/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_F_STRING_H #define BU_F_STRING_H #include #include #include #include #include "bu/archival.h" #include "bu/archive.h" #include "bu/hash.h" #ifndef min #define min( a, b ) ((a 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1)) #define DEPRECATED __attribute__((__deprecated__)) #else #define DEPRECATED #endif /* __GNUC__ */ namespace Bu { template< typename chr > struct FStringChunk { long nLength; chr *pData; FStringChunk *pNext; }; /** * Flexible String class. This class was designed with string passing and * generation in mind. Like the standard string class you can specify what * datatype to use for each character. Unlike the standard string class, * collection of appended and prepended terms is done lazily, making long * operations that involve many appends very inexpensive. In addition * internal ref-counting means that if you pass strings around between * functions there's almost no overhead in time or memory since a reference * is created and no data is actually copied. This also means that you * never need to put any FBasicString into a ref-counting container class. * *@param chr (typename) Type of character (i.e. char) *@param nMinSize (int) Chunk size (default: 256) *@param chralloc (typename) Memory Allocator for chr *@param chunkalloc (typename) Memory Allocator for chr chunks */ template< typename chr, int nMinSize=256, typename chralloc=std::allocator, typename chunkalloc=std::allocator > > class FBasicString : public Archival { #ifndef VALTEST #define cpy( dest, src, size ) memcpy( dest, src, size*sizeof(chr) ) #endif private: typedef struct FStringChunk Chunk; typedef struct FBasicString MyType; public: FBasicString() : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { } FBasicString( const chr *pData ) : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( pData ); } FBasicString( const chr *pData, long nLength ) : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( pData, nLength ); } FBasicString( const MyType &rSrc ) : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { if( rSrc.nLength > 0 ) { rSrc.flatten(); append( rSrc.pFirst->pData, rSrc.nLength ); } } FBasicString( const MyType &rSrc, long nLength ) : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( rSrc.pFirst->pData, nLength ); } FBasicString( const MyType &rSrc, long nStart, long nLength ) : nLength( 0 ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( rSrc.pFirst->pData+nStart, nLength ); } FBasicString( long nSize ) : nLength( nSize ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { pFirst = pLast = newChunk( nSize ); } virtual ~FBasicString() { clear(); } /** *@todo void append( const MyType & sData ) */ /** * Append data to your string. *@param pData (const chr *) The data to append. */ void append( const chr *pData ) { if( !pData ) return; long nLen; for( nLen = 0; pData[nLen] != (chr)0; nLen++ ); if( nLen == 0 ) return; Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); appendChunk( pNew ); } /** * Append data to your string. *@param pData (const chr *) The data to append. *@param nLen (long) The length of the data to append. */ void append( const chr *pData, long nLen ) { if( nLen == 0 ) return; Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); appendChunk( pNew ); } /** * Append a single chr to your string. *@param cData (const chr &) The character to append. */ void append( const chr &cData ) { if( pLast && pLast->nLength < nMinSize ) { pLast->pData[pLast->nLength] = cData; ++pLast->nLength; ++nLength; // pLast->pData[pLast->nLength] = (chr)0; } else { append( &cData, 1 ); } } /** * Append another FString to this one. *@param sData (MyType &) The FString to append. */ void append( const MyType & sData ) { append( sData.getStr(), sData.getSize() ); } /** * Append another FString to this one. *@param