function genSigs( outName )
	if exists( outName ) then
		unlink( outName );
	fOut = open(outName, "w");
		" * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved.\n"
		" *\n"
		" * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the\n"
		" * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE.\n"
		" */\n"
		"#ifndef BU_SIGNALS_H\n"
		"#define BU_SIGNALS_H\n"
		"#include \"bu/util.h\"\n"
		"#include \"bu/exceptionbase.h\"\n"
		"namespace Bu\n"
		"	subExceptionDecl( SignalException );\n"

	for i in range( 0, 10 ) do
		templParams = "typename ret";
		funcParams = "";
		funcAnonParams = "";
		templCallParams = "ret";
		funcCallParams = "";
		if i >= 1 then
			for p in range( 1, i ) do
				if p > 1 then
					funcCallParams << ", ";
					funcParams << ", ";
					funcAnonParams << ", ";
				templParams << ", typename p${p}t";
				funcParams << "p${p}t p${p}";
				funcAnonParams << "p${p}t";
				templCallParams << ", p${p}t";
				funcCallParams << "p${p}";
			"#ifndef BU_SIGNAL_PARAM_COUNT_${i}\n"
			"#define BU_SIGNAL_PARAM_COUNT_${i}\n"
			"	//\n"
			"	// ${i} Parameter(s)\n"
			"	//\n"
			"	template<${templParams}>\n"
			"	class _Slot${i}\n"
			"	{\n"
			"	public:\n"
			"		_Slot${i}() { }\n"
			"		virtual ~_Slot${i}() { }\n"
			"		virtual ret operator()( ${funcParams} )=0;\n"
			"		virtual _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}> *clone() const=0;\n"
			"	};\n"
			"	\n"
			"	template<typename cls, ${templParams}>\n"
			"	class __Slot${i} : public _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}>\n"
			"	{\n"
			"	public:\n"
			"		__Slot${i}( cls *pCls, ret (cls::*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} ) ) :\n"
			"			pCls( pCls ), pFnc( pFnc ) { }\n"
			"		virtual ~__Slot${i}() { }\n"
			"	\n"
			"		virtual ret operator()( ${funcParams} )\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			return (pCls->*pFnc)( ${funcCallParams} );\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"		virtual _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}> *clone() const\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			return new __Slot${i}<cls, ${templCallParams}>( pCls, pFnc );\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"	private:\n"
			"		cls *pCls;\n"
			"		ret (cls::*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} );\n"
			"	};\n"
			"	\n"
			"	template<${templParams}>\n"
			"	class __Slot${i}F : public _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}>\n"
			"	{\n"
			"	public:\n"
			"		__Slot${i}F( ret (*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} ) ) :\n"
			"			pFnc( pFnc ) { }\n"
			"		virtual ~__Slot${i}F() { }\n"
			"	\n"
			"		virtual ret operator()( ${funcParams} )\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			return (*pFnc)( ${funcCallParams} );\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"		virtual _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}> *clone() const\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			return new __Slot${i}F<${templCallParams}>( pFnc );\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"	private:\n"
			"		ret (*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} );\n"
			"	};\n"
			"	\n"
			"	template<${templParams}>\n"
			"	class Signal${i}\n"
			"	{\n"
			"	public:\n"
			"		Signal${i}() : pCb( NULL ) { }\n"
			"		Signal${i}( _Slot${i}<${templCallParams}> *pCb ) : pCb( pCb ) { }\n"
			"		Signal${i}( const Signal${i}<${templCallParams}> &rSrc ) :\n"
			"			pCb( (rSrc.pCb)?(rSrc.pCb->clone()):(NULL) ) { }\n"
			"		virtual ~Signal${i}() { delete pCb; pCb = NULL; }\n"
			"	\n"
			"		ret operator()( ${funcParams} )\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			if( !pCb ) throw SignalException(\"Uninitialized signal called.\");\n"
			"			return (*pCb)( ${funcCallParams} );\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"		bool isSet() const { return pCb != NULL; }\n"
			"		operator bool() const { return isSet(); }\n"
			"	\n"
			"		Signal${i}<${templCallParams}> &operator=( const Signal${i}<${templCallParams}> &rhs )\n"
			"		{\n"
			"			pCb = rhs.pCb->clone();\n"
			"			return *this;\n"
			"		}\n"
			"	\n"
			"	private:\n"
			"		_Slot${i}<${templCallParams}> *pCb;\n"
			"	};\n"
			"	\n"
			"	template<typename cls, ${templParams}>\n"
			"	Signal${i}<${templCallParams}> slot( cls *pCls, ret (cls::*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} ) )\n"
			"	{\n"
			"		if( !pCls || !pFnc ) throw SignalException(\"NULL pointer in slot().\");\n"
			"		return Signal${i}<${templCallParams}>(\n"
			"			new __Slot${i}<cls, ${templCallParams}>( pCls, pFnc )\n"
			"			);\n"
			"	}\n"
			"	\n"
			"	template<${templParams}>\n"
			"	Signal${i}<${templCallParams}> slot( ret (*pFnc)( ${funcAnonParams} ) )\n"
			"	{\n"
			"		if( !pFnc ) throw SignalException(\"NULL pointer in slot().\");\n"
			"		return Signal${i}<${templCallParams}>(\n"
			"			new __Slot${i}F<${templCallParams}>( pFnc )\n"
			"			);\n"
			"	}\n"
			"#endif  // BU_SIGNAL_PARAM_COUNT_${i}\n"
