/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "fifo.h" #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> namespace Bu { subExceptionDef( FifoException ) } Bu::Fifo::Fifo( const Bu::FString &sName, int iFlags, mode_t mAcc ) : iFlags( iFlags ), iIn( -1 ), iOut( -1 ) { if( iFlags&Create ) { if( mkfifo( sName.getStr(), mAcc ) ) { throw FifoException("Error creating fifo: %s\n", strerror( errno ) ); } } if( iFlags&Read ) { iIn = ::open( sName.getStr(), O_RDONLY|((iFlags&NonBlock)?O_NONBLOCK:0) ); } if( iFlags&Write ) { iOut = ::open( sName.getStr(), O_WRONLY ); } } Bu::Fifo::~Fifo() { close(); } void Bu::Fifo::close() { if( iIn > -1 ) { ::close( iIn ); iIn = -1; } if( iOut > -1 ) { ::close( iOut ); iOut = -1; } } size_t Bu::Fifo::read( void *pBuf, size_t nBytes ) { if( iIn < 0 ) throw FifoException("Fifo not open for reading."); return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( ::read( iIn, pBuf, nBytes ) ); } size_t Bu::Fifo::write( const void *pBuf, size_t nBytes ) { if( iOut < 0 ) throw FifoException("Fifo not open for writing."); return TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( ::write( iOut, pBuf, nBytes ) ); } long Bu::Fifo::tell() { return -1; } void Bu::Fifo::seek( long ) { } void Bu::Fifo::setPos( long ) { } void Bu::Fifo::setPosEnd( long ) { } bool Bu::Fifo::isEOS() { return false; } bool Bu::Fifo::canRead() { return (iIn>-1); } bool Bu::Fifo::canWrite() { return (iOut>-1); } bool Bu::Fifo::isReadable() { return (iIn>-1); } bool Bu::Fifo::isWritable() { return (iOut>-1); } bool Bu::Fifo::isSeekable() { return false; } bool Bu::Fifo::isBlocking() { return ((fcntl( iIn, F_GETFL, 0 )&O_NONBLOCK) == O_NONBLOCK); } void Bu::Fifo::setBlocking( bool bBlocking ) { if( bBlocking ) fcntl( iIn, F_SETFL, fcntl( iIn, F_GETFL, 0 )&(~O_NONBLOCK) ); else fcntl( iIn, F_SETFL, fcntl( iIn, F_GETFL, 0 )|O_NONBLOCK ); } void Bu::Fifo::flush() { } bool Bu::Fifo::isOpen() { return (iIn > -1) || (iOut > -1); }