sData (MyType &) The FString to append. *@param nLen How much data to append. */ void append( const MyType & sData, long nLen ) { append( sData.getStr(), nLen ); } /** * Prepend another FString to this one. *@param sData (MyType &) The FString to prepend. */ void prepend( const MyType & sData ) { prepend( sData.getStr(), sData.getSize() ); } /** * Prepend data to your string. *@param pData (const chr *) The data to prepend. */ void prepend( const chr *pData ) { if( pData == NULL ) return; long nLen; for( nLen = 0; pData[nLen] != (chr)0; nLen++ ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); prependChunk( pNew ); } /** * Prepend data to your string. *@param pData (const chr *) The data to prepend. *@param nLen (long) The length of the data to prepend. */ void prepend( const chr *pData, long nLen ) { Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); prependChunk( pNew ); } void insert( long nPos, const chr *pData, long nLen ) { if( nLen <= 0 ) return; if( nPos <= 0 ) { prepend( pData, nLen ); } else if( nPos >= nLength ) { append( pData, nLen ); } else { flatten(); Chunk *p1 = newChunk( nPos ); Chunk *p2 = newChunk( nLen ); Chunk *p3 = newChunk( nLength-nPos ); cpy( p1->pData, pFirst->pData, nPos ); cpy( p2->pData, pData, nLen ); cpy( p3->pData, pFirst->pData+nPos, nLength-nPos ); clear(); appendChunk( p1 ); appendChunk( p2 ); appendChunk( p3 ); } } void insert( long nPos, const MyType &str ) { if( nPos <= 0 ) { prepend( str ); } else if( nPos >= nLength ) { append( str ); } else { flatten(); Chunk *p1 = newChunk( nPos ); Chunk *p3 = newChunk( nLength-nPos ); cpy( p1->pData, pFirst->pData, nPos ); cpy( p3->pData, pFirst->pData+nPos, nLength-nPos ); clear(); appendChunk( p1 ); for( Chunk *pChnk = str->pFirst; pChnk; pChnk = pChnk->next ) { appendChunk( copyChunk( pChnk ) ); } appendChunk( p3 ); } } void insert( long nPos, const chr *pData ) { insert( nPos, pData, strlen( pData ) ); } void remove( long nPos, long nLen ) { if( nLen <= 0 || nPos < 0 || nPos >= nLength ) return; if( nLen > nLength-nPos ) nLen = nLength-nPos; flatten(); cpy( pFirst->pData+nPos, pFirst->pData+nPos+nLen, nLength-nPos-nLen+1 ); nLength -= nLen; pFirst->nLength -= nLen; } /** *@todo void prepend( const chr &cData ) */ /** * Clear all data from the string. */ void clear() { realClear(); } /** * Force the string to resize *@param nNewSize (long) The new size of the string. */ void resize( long nNewSize ) { if( nLength == nNewSize ) return; if( nNewSize < 0 ) nNewSize = 0; flatten(); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nNewSize ); long nNewLen = (nNewSize 0 ) { cpy( pNew->pData, pFirst->pData, nNewLen ); aChr.deallocate( pFirst->pData, pFirst->nLength+1 ); aChunk.deallocate( pFirst, 1 ); } pNew->pData[nNewLen] = (chr)0; pFirst = pLast = pNew; nLength = nNewSize; } /** * Get the current size of the string. *@returns (long) The current size of the string. */ long getSize() const { return nLength; } /** * Get a pointer to the string array. *@returns (chr *) The string data. */ chr *getStr() { if( pFirst == NULL ) return (chr *)""; flatten(); pFirst->pData[nLength] = (chr)0; return pFirst->pData; } /** * Get a const pointer to the string array. *@returns (const chr *) The string data. */ const chr *getStr() const { if( pFirst == NULL ) return (chr *)""; flatten(); pFirst->pData[nLength] = (chr)0; return pFirst->pData; } /** * (std::string compatability) Get a pointer to the string array. *@returns (chr *) The string data. */ DEPRECATED chr *c_str() { if( pFirst == NULL ) return NULL; flatten(); pFirst->pData[nLength] = (chr)0; return pFirst->pData; } /** * (std::string compatability) Get a const pointer to the string array. *@returns (const chr *) The string data. */ DEPRECATED const chr *c_str() const { if( pFirst == NULL ) return NULL; flatten(); pFirst->pData[nLength] = (chr)0; return