/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef FORMULA_H #define FORMULA_H #include #include #include //#include "sbuffer.h" #include "bu/stack.h" #include "bu/exceptionbase.h" #include "bu/hash.h" #include "bu/string.h" namespace Bu { subExceptionDecl( FormulaException ); /** * Implements a very simple formula parser that allows use of variables and * custom functions. This is based on a simple calculator-type parser that * executes as it processes, accounting for operator precedence and * grouping. * * prec = precision, a type to use for all math (except binary ops) * bin = binary type, a type to hard cast all data to for binary ops */ template class Formula { public: class Func { public: virtual prec operator()( prec )=0; }; typedef Hash varHash; typedef Hash funcHash; Formula() { } virtual ~Formula() { for( typename funcHash::iterator i = hFunc.begin(); i != hFunc.end(); i++ ) { delete (*i); } } prec run( const Bu::String &sFormulaSrc ) { if( sFormulaSrc.isEmpty() ) throw FormulaException("Empty formula, nothing to do."); try { const char *sFormula = sFormulaSrc.getStr(); for(;;) { uint8_t tNum = nextToken( &sFormula ); if( tNum == symSubtract ) { sOper.push( symNegate ); continue; } else if( tNum == symNot ) { sOper.push( symNot ); continue; } else if( tNum == symOpenParen ) { sOper.push( tNum ); continue; } else if( tNum == symFunction ) { sOper.push( symFunction ); continue; } else if( tNum == symEOS ) { throw Bu::FormulaException( "Cannot end with an operator."); } oppart: uint8_t tOpr = nextToken( &sFormula ); if( tOpr == symEOS ) { reduce(); prec ret = sValue.top(); sValue.clear(); sFunc.clear(); sOper.clear(); return ret; } if( !sOper.isEmpty() && getPrec( sOper.top() ) > getPrec( tOpr ) ) { reduce(); } if( tOpr != symCloseParen ) { sOper.push( tOpr ); } else { reduce( true ); goto oppart; } } } catch( ... ) { sValue.clear(); sFunc.clear(); sOper.clear(); throw; } } varHash hVars; funcHash hFunc; private: enum { symEOS, symAdd, symSubtract, symMultiply, symDivide, symOpenParen, symCloseParen, symNumber, symVariable, symFunction, symExponent, symNegate, symModulus, symAnd, symOr, symXor, symNot }; typedef uint8_t symType; Bu::Stack sOper; Bu::Stack sValue; Bu::Stack sFunc; private: symType getPrec( symType nOper ) { switch( nOper ) { case symNumber: case symVariable: case symOpenParen: case symCloseParen: return 0; case symAdd: case symSubtract: return 1; case symMultiply: case symDivide: case symModulus: return 2; case symAnd: case symOr: case symXor: return 2; case symExponent: case symNot: case symNegate: case symFunction: return 3; default: return 0; } } symType nextToken( const char **sBuf ) { for(;;) { char cbuf = **sBuf; ++(*sBuf); switch( cbuf ) { case '+': return symAdd; case '-': return symSubtract; case '*': return symMultiply; case '/': return symDivide; case '^': return symExponent; case '%': return symModulus; case '(': return symOpenParen; case ')': return symCloseParen; case '|': return symOr; case '&': return symAnd; case '#': return symXor; case '~': return symNot; case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': break; case '\0': return symEOS; default: if( cbuf == '.' || (cbuf >= '0' && cbuf <= '9') ) { char num[50]={cbuf}; int nPos = 1; bool bDot = false; for(;;) { cbuf = **sBuf; if( cbuf == '.' ) { if( bDot == false ) bDot = true; else throw FormulaException( "Numbers cannot have more than one " ". in them." ); } if( cbuf == '.' || (cbuf >= '0' && cbuf <= '9') ) { num[nPos++] = cbuf; } else { num[nPos] = '\0'; sValue.push( static_cast( strtod( num, NULL ) ) ); return symNumber; } ++(*sBuf); } } else if( (cbuf >= 'a' && cbuf <= 'z') || (cbuf >= 'A' && cbuf <= 'Z') || (cbuf == '_') ) { char tok[50]={cbuf}; int nPos = 1; for(;;) { cbuf = **sBuf; if( (cbuf >= 'a' && cbuf <= 'z') || (cbuf >= 'A' && cbuf <= 'Z') || (cbuf >= '0' && cbuf <= '9') || cbuf == '_' || cbuf == '.' || cbuf == ':' ) { tok[nPos++] = cbuf; } else { tok[nPos] = '\0'; if( hVars.has( tok ) ) { sValue.push( hVars[tok] ); return symNumber; } else if( hFunc.has( tok ) ) { sFunc.push( tok ); return symFunction; } else { throw FormulaException( "No variable or function named " "\"%s\" exists.", tok ); } } ++(*sBuf); } } break; } } } void reduce( bool bCloseParen = false ) { while( !sOper.isEmpty() ) { uint8_t nOpr = sOper.top(); if( nOpr == symOpenParen ) { if( bCloseParen == true ) sOper.pop(); return; } sOper.pop(); prec dTop = sValue.top(); sValue.pop(); switch( nOpr ) { case symAdd: sValue.top() += dTop; break; case symSubtract: sValue.top() -= dTop; break; case symMultiply: sValue.top() *= dTop; break; case symDivide: sValue.top() /= dTop; break; case symExponent: sValue.top() = static_cast( pow( sValue.top(), dTop ) ); break; case symModulus: sValue.top() = static_cast( fmod( sValue.top(), dTop ) ); break; case symOr: sValue.top() = static_cast( static_cast(sValue.top()) | static_cast(dTop) ); break; case symAnd: sValue.top() = static_cast( static_cast(sValue.top()) & static_cast(dTop) ); break; case symXor: sValue.top() = static_cast( static_cast(sValue.top()) ^ static_cast(dTop) ); break; case symFunction: sValue.push( (*hFunc.get( sFunc.pop() ))( dTop ) ); break; case symNegate: sValue.push( -dTop ); break; case symNot: sValue.push( static_cast( ~static_cast(dTop) ) ); break; } } if( bCloseParen == true ) { throw FormulaException( "Close-paren found without matching open-paren." ); } } }; } #endif