#include #include #include #include "hashtable.h" HashTable::HashTable( HashFunction *hNewFunc, unsigned long int nInitSize, bool bAllowDupes ) { hFunc = hNewFunc; nTableSize = nextPrime( nInitSize ); aTable = new HashNode[nTableSize]; //for( int j = 0; j < nTableSize; j++ ) if( aTable[j].id || aTable[j].data || aTable[j].bDeleted ) printf("Unclean entry\n"); nSize = 0; nFilled = 0; this->bAllowDupes = bAllowDupes; } HashTable::~HashTable() { delete[] aTable; delete hFunc; } void HashTable::set( int j, const void *newID, const void *newData ) { if( newData == NULL ) { printf("Inserting NULL data is indestinguishable from uninserted data!\n"); } aTable[j].id = newID; aTable[j].data = newData; } bool HashTable::isFilled( int j ) { return (aTable[j].id != NULL)||(aTable[j].bDeleted); } bool HashTable::reHash( unsigned long int nNewSize ) { HashNode *aOldTable = aTable; unsigned long int oldSize = nTableSize; // If the table can still be used if we just get rid of deleted items, don't // change the size of the table, otherwise, go ahead and use the number // passed in. if( nSize > nTableSize>>1 ) { nTableSize = nextPrime( nNewSize ); } aTable = newTable( nTableSize ); //for( int j = 0; j < nTableSize; j++ ) if( aTable[j].id || aTable[j].data || aTable[j].bDeleted ) printf("Unclean entry\n"); nSize = 0; nFilled = 0; for( unsigned long int j = 0; j < oldSize; j++ ) { if( aOldTable[j].id != NULL && aOldTable[j].bDeleted == false ) { insert( aOldTable[j].id, aOldTable[j].data ); } } delete[] aOldTable; } unsigned long int HashTable::probe( unsigned long int nStart, const void *id ) { int nHash = nStart; nStart = nStart%nTableSize; if( bAllowDupes == true ) { for( unsigned long int j=0; isFilled( nStart ) && j < 32; nStart = (nStart+(1<cmpIDs( aTable[nStart].id, id ) == true && aTable[nStart].bDeleted == false ) { return nStart; } } } } // This is our insurance, if the table is full, then go ahead and rehash, // then try again. if( isFilled( nStart ) ) { reHash( getCapacity()*2 ); return probe( nHash, id ); } return nStart; } HashTable::HashNode *HashTable::newTable( unsigned long int nNewSize ) { return new HashNode[nNewSize]; } #ifdef HASH_DEBUG_VIS void HashTable::printDebugLine( const char *exData ) { char *buf = new char[getCapacity()+3]; int j; buf[0] = '['; for( j = 0; j < getCapacity(); j++ ) { buf[j+1] = (aTable[j].bDeleted)?('X'):((isFilled( j ))?('#'):('-')); } buf[j+1] = ']'; buf[j+2] = '\0'; printf("%s %s\n", buf, exData ); delete[] buf; } #endif bool HashTable::insert( const void *id, const void *data ) { unsigned long int nPos = probe( hFunc->hash( id ), id )%nTableSize; if( bAllowDupes == true ) { if( aTable[nPos].id == NULL && aTable[nPos].bDeleted == false ) { set( nPos, id, data ); #ifdef HASH_DEBUG_VIS printDebugLine( (const char *)id ); #endif nSize++; nFilled++; return true; } else { return false; } } else { if( aTable[nPos].id == NULL && aTable[nPos].bDeleted == false ) { set( nPos, id, data ); #ifdef HASH_DEBUG_VIS printDebugLine( (const char *)id ); #endif nSize++; nFilled++; return true; } else if( hFunc->cmpIDs( aTable[nPos].id, id ) == true ) { set( nPos, id, data ); #ifdef HASH_DEBUG_VIS printDebugLine( (const char *)id ); #endif return true; } else { return false; } } } const void *HashTable::get( const void *id, unsigned long int nSkip ) { unsigned long int nPos = hFunc->hash( id )%nTableSize; for( unsigned long int j=0; j < 32; nPos = (nPos+(1<cmpIDs( id, aTable[nPos].id ) && aTable[nPos].bDeleted == false ) { if( nSkip == 0 ) { return aTable[nPos].data; } else { nSkip--; } } } if( bAllowDupes ) { int nOldPos = nPos; for( nPos++; nPos != nOldPos; nPos=(nPos+1)%nTableSize ) { if( !isFilled( nPos ) ) return NULL; if( hFunc->cmpIDs( id, aTable[nPos].id ) && aTable[nPos].bDeleted == false ) { if( nSkip == 0 ) { return aTable[nPos].data; } else { nSkip--; } } } } return NULL; } void *HashTable::getFirstItemPos() { HashPos *pos = new HashPos; return pos; } const void *HashTable::getItemData( void *xPos ) { return aTable[((HashPos *)xPos)->nPos].data; } const void *HashTable::getItemID( void *xPos ) { return aTable[((HashPos *)xPos)->nPos].id; } void *HashTable::getNextItemPos( void *xPos ) { HashPos *pos = (HashPos *)xPos; if( pos->bStarted == false ) { pos->bStarted = true; pos->nPos = 0; } else { pos->nPos++; } if( pos->nPos < nTableSize ) { for( ; pos->nPos < nTableSize; pos->nPos++ ) { if( isFilled( pos->nPos ) && aTable[pos->nPos].bDeleted == false ) { return xPos; } } } delete pos; return NULL; } // Big-O sqrt(n) // Change this to be erethpothynies table with a storage // lookup later on. bool HashTable::isPrime (int num) { if (num == 2) // the only even prime return true; else if (num % 2 == 0) // other even numbers are composite return false; else { //bool prime = true; int divisor = 3; int upperLimit = static_cast(sqrt(num) + 1); while (divisor <= upperLimit) { if (num % divisor == 0) return false; // prime = false; divisor +=2; } return true; } } // Big-O n^(3/2) int HashTable::nextPrime( int base ) { int nPrime; for( nPrime = base; isPrime( nPrime ) == false; nPrime++ ); return nPrime; } unsigned long int HashTable::getCapacity() { return nTableSize; } unsigned long int HashTable::getSize() { return nSize; } double HashTable::getLoad() { return (double)(nFilled)/(double)(nTableSize); } const void *HashTable::operator[](const void *id) { return get( id ); } bool HashTable::del( const void *id, int nSkip ) { unsigned long int nPos = hFunc->hash( id )%nTableSize; for( unsigned long int j=0; j < 32; nPos = (nPos+(1<cmpIDs( id, aTable[nPos].id ) && aTable[nPos].bDeleted == false ) { if( nSkip == 0 ) { aTable[nPos].bDeleted = true; // aTable[nPos]. nSize--; #ifdef HASH_DEBUG_VIS printDebugLine( (const char *)id ); #endif return true; } else { nSkip--; } } } return false; }