/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ /** * This is just like default.bld, but for mingw...crazy, eh? */ CXXFLAGS += "-ggdb -W -Wall"; action "default" { build: [targets("header-links"), "libbu++win.a"]; } for base in ["stable", "unstable", "experimental"] do { target files("src/${base}/*.h").replace("src/${base}/", "bu/") { tag "header-links"; display "symlink"; input OUTPUT.replace("bu/","src/${base}/"); profile "build" { DIR = OUTPUT.dirName(); execute("mkdir -p ${DIR}; ln -s ../${INPUT} ${OUTPUT}"); } } } target files("src/compat/*.h").replace("src/", "bu/") { tag "header-links"; display "symlink"; input OUTPUT.replace("bu/","src/"); profile "build" { execute("mkdir -p $(dirname ${OUTPUT}); ln -s ../../${INPUT} ${OUTPUT}"); } } target ["bu/config.h", "bu/autoconfig.h", "bu/version.h", "bu/signals.h"] { tag "header-links"; display "symlink"; input OUTPUT.replace("bu/","src/"); profile "build" { DIR = OUTPUT.dirName(); execute("mkdir -p ${DIR}; ln -s ../${INPUT} ${OUTPUT}"); } } target "libbu++win.a" { input files("src/stable/*.cpp", "src/unstable/*.cpp", "src/experimental/*.cpp", "src/compat/*.cpp"); rule "lib"; CXXFLAGS += "-I. -Isupport/windows"; } target ["src/stable/lzma.win_o", "src/experimental/cachestorefiles.win_o", "src/experimental/regex.win_o"] { profile "build" { execute("rm -f ${OUTPUT} && touch ${OUTPUT} && echo NOT BUILDING PROCESS RIGHT NOW!!!"); } } function cppToWinObj() { if OBJ_DIR == null then { return INPUT.regex("\\.cpp$", ".win_o"); } else { return OBJ_DIR + "/" + INPUT.fileName().regex("\\.cpp$", ".win_o"); } } rule "lib" { input "*.win_o"; profile "build" { execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/ar.exe cr ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}"); } } rule "wincpp" { input "*.cpp"; output INPUT.cppToWinObj(); //requires getMakeDeps("wine C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -M ${INPUT}"); profile "build" { execute("wine C:/MinGW/bin/g++.exe ${CXXFLAGS} -c -o ${OUTPUT} ${INPUT}", "g++"); } }