/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_CACHE_STORE_FILES_H #define BU_CACHE_STORE_FILES_H #include "bu/string.h" #include "bu/file.h" #include "bu/cachestore.h" #include "bu/archive.h" #include "bu/membuf.h" #include "bu/formatter.h" #include "bu/sio.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Bu { template keytype __cacheGetKey( const obtype *pObj ); template obtype *__cacheStoreFilesAlloc( const keytype &key ) { return new obtype(); } template void __cacheStoreFilesStore( Bu::Stream &s, obtype &rObj, const keytype & ) { Bu::Archive ar( s, Bu::Archive::save ); ar << rObj; } template obtype *__cacheStoreFilesLoad( Bu::Stream &s, const keytype &key ) { obtype *pObj = __cacheStoreFilesAlloc( key ); Bu::Archive ar( s, Bu::Archive::load ); ar >> (*pObj); return pObj; } template class CacheStoreFiles : public CacheStore { public: CacheStoreFiles( const Bu::String &sPrefix ) : sPrefix( sPrefix ) { if( access( sPrefix.getStr(), W_OK|R_OK|X_OK ) ) { mkdir( sPrefix.getStr(), 0755 ); } } virtual ~CacheStoreFiles() { } virtual obtype *load( const keytype &key ) { try { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/" << key; Bu::File fIn( mb.getString(), Bu::File::Read ); obtype *pOb = __cacheStoreFilesLoad( fIn, key ); return pOb; } catch( std::exception &e ) { throw Bu::HashException( e.what() ); } } virtual void unload( obtype *pObj, const keytype & ) { delete pObj; } virtual keytype create( obtype *pSrc ) { keytype key = __cacheGetKey( pSrc ); Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/" << key; Bu::File fTouch( mb.getString(), Bu::File::WriteNew ); return key; } virtual void sync() { } virtual void sync( obtype *pSrc, const keytype &key ) { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/" << key; Bu::File fOut( mb.getString(), Bu::File::WriteNew ); __cacheStoreFilesStore( fOut, *pSrc, key ); } virtual void destroy( obtype *pObj, const keytype &key ) { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/" << key; unlink( mb.getString().getStr() ); delete pObj; } virtual void destroy( const keytype &key ) { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/" << key; unlink( mb.getString().getStr() ); } virtual bool has( const keytype &key ) { Bu::MemBuf mb; Bu::Formatter f( mb ); f << sPrefix << "/"; Bu::String sBase = mb.getString(); f << key; if( sBase == mb.getString() ) return false; return access( mb.getString().getStr(), F_OK ) == 0; } virtual Bu::List getKeys() { DIR *dir = opendir( sPrefix.getStr() ); struct dirent *de; Bu::List lKeys; while( (de = readdir( dir ) ) ) { if( de->d_type != DT_REG ) continue; keytype tmp; Bu::MemBuf mb( de->d_name ); Bu::Formatter f( mb ); try { Fmt fm; fm.tokenize( false ); f << fm; f >> tmp; } catch( Bu::ExceptionBase &e ) { Bu::sio << "Parse error in dir-scan: " << e.what() << Bu::sio.nl; } lKeys.append( tmp ); } closedir( dir ); return lKeys; } virtual int getSize() { DIR *dir = opendir( sPrefix.getStr() ); struct dirent *de; int iCount = 0; while( (de = readdir( dir ) ) ) { if( de->d_type != DT_REG ) continue; iCount++; } closedir( dir ); return iCount; } private: Bu::String sPrefix; }; }; #endif