/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ /** *@page howto_formatting Formatting data for streams and the console. * * Libbu++ provides a powerful and flexible interface for writing formatted * data easily to any Stream. This is implemented as a seperate set of * classes from the basic Stream system in order to simplify both systems and * provide additional flexibility and organization. * *@section secBasics The Basics: Writing to the console (standard i/o) * Libbu++ provides the global variable Bu::sio already instantiated and ready * to be used to access the standard input and output via the Bu::Formatter * class. If you are familiar with the STL cout then you're practically done. * A quick example may be best. *@code #include using namespace Bu; int main() { int i = 47; sio << "Hello, world." << sio.nl << "Here is a number: " << i << sio.nl; return 0; } @endcode */