 * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Xagasoft, All rights reserved.
 * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the
 * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE.

#ifndef BU_CACHE_H
#define BU_CACHE_H

// #include "bu/cptr.h"
#include "bu/hash.h"
#include "bu/list.h"
#include "bu/cachestore.h"
#include "bu/cachecalc.h"

#include "bu/trace.h"

namespace Bu
//  template<class keytype, class obtype>
//  keytype __cacheGetKey( obtype *&pObj );
    template<class keytype, class obtype>
    keytype __cacheGetKey( const obtype *pObj )
        return pObj->getKey();

    template<class keytype, class obtype>
    class Cache
         * Cache Pointer - Provides access to data that is held within the
         * cache.  This provides safe, refcounting access to data stored in
         * the cache, with support for lazy loading.
        class Ptr
        friend class Bu::Cache<keytype, obtype>;
            Ptr( Cache<keytype, obtype> *pCache, obtype *pData,
                const keytype &kId ) :
                pCache( pCache ),
                pData( pData ),
                kId( kId )
                if( pCache )
                    pCache->incRef( kId );
            Ptr( Cache<keytype, obtype> *pCache, const keytype &kId ) :
                pCache( pCache ),
                pData( NULL ),
                kId( kId )

            Ptr( const Ptr &rSrc ) :
                pCache( rSrc.pCache ),
                pData( rSrc.pData ),
                kId( rSrc.kId )
                if( pCache && pData )
                    pCache->incRef( kId );

            Ptr() :
                pCache( 0 ),
                pData( 0 )

            virtual ~Ptr()
                if( pCache && pData )
                    pCache->decRef( kId );

            obtype &operator*()
                return *pData;

            const obtype &operator*() const
                return *pData;

            obtype *operator->()
                return pData;

            const obtype *operator->() const
                return pData;

            bool isValid() const
                return pCache != NULL;

            bool isBound() const
                return pData != NULL;

            bool isSet() const
                return pCache != NULL;

            const keytype &getKey() const
                return kId;

            void unbind()
                if( pCache && pData )
                    pCache->decRef( kId );
                pData = NULL;

            void clear()
                pCache = NULL;

            void unset()

            Ptr &operator=( const Ptr &rRhs )
                if( pCache && pData )
                    pCache->decRef( kId );
                pCache = rRhs.pCache;
                pData = rRhs.pData;
                kId = rRhs.kId;
                if( pCache && pData )
                    pCache->incRef( kId );
                return *this;

            bool operator==( const Ptr &rRhs ) const
                return pCache == rRhs.pCache && kId == rRhs.kId;

            bool operator!=( const Ptr &rRhs ) const
                return pCache != rRhs.pCache || kId != rRhs.kId;

            void checkPtr() const
                if( pCache && !pData )
                    pData = pCache->getRaw( kId );
                    pCache->incRef( kId );

            Bu::Cache<keytype, obtype> *pCache;
            mutable obtype *pData;
            mutable keytype kId;

        typedef Bu::CacheStore<keytype, obtype> Store;
        typedef Bu::List<Store *> StoreList;
        typedef Bu::CacheCalc<keytype, obtype> Calc;
        typedef struct CacheEntry
            obtype *pData;
            int iRefs;
            time_t tLastSync;
        } CacheEntry;

        typedef Bu::Hash<keytype, CacheEntry> CidHash;

        typedef keytype Key;
        Cache( Calc *pCalc, Store *pStore ) :
            pCalc( pCalc ),
            pStore( pStore )
            pCalc->setCache( this );

        virtual ~Cache()

            // Better safe than sorry, better try a sync before anything
            // else happens.

