/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_FORMATTER_H #define BU_FORMATTER_H #include "bu/string.h" #include "bu/fmt.h" #include namespace Bu { class Stream; template t tlog( t x ); template<> float tlog( float x ); template<> double tlog( double x ); template<> long double tlog( long double x ); template t tfloor( t x ); template<> float tfloor( float x ); template<> double tfloor( double x ); template<> long double tfloor( long double x ); template t tpow( t x, t y ); template<> float tpow( float x, float y ); template<> double tpow( double x, double y ); template<> long double tpow( long double x, long double y ); class Formatter { public: Formatter( Stream &rStream ); virtual ~Formatter(); void write( const Bu::String &sStr ); void write( const void *sStr, int iLen ); void writeAligned( const Bu::String &sStr ); void writeAligned( const char *sStr, int iLen ); void read( void *sStr, int iLen ); Bu::String readToken(); void incIndent(); void decIndent(); void setIndent( uint8_t uLevel ); void clearIndent(); uint8_t getIndent() const { return uIndent; } void setIndentChar( char cIndent ); char getIndentChar() const { return cIndent; } void setFormat( const Fmt &f ) { fLast = f; bTempFmt = false; } void setTempFormat( const Fmt &f ) { fLast = f; bTempFmt = true; } void usedFormat() { if( bTempFmt ) fLast = Fmt(); } template void ifmt( type i ) { // This code is taken from Nango, hopefully we can make it better. bool bNeg = i<0; char cBase = fLast.bCaps?'A':'a'; char buf[sizeof(type)*8+1]; if( bNeg ) i = -i; if( fLast.uRadix < 2 || fLast.uRadix > 36 ) { usedFormat(); return; } for( int j = sizeof(type)*8; j >= 0; j-- ) { int c = i%fLast.uRadix; i /= fLast.uRadix; buf[j] = (char)((c<10)?('0'+c):(cBase+c-10)); if( i == 0 ) { if( bNeg ) buf[--j] = '-'; else if( fLast.bPlus ) buf[--j] = '+'; writeAligned( buf+j, sizeof(type)*8-j+1 ); return; } } usedFormat(); } template void ufmt( type i ) { // This code is taken from Nango, hopefully we can make it better. char buf[sizeof(type)*8+1]; char cBase = fLast.bCaps?'A':'a'; if( fLast.uRadix < 2 || fLast.uRadix > 36 ) { usedFormat(); return; } for( int j = sizeof(type)*8; j >= 0; j-- ) { int c = i%fLast.uRadix; i /= fLast.uRadix; buf[j] = (char)((c<10)?('0'+c):(cBase+c-10)); if( i == 0 ) { if( fLast.bPlus ) buf[--j] = '+'; writeAligned( buf+j, sizeof(type)*8-j+1 ); return; } } usedFormat(); } template void ffmt( type f ) { Bu::String fTmp; bool bNeg = false; char cBase = fLast.bCaps?'A':'a'; if( fLast.uRadix < 2 || fLast.uRadix > 36 ) { usedFormat(); return; } if( signbit(f) ) { bNeg = true; f = -f; fTmp += "-"; } int iScale = tfloor(tlog( f ) / tlog( (type)fLast.uRadix )); f /= tpow( (type)fLast.uRadix, (type)iScale ); if( iScale < 0 ) { fTmp += "0."; for( int j = 1; j < -iScale; j++ ) fTmp += '0'; } int c = f; fTmp += (char)((c<10)?('0'+c):(cBase+c-10)); f -= (int)f; for( int j = 0; j < 8 && f; j++ ) { if( iScale - j == 0 ) fTmp += '.'; f = f*fLast.uRadix; int c = f; fTmp += (char)((c<10)?('0'+c):(cBase+c-10)); f -= (int)f; } writeAligned( fTmp ); usedFormat(); } template void iparse( type &i, const Bu::String &sBuf ) { if( !sBuf.isSet() ) return; if( sBuf[0] != '+' && sBuf[0] != '-' && (sBuf[0] < '0' && sBuf[0] > '9') ) return; int j = 1; int iMax = sBuf.getSize(); for(; j < iMax && (sBuf[j] >= '0' && sBuf[j] <= '9'); j++ ) { } i = 0; type iPos = 1; for(j--; j >= 0; j-- ) { if( sBuf[j] == '+' || sBuf[j] == '-' ) continue; i += (sBuf[j]-'0')*iPos; iPos *= fLast.uRadix; } if( sBuf[0] == '-' ) i = -i; usedFormat(); } template void uparse( type &i, const Bu::String &sBuf ) { if( !sBuf.isSet() ) return; if( sBuf[0] != '+' && (sBuf[0] < '0' && sBuf[0] > '9') ) return; int j = 1; int iMax = sBuf.getSize(); for(; j < iMax && (sBuf[j] >= '0' && sBuf[j] <= '9'); j++ ) { } i = 0; type iPos = 1; for(j--; j >= 0; j-- ) { if( sBuf[j] == '+' ) continue; i += (sBuf[j]-'0')*iPos; iPos *= fLast.uRadix; } usedFormat(); } template void fparse( type &f, const Bu::String &sBuf ) { sscanf( sBuf.getStr(), "%f", &f ); usedFormat(); } enum Special { nl, flush }; void doFlush(); private: Stream &rStream; Fmt fLast; bool bTempFmt; uint8_t uIndent; char cIndent; }; Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, const Fmt &fmt ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, Formatter::Special s ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, const char *sStr ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, char *sStr ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, const Bu::String &sStr ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, signed char c ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, char c ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, unsigned char c ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, signed short i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, unsigned short i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, signed int i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, unsigned int i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, signed long i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, unsigned long i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, signed long long i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, unsigned long long i ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, float flt ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, double flt ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, long double flt ); Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, bool b ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, Bu::String &sStr ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, signed char &c ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, char &c ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, unsigned char &c ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, signed short &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, unsigned short &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, signed int &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, unsigned int &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, signed long &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, unsigned long &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, signed long long &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, unsigned long long &i ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, float &flt ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, double &flt ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, long double &flt ); Formatter &operator>>( Formatter &f, bool &b ); template Formatter &operator<<( Formatter &f, const type *p ) { return f << "0x" << Fmt::hex(sizeof(ptrdiff_t)*2) << (ptrdiff_t)(p); } }; #endif