/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/archive.h" #include "bu/stream.h" #include "bu/archival.h" Bu::Archive::Archive( Stream &rStream, bool bLoading ) : bLoading( bLoading ), rStream( rStream ), nNextID( 1 ) { } Bu::Archive::~Archive() { } void Bu::Archive::write( const void *pData, int32_t nSize ) { if( nSize == 0 || pData == NULL ) return; rStream.write( (const char *)pData, nSize ); } void Bu::Archive::read( void *pData, int32_t nSize ) { if( nSize == 0 || pData == NULL ) return; rStream.read( (char *)pData, nSize ); } void Bu::Archive::close() { rStream.close(); } bool Bu::Archive::isLoading() { return bLoading; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(bool p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(char p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(signed char p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(unsigned char p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(signed short p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(unsigned short p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(signed int p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(unsigned int p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(signed long p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(unsigned long p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(signed long long p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(unsigned long long p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(bool &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(char &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(signed char &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(unsigned char &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(signed short &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(unsigned short &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(signed int &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(unsigned int &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(signed long &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(unsigned long &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(signed long long &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(unsigned long long &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } /* Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(bool p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(int8_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(int16_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(int32_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(int64_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(uint8_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(uint16_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(uint32_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(uint64_t p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(long p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(float p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(double p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator<<(long double p) { write( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(bool &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(int8_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(int16_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(int32_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(int64_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(uint8_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(uint16_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(uint32_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(uint64_t &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(long &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(float &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(double &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator>>(long double &p) { read( &p, sizeof(p) ); return *this; } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(bool &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(int8_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(int16_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(int32_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(int64_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(uint8_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(uint16_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(uint32_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(uint64_t &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(float &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(double &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } Bu::Archive &Bu::Archive::operator&&(long double &p) { if (bLoading) { return *this >> p; } else { return *this << p; } } */ Bu::Archive &Bu::operator<<(Bu::Archive &s, Bu::Archival &p) { p.archive( s ); return s; } Bu::Archive &Bu::operator>>(Bu::Archive &s, Bu::Archival &p) { p.archive( s ); return s; } Bu::Archive &Bu::operator<<(Bu::Archive &ar, class Bu::Archival *p ) { printf("Writing a pointer to an archive...\n"); ar << *p; return ar; } Bu::Archive &Bu::operator>>(Bu::Archive &ar, class Bu::Archival *p ) { printf("Reading a pointer to an archive...\n"); ar >> *p; return ar; } Bu::Archive &Bu::operator<<( Bu::Archive &ar, std::string &s ) { ar << (uint32_t)s.length(); ar.write( s.c_str(), s.length() ); return ar; } Bu::Archive &Bu::operator>>( Bu::Archive &ar, std::string &s ) { uint32_t l; ar >> l; char *tmp = new char[l+1]; tmp[l] = '\0'; ar.read( tmp, l ); s = tmp; delete[] tmp; return ar; } uint32_t Bu::Archive::getID( const void *ptr ) { if( hPtrID.has( (ptrdiff_t)ptr ) ) return hPtrID.get( (ptrdiff_t)ptr ); hPtrID.insert( (ptrdiff_t)ptr, nNextID ); return nNextID++; } void Bu::Archive::assocPtrID( void **ptr, uint32_t id ) { if( hPtrID.has( id ) ) { *ptr = (void *)hPtrID.get( id ); return; } if( !hPtrDest.has( id ) ) hPtrDest.insert( id, List() ); hPtrDest[id].value().append( ptr ); } void Bu::Archive::readID( const void *ptr, uint32_t id ) { hPtrID.insert( id, (ptrdiff_t)ptr ); if( hPtrDest.has( id ) ) { Bu::List &l = hPtrDest.get( id ); for( Bu::List::iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); i++ ) { *(*i) = (void *)ptr; } hPtrDest.erase( id ); } }