#ifndef F_STRING_H #define F_STRING_H #include #include #include "serializable.h" #include "serializer.h" template< typename chr > struct FStringChunk { long nLength; chr *pData; FStringChunk *pNext; }; /** * Flexible String class. This class was designed with string passing and * generation in mind. Like the standard string class you can specify what * datatype to use for each character. Unlike the standard string class, * collection of appended and prepended terms is done lazily, making long * operations that involve many appends very inexpensive. In addition internal * ref-counting means that if you pass strings around between functions there's * almost no overhead in time or memory since a reference is created and no * data is actually copied. This also means that you never need to put any * FBasicString into a ref-counting container class. */ template< typename chr, typename chralloc=std::allocator, typename chunkalloc=std::allocator > > class FBasicString : public Serializable { #ifndef VALTEST #define cpy( dest, src, size ) memcpy( dest, src, size*sizeof(chr) ) #endif private: typedef struct FStringChunk Chunk; typedef struct FBasicString MyType; public: FBasicString() : nLength( 0 ), pnRefs( NULL ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { } FBasicString( const chr *pData ) : nLength( 0 ), pnRefs( NULL ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( pData ); } FBasicString( const chr *pData, long nLength ) : nLength( 0 ), pnRefs( NULL ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { append( pData, nLength ); } FBasicString( const MyType &rSrc ) : nLength( 0 ), pnRefs( NULL ), pFirst( NULL ), pLast( NULL ) { // Here we have no choice but to copy, since the other guy is a const. // In the case that the source were flat, we could get a reference, it // would make some things faster, but not matter in many other cases. joinShare( rSrc ); //copyFrom( rSrc ); } virtual ~FBasicString() { clear(); } void append( const chr *pData ) { long nLen; for( nLen = 0; pData[nLen] != (chr)0; nLen++ ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); appendChunk( pNew ); } void append( const chr *pData, long nLen ) { Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); appendChunk( pNew ); } void prepend( const chr *pData ) { long nLen; for( nLen = 0; pData[nLen] != (chr)0; nLen++ ); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); prependChunk( pNew ); } void prepend( const chr *pData, long nLen ) { Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); cpy( pNew->pData, pData, nLen ); prependChunk( pNew ); } void clear() { realClear(); } void resize( long nNewSize ) { if( nLength == nNewSize ) return; flatten(); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nNewSize ); long nNewLen = (nNewSizepData, pFirst->pData, nNewLen ); pNew->pData[nNewLen] = (chr)0; aChr.deallocate( pFirst->pData, pFirst->nLength+1 ); aChunk.deallocate( pFirst, 1 ); pFirst = pLast = pNew; nLength = nNewSize; } chr *c_str() { if( pFirst == NULL ) return NULL; flatten(); return pFirst->pData; } const chr *c_str() const { if( pFirst == NULL ) return NULL; flatten(); return pFirst->pData; } MyType &operator +=( const chr *pData ) { append( pData ); return (*this); } MyType &operator =( const chr *pData ) { clear(); append( pData ); return (*this); } MyType &operator =( const MyType &rSrc ) { //if( rSrc.isFlat() ) //{ joinShare( rSrc ); //} //else //{ // copyFrom( rSrc ); //} // return (*this); } bool operator ==( const chr *pData ) const { if( pFirst == NULL ) { if( pData == NULL ) return true; return false; } flatten(); const chr *a = pData; chr *b = pFirst->pData; for( ; *a!=(chr)0; a++, b++ ) { if( *a != *b ) return false; } return true; } bool operator ==( const MyType &pData ) const { if( pFirst == pData.pFirst ) return true; if( pFirst == NULL ) return false; flatten(); pData.flatten(); const chr *a = pData.pFirst->pData; chr *b = pFirst->pData; for( ; *a!=(chr)0; a++, b++ ) { if( *a != *b ) return false; } return true; } bool operator !=(const chr *pData ) const { return !(*this == pData); } bool operator !=(const MyType &pData ) const { return !