#include "bu/bzip2.h" #include "bu/exceptions.h" using namespace Bu; Bu::BZip2::BZip2( Bu::Stream &rNext, int nCompression ) : Bu::Filter( rNext ), nCompression( nCompression ) { start(); } Bu::BZip2::~BZip2() { stop(); } void Bu::BZip2::start() { bzState.state = NULL; bzState.bzalloc = NULL; bzState.bzfree = NULL; bzState.opaque = NULL; nBufSize = 50000; pBuf = new char[nBufSize]; } size_t Bu::BZip2::stop() { if( bzState.state ) { if( bReading ) { BZ2_bzDecompressEnd( &bzState ); return 0; } else { size_t sTotal = 0; for(;;) { bzState.next_in = NULL; bzState.avail_in = 0; bzState.avail_out = nBufSize; bzState.next_out = pBuf; int res = BZ2_bzCompress( &bzState, BZ_FINISH ); if( bzState.avail_out < nBufSize ) { sTotal += rNext.write( pBuf, nBufSize-bzState.avail_out ); } if( res == BZ_STREAM_END ) break; } BZ2_bzCompressEnd( &bzState ); return sTotal; } } return 0; } void Bu::BZip2::bzError( int code ) { switch( code ) { case BZ_OK: case BZ_RUN_OK: case BZ_FLUSH_OK: case BZ_FINISH_OK: return; case BZ_CONFIG_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Library configured improperly, reinstall."); case BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Functions were called in an invalid sequence."); case BZ_PARAM_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Invalid parameter was passed into a function."); case BZ_MEM_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Couldn't allocate sufficient memory."); case BZ_DATA_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Data was corrupted before decompression."); case BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Stream does not appear to be bzip2 data."); case BZ_IO_ERROR: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: File couldn't be read from / written to."); case BZ_UNEXPECTED_EOF: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: End of file encountered before end of stream."); case BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Buffer not large enough to accomidate data."); default: throw ExceptionBase("BZip2: Unknown error encountered."); } } size_t Bu::BZip2::read( void *pData, size_t nBytes ) { if( !bzState.state ) { bReading = true; BZ2_bzDecompressInit( &bzState, 0, 0 ); bzState.next_in = pBuf; bzState.avail_in = 0; } if( bReading == false ) throw ExceptionBase("This bzip2 filter is in writing mode, you can't read."); int nRead = 0; int nReadTotal = bzState.total_out_lo32; bzState.next_out = (char *)pData; bzState.avail_out = nBytes; for(;;) { int ret = BZ2_bzDecompress( &bzState ); nReadTotal += nRead-bzState.avail_out; if( ret == BZ_STREAM_END ) { if( bzState.avail_in > 0 ) { if( rNext.canSeek() ) { rNext.seek( -bzState.avail_in ); } } return nBytes-bzState.avail_out; } bzError( ret ); if( bzState.avail_out ) { if( bzState.avail_in == 0 ) { nRead = rNext.read( pBuf, nBufSize ); bzState.next_in = pBuf; bzState.avail_in = nRead; } } else { return nBytes-bzState.avail_out; } } return 0; } size_t Bu::BZip2::write( const void *pData, size_t nBytes ) { if( !bzState.state ) { bReading = false; BZ2_bzCompressInit( &bzState, nCompression, 0, 30 ); } if( bReading == true ) throw ExceptionBase("This bzip2 filter is in reading mode, you can't write."); size_t sTotalOut = 0; bzState.next_in = (char *)pData; bzState.avail_in = nBytes; for(;;) { bzState.avail_out = nBufSize; bzState.next_out = pBuf; bzError( BZ2_bzCompress( &bzState, BZ_RUN ) ); if( bzState.avail_out < nBufSize ) { sTotalOut += rNext.write( pBuf, nBufSize-bzState.avail_out ); } if( bzState.avail_in == 0 ) break; } return sTotalOut; }