WHITE ESC "[37m" #define C_DEFAULT ESC "[39m" #define C_BR_RED ESC "[1;31m" #define C_BR_GREEN ESC "[1;32m" #define C_BR_YELLOW ESC "[1;33m" #define C_BR_BLUE ESC "[1;34m" #define C_BR_MAGENTA ESC "[1;35m" #define C_BR_CYAN ESC "[1;36m" #define C_BR_WHITE ESC "[1;37m" ViewDefault::ViewDefault() : bFirst( true ), bDisped( false ), bDispedTrg( false ), iDepth( 0 ), iTotal( 0 ), iCurrent( 0 ) { } ViewDefault::~ViewDefault() { if( bDisped == false ) { sio << "Nothing to be done." << sio.nl << sio.nl; } } void ViewDefault::beginAction( const Bu::String &/*sAction*/ ) { } void ViewDefault::endAction() { } void ViewDefault::skipTarget( const Bu::String &/*sProfile*/, const Target &/*rTarget*/ ) { iCurrent++; } void ViewDefault::beginTarget( const Bu::String &sProfile, const Target &rTarget ) { if( iDepth == 0 ) { bDispedTrg = false; iTotal = rTarget.getDepCount(); iCurrent = 0; sTopTarget = rTarget.getOutputList().first(); } iDepth++; sCurProfile = sProfile; } void ViewDefault::drawTargetHdr( const Bu::String &sProfile, const Target &rTarget ) { if( bDispedTrg == false ) { bDispedTrg = true; if( bFirst == false ) { sio << sio.nl; } bFirst = false; sio << C_BR_WHITE << " --- " << C_BR_CYAN << sProfile << " " << sTopTarget << C_BR_WHITE << " --- " << C_RESET << sio.nl; } } void ViewDefault::processTarget( const Bu::String &sProfile, const Target &rTarget ) { drawTargetHdr( sProfile, rTarget ); iCurrent++; int iPct = (iTotal>0)?(iCurrent*100/iTotal):(100); sio << C_BR_WHITE << "[" << C_BR_GREEN << Fmt(3) << iPct << "%" << C_BR_WHITE << "] " << C_BR_MAGENTA << Fmt(10) << rTarget.getDisplay() << C_BR_WHITE << ": " << rTarget.getOutputList().first() << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::endTarget() { iDepth--; } void ViewDefault::buildRequires( const Target &rTarget ) { drawTargetHdr( sCurProfile, rTarget ); int iPct = (iTotal>0)?(iCurrent*100/iTotal):(100); sio << C_BR_WHITE << "[" << C_BR_GREEN << Fmt(3) << iPct << "%" << C_BR_WHITE << "] " << C_BR_MAGENTA << Fmt(10) << "deps" << C_BR_WHITE << ": " << rTarget.getOutputList().first() << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::cmdStarted( const Bu::String &/*sCmd*/ ) { } void ViewDefault::cmdFinished( const Bu::String &sStdOut, const Bu::String &sStdErr, long /*iExit*/ ) { if( sStdOut.isSet() ) { Bu::String::const_iterator b; b = sStdOut.begin(); while( b ) { Bu::String::const_iterator e, max; max = b + 78; for( e = b; e != max && *e != '\n'; e++ ) { } sio << C_BR_GREEN << "| " << C_RESET << String( b, e ) << sio.nl; b = e; if( *b == '\n' ) b++; } sio << C_BR_GREEN << "\\-----" << C_RESET << sio.nl; } if( sStdErr.isSet() ) { Bu::String::const_iterator b; b = sStdErr.begin(); while( b ) { Bu::String::const_iterator e, max; max = b + 78; for( e = b; e != max && *e != '\n'; e++ ) { } sio << C_BR_RED << "| " << C_RESET << String( b, e ) << sio.nl; b = e; if( *b == '\n' ) b++; } sio << C_BR_RED << "\\-----" << C_RESET << sio.nl; } //sio << C_BR_WHITE << "[" << C_BR_GREEN << sStdOut << C_BR_WHITE << "]" << sio.nl; //sio << C_BR_WHITE << "[" << C_BR_RED << sStdErr << C_BR_WHITE << "]" << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::userError( const Bu::String &sMsg ) { sio << C_BR_RED << "Error: " << sMsg << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::userWarning( const Bu::String &sMsg ) { sio << C_BR_YELLOW << "Warning: " << sMsg << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::userNotice( const Bu::String &sMsg ) { sio << C_BR_GREEN << "Notice: " << sMsg << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::sysError( const Bu::String &sMsg ) { sio << C_BR_RED << sMsg << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; } void ViewDefault::sysWarning( const Bu::String &sMsg ) { sio << C_BR_YELLOW << sMsg << C_RESET << sio.nl; bDisped = true; }