pFirst->pData; } /** * Plus equals operator for FString. *@param pData (const chr *) The data to append to your FString. */ MyType &operator +=( const chr *pData ) { append( pData ); return (*this); } /** * Plus equals operator for FString. *@param pData (const MyType &) The FString to append to your FString. */ MyType &operator +=( const MyType &rSrc ) { if( rSrc.nLength == 0 ) return (*this); rSrc.flatten(); append( rSrc.pFirst->pData, rSrc.nLength ); return (*this); } /** * Plus equals operator for FString. *@param pData (const chr) The character to append to your FString. */ MyType &operator +=( const chr cData ) { if( pLast && pLast->nLength < nMinSize ) { pLast->pData[pLast->nLength] = cData; ++pLast->nLength; ++nLength; // pLast->pData[pLast->nLength] = (chr)0; } else { append( &cData, 1 ); } //append( pData ); return (*this); } /** * Assignment operator. *@param pData (const chr *) The character array to append to your * FString. */ MyType &operator =( const chr *pData ) { clear(); append( pData ); return (*this); } MyType &operator =( const std::basic_string &rData ) { clear(); append( rData.c_str(), rData.size() ); return (*this); } MyType operator +( const MyType &rRight ) { MyType ret( *this ); ret.append( rRight ); return ret; } MyType operator +( const chr *pRight ) { MyType ret( *this ); ret.append( pRight ); return ret; } /** * Reset your FString to this character array. *@param pData (const chr *) The character array to set your FString to. */ void set( const chr *pData ) { clear(); append( pData ); } /** * Reset your FString to this character array. *@param pData (const chr *) The character array to set your FString to. *@param nSize (long) The length of the inputted character array. */ void set( const chr *pData, long nSize ) { clear(); append( pData, nSize ); } void expand() { flatten(); wordexp_t result; /* Expand the string for the program to run. */ switch (wordexp (pFirst->pData, &result, 0)) { case 0: /* Successful. */ { set( result.we_wordv[0] ); wordfree( &result ); return; } break; case WRDE_NOSPACE: /* If the error was `WRDE_NOSPACE', then perhaps part of the result was allocated. */ wordfree (&result); default: /* Some other error. */ return; } } /** * Assignment operator. *@param rSrc (const MyType &) The FString to set your FString to. */ MyType &operator =( const MyType &rSrc ) { copyFrom( rSrc ); return (*this); } /** * Equals comparison operator. *@param pData (const chr *) The character array to compare your FString * to. */ bool operator ==( const chr *pData ) const { if( pFirst == NULL ) { if( pData == NULL ) return true; if( pData[0] == (chr)0 ) return true; return false; } flatten(); pFirst->pData[nLength] = (chr)0; const chr *a = pData; chr *b = pFirst->pData; for( long j = 0; *a!=(chr)0 || *b!=(chr)0; j++, a++, b++ ) { if( *a != *b ) return false; if( *a == (chr)0 && j < nLength ) return false; } return true; } /** * Equals comparison operator. *@param pData (const MyType &) The FString to compare your FString to. */ bool operator ==( const MyType &pData ) const { if( pFirst == pData.pFirst ) return true; if( pFirst == NULL ) return false; if( nLength != pData.nLength ) return false; flatten(); pData.flatten(); const chr *a = pData.pFirst->pData; chr *b = pFirst->pData; for( long j = 0; j < nLength; j++, a++, b++ ) { if( *a != *b ) return false; } return true; } /** * Not equals comparison operator. *@param pData (const chr *) The character array to compare your FString * to. */ bool operator !=(const chr *pData ) const { return !(*this == pData); } /** * Not equals comparison operator. *@param pData (const MyType &) The FString to compare your FString to. */ bool operator !=(const MyType &pData ) const { return !