(*this == pData); } chr &operator[]( long nIndex ) { flatten(); return pFirst->pData[nIndex]; } const chr &operator[]( long nIndex ) const { flatten(); return pFirst->pData[nIndex]; } void serialize( class Serializer &ar ) { if( ar.isLoading() ) { clear(); long nLen; ar >> nLen; Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLen ); ar.read( pNew->pData, nLen*sizeof(chr) ); appendChunk( pNew ); } else { flatten(); ar << nLength; ar.write( pFirst->pData, nLength*sizeof(chr) ); } } private: void flatten() const { if( isFlat() ) return; if( pFirst == NULL ) return; unShare(); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLength ); chr *pos = pNew->pData; Chunk *i = pFirst; for(;;) { cpy( pos, i->pData, i->nLength ); pos += i->nLength; i = i->pNext; if( i == NULL ) break; } realClear(); pLast = pFirst = pNew; nLength = pNew->nLength; } void realClear() const { if( pFirst == NULL ) return; if( isShared() ) { decRefs(); } else { Chunk *i = pFirst; for(;;) { Chunk *n = i->pNext; aChr.deallocate( i->pData, i->nLength+1 ); aChunk.deallocate( i, 1 ); if( n == NULL ) break; i = n; } pFirst = pLast = NULL; nLength = 0; } } void copyFrom( const FBasicString &rSrc ) { if( rSrc.pFirst == NULL ) return; decRefs(); Chunk *pNew = newChunk( rSrc.nLength ); chr *pos = pNew->pData; Chunk *i = rSrc.pFirst; for(;;) { cpy( pos, i->pData, i->nLength ); pos += i->nLength; i = i->pNext; if( i == NULL ) break; } clear(); appendChunk( pNew ); } bool isFlat() const { return (pFirst == pLast); } bool isShared() const { return (pnRefs != NULL); } Chunk *newChunk() const { Chunk *pNew = aChunk.allocate( 1 ); pNew->pNext = NULL; return pNew; } Chunk *newChunk( long nLen ) const { Chunk *pNew = aChunk.allocate( 1 ); pNew->pNext = NULL; pNew->nLength = nLen; pNew->pData = aChr.allocate( nLen+1 ); pNew->pData[nLen] = (chr)0; return pNew; } void appendChunk( Chunk *pNewChunk ) { unShare(); if( pFirst == NULL ) pLast = pFirst = pNewChunk; else { pLast->pNext = pNewChunk; pLast = pNewChunk; } nLength += pNewChunk->nLength; } void prependChunk( Chunk *pNewChunk ) { unShare(); if( pFirst == NULL ) pLast = pFirst = pNewChunk; else { pNewChunk->pNext = pFirst; pFirst = pNewChunk; } nLength += pNewChunk->nLength; } void joinShare( MyType &rSrc ) { clear(); if( !rSrc.isFlat() ) rSrc.flatten(); rSrc.initCount(); pnRefs = rSrc.pnRefs; (*pnRefs)++; nLength = rSrc.nLength; pFirst = rSrc.pFirst; pLast = rSrc.pLast; } void joinShare( const MyType &rSrc ) { clear(); rSrc.flatten(); if( !rSrc.isShared() ) { rSrc.pnRefs = new uint32_t; (*rSrc.pnRefs) = 1; } pnRefs = rSrc.pnRefs; (*pnRefs)++; nLength = rSrc.nLength; pFirst = rSrc.pFirst; pLast = rSrc.pLast; } /** * This takes an object that was shared and makes a copy of the base data * that was being shared so that this copy can be changed. This should be * added before any call that will change this object; */ void unShare() const { if( isShared() == false ) return; Chunk *pNew = newChunk( nLength ); chr *pos = pNew->pData; Chunk *i = pFirst; for(;;) { cpy( pos, i->pData, i->nLength ); pos += i->nLength; i = i->pNext; if( i == NULL ) break; } decRefs(); pLast = pFirst = pNew; nLength = pNew->nLength; } /** * This decrements our ref count and pulls us out of the share. If the ref * count hits zero because of this, it destroys the share. This is not * safe to call on it's own, it's much better to call unShare. */ void decRefs() const { if( isShared() ) { (*pnRefs)--; if( (*pnRefs) == 0 ) destroyShare(); else { pnRefs = NULL; pFirst = NULL; pLast = NULL; nLength = 0; } } } /** * While the unShare function removes an instance from a share, this * function destroys the data that was in the share, removing the share * itself. This should only be called when the refcount for the share has * or is about to reach zero. */ void destroyShare() const { delete pnRefs; pnRefs = NULL; realClear(); } #ifdef VALTEST void cpy( chr *dest, const chr *src, long count ) const { for( int j = 0; j < count; j++ ) { *dest = *src; dest++; src++; } } #endif void initCount() const { if( !isShared() ) { pnRefs = new uint32_t; (*pnRefs) = 1; } } private: mutable long nLength; mutable uint32_t *pnRefs; mutable Chunk *pFirst; mutable Chunk *pLast; mutable chralloc aChr; mutable chunkalloc aChunk; }; typedef FBasicString FString; #include "hash.h" template<> uint32_t __calcHashCode( const FString &k ); template<> bool __cmpHashKeys( const FString &a, const FString &b ); #endif