path: root/src/serializable.h (unfollow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2006-05-13Fixed a inconsistancy between versions...Mike Buland
2006-05-13Changed some things in the serializer...it's coolMike Buland
2006-05-13david - initial NOT WORKING commit of SerializerText stuff...David
2006-05-13david - umm... yeah, made the generic write and read functions...David
2006-05-13david - initial commit of serialize code ;pDavid
2006-05-12Added the StaticString class, which is a slightly modified version of the oldMike Buland
2006-05-04Removed some extra test functions that were interfering with some otherMike Buland
2006-05-03Moved all of the test targets to the new tests directory, make life easier.Mike Buland
2006-05-03Sweet, all changes from the (once again 1 rev) branch have been merged back in.Mike Buland
2006-05-03Added a simple test for the log system, and switched the multilog to the newMike Buland
2006-05-03Added the new singleton class template. Very cool, now I need to switchMike Buland
2006-05-01Fixed a bug in the get code of the hashtable. It now performs probing correctlyMike Buland