            // Cycle through and unload all objects from the system.
            for( typename CidHash::iterator i = hEnt.begin();
                 i != hEnt.end(); i++ )
                if( i.getValue().iRefs > 0 )
                    // TODO: Throw an error in this case? iRefs != 0 for an
                    // object when the Cache is destroyed.
                    throw Bu::ExceptionBase("iRefs not zero.");
            delete pCalc;
            delete pStore;

        Ptr insert( obtype *pData )
            TRACE( pData );
            if( pStore->has( __cacheGetKey<keytype, obtype>( pData ) ) )
                throw Bu::ExceptionBase("Key already exists in cache.");
            CacheEntry e = {pData, 0, 0};
            keytype k = pStore->create( pData );
            hEnt.insert( k, e );

            pCalc->onLoad( pData, k );


            return Ptr( this, pData, k );

        bool has( const keytype &cId )
            return hEnt.has( cId ) || pStore->has( cId );

         * Retrieve an object from the cache and return a pointer to it.
         * The object returned may be loaded from backend storage if needed,
         * or the currently live object will be returned.
         *@param cId The id of the object to load.
         *@returns A pointer to the object.
        Ptr get( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            try {
                return Ptr( this, hEnt.get( cId ).pData, cId );
            catch( Bu::HashException &e ) {
                CacheEntry e = {pStore->load( cId ), 0, time( NULL )};
                pCalc->onLoad( e.pData, cId );
                hEnt.insert( cId, e );
                return Ptr( this, e.pData, cId );

         * Retrieve a handle to an object without loading it now.  This function
         * will return a pointer that has not yet been "realized" but can be
         * used normally.  Upon initial use in any way the object will be
         * loaded from the cache, either linking against the already loaded
         * object or loading it fresh from the backend storage.  The advantage
         * of this is that you recieve a usable handle to the data, but it
         * does not count as a reference yet, meaning that the data is loaded
         * when you need it, not before.
        Ptr getLazy( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            return Ptr( this, cId );

        int getRefCount( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            return hEnt.get( cId ).iRefs;

        void unload( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            try {
                if( hEnt.get( cId ).iRefs > 0 )
                    printf("Shouldn't unload, references still exist!\n");
            catch( Bu::HashException &e ) {
                // It's not here?  Eh, return.
            obtype *pObj = hEnt.get( cId ).pData;
            pCalc->onUnload( pObj, cId );
            hEnt.erase( cId );

            // The unload has to happen last just in case cId is a reference
            // to data that is about to be deleted from memory by the unload.
            pStore->unload( pObj, cId );

        void erase( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            try {
                if( hEnt.get( cId ).iRefs > 0 )
                    printf("Shouldn't erase, references still exist!\n");

                obtype *pObj = hEnt.get( cId ).pData;
                pCalc->onDestroy( pObj, cId );
                hEnt.erase( cId );

                pStore->destroy( pObj, cId );
            catch( Bu::HashException &e ) {
                pCalc->onDestroy( cId );

                if( hEnt.has( cId ) )
                    // The object was loaded by onDestroy
                    erase( cId );
                    pStore->destroy( cId );

        typedef Bu::List<keytype> KeyList;
        KeyList getKeys()
            return pStore->getKeys();

        KeyList getActiveKeys()
            return hEnt.getKeys();

        int getSize()
            return pStore->getSize();

         * Make sure all currently loaded but not-in-use objects are synced to
         * the store.
        void sync()
            int iSynced = 0;
            for( typename CidHash::iterator i = hEnt.begin();
                 i != hEnt.end(); i++ )
                if( i.getValue().iRefs == 0 )
                    if( pCalc->shouldSync(
                            ) )
                        i.getValue().tLastSync = time( NULL );
            if( iSynced > 0 )

        void incRef( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            hEnt.get( cId ).iRefs++;

        void decRef( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            CacheEntry &e = hEnt.get( cId );

        obtype *getRaw( const keytype &cId )
            TRACE( cId );
            try {
                return hEnt.get( cId ).pData;
            catch( Bu::HashException &e ) {
                CacheEntry e = {pStore->load( cId ), 0, time( NULL )};
                pCalc->onLoad( e.pData, cId );
                hEnt.insert( cId, e );
                return e.pData;

        CidHash hEnt;
        Calc *pCalc;
        Store *pStore;
