/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_MEM_BUF_H #define BU_MEM_BUF_H #include #include "bu/config.h" #include "bu/stream.h" #include "bu/string.h" namespace Bu { /** * A memory buffer stream. *@ingroup Streams */ class MemBuf : public Stream { public: MemBuf(); MemBuf( const Bu::String &str ); virtual ~MemBuf(); virtual void close(); virtual size read( void *pBuf, size iBytes ); virtual size write( const void *pBuf, size iBytes ); using Stream::write; virtual size tell(); virtual void seek( size offset ); virtual void setPos( size pos ); virtual void setPosEnd( size pos ); virtual bool isEos(); virtual bool isOpen(); virtual void flush(); virtual bool canRead(); virtual bool canWrite(); virtual bool isReadable(); virtual bool isWritable(); virtual bool isSeekable(); virtual bool isBlocking(); virtual void setBlocking( bool bBlocking=true ); virtual void setSize( size iSize ); virtual size getSize() const; virtual size getBlockSize() const; virtual Bu::String getLocation() const; Bu::String &getString(); void setString( const Bu::String &sNewData ); private: Bu::String sBuf; size nPos; }; } #endif