 * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Xagasoft, All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the
 * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE.

#include "bu/compat/win32.h"

#ifdef WIN32

#define deffunc( name ) \
    Bu::Winsock2::FNDEF_DYN_ ##name Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_ ##name = NULL

char Bu::Winsock2::scode[32];

deffunc( WSAStartup );
deffunc( WSACleanup );
deffunc( WSAGetLastError );
deffunc( inet_ntoa );
deffunc( inet_addr );
deffunc( select );
deffunc( socket );
deffunc( shutdown );
deffunc( ioctlsocket );
deffunc( htons );
deffunc( htonl );
deffunc( gethostbyname );
deffunc( freeaddrinfo );
deffunc( getaddrinfo );
deffunc( connect );
deffunc( getpeername );
deffunc( setsockopt );
deffunc( bind );
deffunc( listen );
deffunc( accept );  
deffunc( recv );
deffunc( send );
deffunc( __WSAFDIsSet );

// Safely get a function from the library
#define getfunc( name ) \
    Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_ ##name = (FNDEF_DYN_ ##name) \
        GetProcAddress( Ws2_32, #name ); \
    if( Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_ ##name == NULL ) { \
        throw Bu::ExceptionBase("Error loading function " #name " from dll.");\
    } (void)0

    Ws2_32 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WS2_32.DLL"));

    getfunc( WSAStartup );
    getfunc( WSACleanup );
    getfunc( WSAGetLastError );
    getfunc( inet_ntoa );
    getfunc( inet_addr );
    getfunc( select );
    getfunc( socket );
    getfunc( shutdown );
    getfunc( ioctlsocket );
    getfunc( htons );
    getfunc( htonl );
    getfunc( gethostbyname );
    getfunc( freeaddrinfo );
    getfunc( getaddrinfo );
    getfunc( connect );
    getfunc( getpeername );
    getfunc( setsockopt );
    getfunc( bind );
    getfunc( listen );
    getfunc( accept );  
    getfunc( recv );
    getfunc( send );
    getfunc( __WSAFDIsSet );

    Bu::Winsock2::WSAStartup( MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData );

    FreeLibrary( Ws2_32 );

char *Bu::Winsock2::gai_strerror( int iCode )
    sprintf( scode, "%d (%d)", iCode, Bu::Winsock2::WSAGetLastError() );
    return scode;

int Bu::Winsock2::WSAStartup( WORD a, LPWSADATA b ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_WSAStartup)( a, b );
int Bu::Winsock2::WSACleanup( ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_WSACleanup)();
int Bu::Winsock2::WSAGetLastError( ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_WSAGetLastError)();
char * Bu::Winsock2::inet_ntoa( struct in_addr a ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_inet_ntoa)( a );
unsigned long Bu::Winsock2::inet_addr( const char *s_in ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_inet_addr)( s_in );
int Bu::Winsock2::select( int a, fd_set *b, fd_set *c, fd_set *d,
        const struct timeval *e ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_select)( a, b, c, d, e );
SOCKET Bu::Winsock2::socket( int domain, int type, int protocol ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_socket)( domain, type, protocol );
int Bu::Winsock2::shutdown( SOCKET s, int how ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_shutdown)( s, how );
int Bu::Winsock2::ioctlsocket( SOCKET s, long cmd, u_long *argp ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_ioctlsocket)( s, cmd, argp );
u_short Bu::Winsock2::htons( u_short in ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_htons)( in );
u_long Bu::Winsock2::htonl( u_long in ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_htonl)( in );
struct hostent * Bu::Winsock2::gethostbyname( const char *name ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_gethostbyname)( name );
void Bu::Winsock2::freeaddrinfo( struct addrinfo *ai ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_freeaddrinfo)( ai );
int Bu::Winsock2::getaddrinfo( const char *a, const char *b,
        const struct addrinfo *c, struct addrinfo **d ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_getaddrinfo)( a, b, c, d );
int Bu::Winsock2::connect( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *a, int b ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_connect)( s, a, b );
int Bu::Winsock2::getpeername( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *a, int *b ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_getpeername)( s, a, b);
int Bu::Winsock2::setsockopt( SOCKET s, int a, int b,
        const char *c, int d ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_setsockopt)( s, a, b, c, d );
int Bu::Winsock2::bind( SOCKET s, const struct sockaddr *a, int b ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_bind)( s, a, b );
int Bu::Winsock2::listen( SOCKET s, int backlog ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_listen)( s, backlog );
SOCKET Bu::Winsock2::accept( SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *a, int *b ) {   
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_accept)( s, a, b );
int Bu::Winsock2::recv( SOCKET s, char *buf, int len, int flags ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_recv)( s, buf, len, flags );
int Bu::Winsock2::send( SOCKET s, const char *buf, int len, int flags ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr_send)( s, buf, len, flags );
int Bu::Winsock2::__WSAFDIsSet( SOCKET s, fd_set *set ) {
    return (*Bu::Winsock2::_fnptr___WSAFDIsSet)( s, set );

Bu::String Bu::getLastWinError()
    LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
    DWORD dw = GetLastError(); 

        (LPSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
        0, NULL );

    Bu::String sRet( (char *)lpMsgBuf );


    return sRet;