(*this == pData); } /** * Indexing operator *@param nIndex (long) The index of the character you want. *@returns (chr &) The character at position (nIndex). */ chr &operator[]( long nIndex ) { flatten(); return pFirst->pData[nIndex]; } /** * Const indexing operator *@param nIndex (long) The index of the character you want. *@returns (const chr &) The character at position (nIndex). */ const chr &operator[]( long nIndex ) const { flatten(); return pFirst->pData[nIndex]; } /* operator const chr *() const { if( !pFirst ) return NULL; flatten(); return pFirst->pData; } */ operator bool() const { return (pFirst != NULL); } bool isSet() const { return (pFirst != NULL); } /** * Is the character at index (nIndex) white space? *@param nIndex (long) The index of the character you want to check. *@returns (bool) Is it white space? */ bool isWS( long nIndex ) const { flatten(); return pFirst->pData[nIndex]==' ' || pFirst->pData[nIndex]=='\t' || pFirst->pData[nIndex]=='\r' || pFirst->pData[nIndex]=='\n'; } /** * Is the character at index (nIndex) a letter? *@param nIndex (long) The index of the character you want to check. *@returns (bool) Is it a letter? */ bool isAlpha( long nIndex ) const { flatten(); return (pFirst->pData[nIndex] >= 'a' && pFirst->pData[nIndex] <= 'z') || (pFirst->pData[nIndex] >= 'A' && pFirst->pData[nIndex] <= 'Z'); } /** * Convert your alpha characters to lower case. */ void toLower() { flatten(); for( long j = 0; j < nLength; j++ ) { if( pFirst->pData[j] >= 'A' && pFirst->pData[j] <= 'Z' ) pFirst->pData[j] -= 'A'-'a'; } } /** * Convert your alpha characters to upper case. */ void toUpper() { flatten(); for( long j = 0; j < nLength; j++ ) { if( pFirst->pData[j] >= 'a' && pFirst->pData[j] <= 'z' ) pFirst->pData[j] += 'A'-'a'; } } /** * Find the index of the first occurrance of (sText) *@param sText (const chr *) The string to search for. *@returns (long) The index of the first occurrance. -1 for not found. */ long find( const chr cChar ) const { flatten(); for( long j = 0; j < pFirst->nLength; j++ ) { if( pFirst->pData[j] == cChar ) return j; } return -1; } /** * Find the index of the first occurrance of cChar *@param cChar (const chr) The character to search for. *@returns (long) The index of the first occurrance. -1 for not found. */ long find( const chr *sText ) const { long nTLen = strlen( sText ); flatten(); for( long j = 0; j < pFirst->nLength-nTLen; j++ ) { if( !strncmp( sText, pFirst->pData+j, nTLen ) ) return j; } return -1; } /** * Find the index of the first occurrance of cChar *@param sText (const chr *) The string to search for. *@returns (long) The index of the first occurrance. -1 for not found. */ long find( long iStart, const chr cChar ) const { flatten(); for( long j = iStart; j < pFirst->nLength; j++ ) { if( pFirst->pData[j] == cChar ) return j; } return -1; } /** * Find the index of the first occurrance of sText *@param cChar (const chr) The character to search for. *@returns (long) The index of the first occurrance. -1 for not found. */ long find( long iStart, const chr *sText ) const { long nTLen = strlen( sText ); flatten(); for( long j = iStart; j < pFirst->nLength-nTLen; j++ ) { if( !strncmp( sText, pFirst->pData+j, nTLen ) ) return j; } return -1; } /** * Do a reverse search for (sText) *@param sText (const chr *) The string to search for. *@returns (long) The index of the last occurrance. -1 for not found. */ long rfind( const chr *sText ) const { long nTLen = strlen( sText ); flatten(); for( long j = pFirst->nLength-nTLen-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { if( !strncmp( sText, pFirst->pData+j, nTLen ) ) return j; } return -1; } /** * Remove nAmnt bytes from the front of the string. This function * operates in O(n) time and should be used sparingly. */ void trimFront( long nAmnt ) { long nNewLen = nLength - nAmnt; flatten(); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nNewLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pFirst->pData+nAmnt, nNewLen ); clear(); appendChunk( pNew ); } void format( const char *sFrmt, ...) { clear(); va_list ap; va_start( ap, sFrmt ); long iLen = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, sFrmt, ap ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( iLen ); vsnprintf( pNew->pData, iLen+1, sFrmt, ap ); appendChunk( pNew ); va_end( ap ); } void formatAppend( const char *sFrmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start( ap, sFrmt ); long iLen = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, sFrmt, ap ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( iLen ); vsnprintf( pNew->pData, iLen+1, sFrmt, ap ); appendChunk( pNew ); va_end( ap ); } void formatPrepend( const char *sFrmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start( ap, sFrmt ); long iLen = vsnprintf( NULL, 0, sFrmt, ap ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( iLen ); vsnprintf( pNew->pData, iLen+1, sFrmt, ap ); prependChunk( pNew ); va_end( ap ); } /** * Function the archiver calls to archive your FString. *@param ar (Archive) The archive which is archiving your FString. */ void archive( class Archive &ar ) { if( ar.isLoading() ) { clear(); long nLen; ar >> nLen; if( nLen > 0 ) { Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); ar.read( pNew->pData, nLen*sizeof(chr) ); appendChunk( pNew ); } } else { flatten(); ar << nLength; if( nLength ) ar.write( pFirst->pData, nLength*sizeof(chr) ); } } private: void flatten() const { if( isFlat() ) return; if( pFirst == NULL ) return; Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLength ); chr *pos = pNew->pData; Chunk *i = pFirst; for(;;) { cpy( pos, i->pData, i->nLength ); pos += i->nLength; i = i->pNext; if( i == NULL ) break; } realClear(); pLast = pFirst = pNew; nLength = pNew->nLength; } void realClear() const { if( pFirst == NULL ) return; Chunk *i = pFirst; for(;;) { Chunk *n = i->pNext; aChr.deallocate( i->pData, i->nLength+1 ); aChunk.deallocate( i, 1 ); if( n == NULL ) break; i = n; } pFirst = pLast = NULL; nLength = 0; } void copyFrom( const FBasicString &rSrc ) { if( rSrc.pFirst == NULL ) { clear(); return; } Chunk *pNew = newChunk( rSrc.nLength ); chr *pos = pNew->pData; Chunk *i = rSrc.pFirst; for(;;) { cpy( pos, i->pData, i->nLength ); pos += i->nLength; i = i->pNext; if( i == NULL ) break; } clear(); appendChunk( pNew ); } bool isFlat() const { return (pFirst == pLast); } Chunk *newChunk() const { Chunk *pNew = aChunk.allocate( 1 ); pNew->pNext = NULL; return pNew; } Chunk *newChunk( long nLen ) const { Chunk *pNew = aChunk.allocate( 1 ); pNew->pNext = NULL; pNew->nLength = nLen; pNew->pData = aChr.allocate( (nLenpData[nLen] = (chr)0; return pNew; } void appendChunk( Chunk *pNewChunk ) { if( pFirst == NULL ) pLast = pFirst = pNewChunk; else { pLast->pNext = pNewChunk; pLast = pNewChunk; } nLength += pNewChunk->nLength; } void prependChunk( Chunk *pNewChunk ) { if( pFirst == NULL ) pLast = pFirst = pNewChunk; else { pNewChunk->pNext = pFirst; pFirst = pNewChunk; } nLength += pNewChunk->nLength; } #ifdef VALTEST void cpy( chr *dest, const chr *src, long count ) const { for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { *dest = *src; dest++; src++; } } #endif private: mutable long nLength; mutable Chunk *pFirst; mutable Chunk *pLast; mutable chralloc aChr; mutable chunkalloc aChunk; }; typedef FBasicString FString; template<> uint32_t __calcHashCode( const FString &k ); template<> bool __cmpHashKeys( const FString &a, const FString &b ); template FBasicString operator +( const T *pLeft, const FBasicString &rRight ) { Bu::FBasicString ret( pLeft ); ret.append( rRight ); return ret; } #ifdef BU_TRACE template<> void __tracer_format( const FString &v ); #endif } #include std::basic_ostream& operator<< (std::basic_ostream &os, const Bu::FString &val ); #endif