/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_LOGGER_H #define BU_LOGGER_H #include "bu/singleton.h" #include "bu/fstring.h" namespace Bu { /** * Simple logging facility. All output goes straight to stdout, unlike the * old multi-log system. Generally we expect any program complex enough to * want to use this will have other facilities for processing the logging * output, but if we need it we can add other output methods. * * Currently implemented as a singleton to avoid clutter with globals, you * generally never want to use the logging system directly, it's annoying. * Instead use the handy macros lineLog, setLogMask, setLogFormat, and * setLogLevel. They do all the real work for you. * * In the log format, you can specify extra information that will be written * to the log with every message, and extras in printf style. Use %X flags * where X is one of the following: * - L - Logging level of the log message (not the current mask) * - y - Full year * - m - Month * - d - Day of month * - h - Hour (24-hour format) * - M - Minutes * - s - Seconds * - f - Source file * - l - Line number * - F - function name * - t - Text of message (usually important) * * You can include anything extra that you would like, a newline will always * be added automatically, so no need to worry about that. You can also * include any extra printf style formatting that you would like, for * example: "%h:%02M:%02s" for the time 4:02:09 instead of 4:2:9. * * It's generally handy to create an enum of values you use as levels during * program execution (such as error, warning, info, debug, etc). These * levels should be treated as bitflags, and the most desirable messages, * i.e. serious errors and the like should be low order (0x01), and the much * less desirable messages, like debugging info, should be higher order * (0xF0). During operation you can then set either an explicit mask, * selecting just the levels that you would like to see printed, or set the * mask using the setLevel helper function, which simulates verbosity * levels, enabling every flag lower order than the highest order set bit * passed. I.E. if you had the following enumerated levels: * *@code enum { logError = 0x01, logWarning = 0x02, logInfo = 0x04, logDebug = 0x08 }; @endcode * And you set the mask with setMask( logInfo ) the only messages you would * see are the ones catagorized logInfo. However, if you used * setLevel( logInfo ) then you would see logInfo, logWarning, and logError * type messages, since they are lower order. */ class Logger : public Bu::Singleton { friend class Bu::Singleton; private: Logger(); virtual ~Logger(); public: void log( uint32_t nLevel, const char *sFile, const char *sFunction, int nLine, const char *sFormat, ...); void setFormat( const Bu::FString &str ); void setMask( uint32_t n ); void setLevel( uint32_t n ); uint32_t getMask(); void hexDump( uint32_t nLevel, const char *sFile, const char *sFunction, int nLine, const void *pData, long nDataLen, const char *lpName ); private: Bu::FString sLogFormat; uint32_t nLevelMask; }; } /** * Use Bu::Logger to log a message at the given level and with the given message * using printf style formatting, and include extra data such as the current * file, line number, and function. */ #define lineLog( nLevel, sFrmt, ...) \ Bu::Logger::getInstance().log( nLevel, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sFrmt, ##__VA_ARGS__ ) #define logHexDump( nLevel, pData, iSize, sName ) \ Bu::Logger::getInstance().hexDump( nLevel, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pData, iSize, sName ) /** * Set the Bu::Logger logging mask directly. See Bu::Logger::setMask for * details. */ #define setLogMask( nLevel ) \ Bu::Logger::getInstance().setMask( nLevel ) /** * Set the Bu::Logger format. See Bu::Logger::setFormat for details. */ #define setLogFormat( sFrmt ) \ Bu::Logger::getInstance().setFormat( sFrmt ) /** * Set the Bu::Logger logging mask simulating levels. See Bu::Logger::setLevel * for details. */ #define setLogLevel( nLevel ) \ Bu::Logger::getInstance().setLevel( nLevel ) #endif