### pymake by ~3o~ph()g (neonphog.com) ### ## This skeleton file was generated by pymake... please edit for your project. CXXFLAGS: -ggdb -fPIC LDFLAGS: -ggdb #[BUILD] #DIR: src #COMMAND: lib #OUTPUT: libbu++.a # # Uncomment this if you want to build the tests, these don't rely on anything # that libbu++ doesn't rely on. # [DIRBUILD] COMMAND: exe OUTPUT: tests/{NAME} ROOT: src/test LDFLAGS: -L. -lbu++ CXXFLAGS: -Isrc -Isrc/test [OVERRIDE] FILE: tests/plugin LDFLAGS: -ldl # # Uncomment this if you have cpptest and want to build the unit tests # #[DIRBUILD] #COMMAND: exe #OUTPUT: unit/{NAME} #ROOT: src/unit #LDFLAGS: -L. -lbu++ -lcpptest #CXXFLAGS: -Isrc [TRIGGER] INPUT: .cpp #take input of *.cpp files OUTPUT: .o #output .o files COMMAND: g++ -fPIC -c {INPUT} {CXXFLAGS} -I{DIR} -o {OUTPUT} CHECK: g++ -M {INPUT} {CXXFLAGS} -I{DIR} ### Executable command ### ## Use this command if you want a simple executable [COMMAND] NAME: exe COMMAND: g++ {INPUT} {LDFLAGS} -o {OUTPUT} ### Library command ### ## Use this command if you wish to create a library [COMMAND] NAME: lib COMMAND: ar cr{ARFLAGS} {OUTPUT} {INPUT}