/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/nids.h" #include "bu/stream.h" #include "bu/nidsstream.h" #include #define NIDS_MAGIC_CODE ((unsigned char *)"\xFF\xC3\x99\xBD") namespace Bu { subExceptionDef( NidsException ) } Bu::Nids::Nids( Bu::Stream &sStore ) : sStore( sStore ), iBlockSize( 0 ), iBlocks( 0 ), iBlockStart( -1 ), iUsed( 0 ) { } Bu::Nids::~Nids() { updateHeader(); } void Bu::Nids::initialize() { unsigned char buf[4]; if( sStore.read( buf, 4 ) < 4 ) throw NidsException("Input stream appears to be empty."); if( memcmp( buf, NIDS_MAGIC_CODE, 4 ) ) { throw NidsException( "Stream does not appear to be a valid NIDS format."); } sStore.read( buf, 2 ); if( buf[0] != 0 ) throw NidsException( "We can only handle version 0 for now."); if( buf[1] != 4 ) throw NidsException( "We can only handle 4-byte words at the moment."); sStore.read( &iBlockSize, 4 ); sStore.read( &iBlocks, 4 ); sStore.read( &iUsed, 4 ); // number of used blocks... sStore.seek( 7 ); // skip reserved space. iBlockStart = sStore.tell(); //printf("%d blocks, %db each, %db block offset\n", // iBlocks, iBlockSize, iBlockStart ); bsBlockUsed.setSize( iBlocks, true ); Block bTmp; for( int j = 0; j < iBlocks; j++ ) { sStore.seek( iBlockStart+iBlockSize*j ); sStore.read( &bTmp, sizeof(bTmp) ); if( bTmp.uFirstBlock != blockUnused ) bsBlockUsed.setBit( j ); } } void Bu::Nids::initialize( int iBlockSize, int iPreAllocate ) { char cBuf = 0; int iBuf = 0; // Magic number sStore.write( NIDS_MAGIC_CODE, 4 ); // Version (0) sStore.write( &cBuf, 1 ); // Bytes per int cBuf = 4; sStore.write( &cBuf, 1 ); // The size of each block and the number of blocks we're pre-allocating sStore.write( &iBlockSize, 4 ); sStore.write( &iPreAllocate, 4 ); // The number of used blocks sStore.write( &iBuf, 4 ); // Reserved space sStore.write( "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", 7 ); this->iBlockSize = iBlockSize; this->iBlocks = iPreAllocate; this->iBlockStart = sStore.tell(); //printf("iBlockStart = %d\n", this->iBlockStart ); bsBlockUsed.setSize( iPreAllocate, true ); //printf("%d blocks, %db each, %db block offset\n", // iBlocks, iBlockSize, iBlockStart ); Block *block = (Block *)new char[iBlockSize]; memset( block, 0, iBlockSize ); block->uFirstBlock = block->uNextBlock = block->uPrevBlock = blockUnused; for( int j = 0; j < iPreAllocate; j++ ) { sStore.write( block, iBlockSize ); } delete[] (char *)block; } void Bu::Nids::updateHeader() { if( !sStore.canWrite() ) return; sStore.setPos( 10 ); // Skip the magic number, version, bpi, block size sStore.write( &iBlocks, 4 ); sStore.write( &iUsed, 4 ); } void Bu::Nids::initBlock( uint32_t uPos, uint32_t uFirstBlock, uint32_t uPrevBlock, bool bNew ) { Block b = { uPos, blockUnused, uPrevBlock, 0, 0, { } }; if( uFirstBlock != blockUnused ) b.uFirstBlock = uFirstBlock; bsBlockUsed.setBit( uPos ); sStore.setPos( iBlockStart+(iBlockSize*uPos) ); sStore.write( &b, sizeof(Block) ); if( bNew ) { // It's a new one, at the end, write some zeros. int iSize = iBlockSize-sizeof(Block); char *buf = new char[iSize]; memset( buf, 0, iSize ); sStore.write( buf, iSize ); delete[] buf; } iUsed++; } uint32_t Bu::Nids::createBlock( uint32_t uFirstBlock, uint32_t uPrevBlock, int /*iPreAllocate*/ ) { for( int j = 0; j < iBlocks; j++ ) { if( !bsBlockUsed.getBit( j ) ) { initBlock( j, uFirstBlock, uPrevBlock ); return j; } } // Oh, we don't have any blocks left...allocate a new one. iBlocks++; bsBlockUsed.setSize( iBlocks, false ); initBlock( iBlocks-1, uFirstBlock, uPrevBlock, true ); return iBlocks-1; } int Bu::Nids::createStream( int iPreAllocate ) { return createBlock( blockUnused, blockUnused, iPreAllocate ); } void Bu::Nids::deleteStream( int /*iID*/ ) { } Bu::NidsStream Bu::Nids::openStream( int iID ) { if( iBlockStart < 0 ) { initialize(); } return NidsStream( *this, iID ); } int Bu::Nids::getBlockSize() { return iBlockSize; } int Bu::Nids::getNumBlocks() { return iBlocks; } int Bu::Nids::getNumUsedBlocks() { return iUsed; } int Bu::Nids::getBlockStart() { return iBlockStart; } int Bu::Nids::getBlockOverhead() { return sizeof(Block); } /* void Bu::Nids::extendStream( int iID, int iBlockCount ) { }*/ void Bu::Nids::getBlock( uint32_t uIndex, Bu::Nids::Block *pBlock ) { sStore.setPos( iBlockStart + (iBlockSize*uIndex) ); sStore.read( pBlock, iBlockSize ); } void Bu::Nids::setBlock( uint32_t uIndex, Bu::Nids::Block *pBlock ) { sStore.setPos( iBlockStart + (iBlockSize*uIndex) ); sStore.write( pBlock, iBlockSize ); } void Bu::Nids::updateStreamSize( uint32_t uIndex, uint32_t uSize ) { if( !sStore.canWrite() ) return; sStore.setPos( iBlockStart + (iBlockSize*uIndex)+4*3 ); sStore.write( &uSize, 4 ); } uint32_t Bu::Nids::getNextBlock( uint32_t uIndex, struct Bu::Nids::Block *pBlock, bool bCreate ) { uint32_t uNew; if( pBlock->uNextBlock == blockUnused ) { if( bCreate ) { uNew = createBlock( pBlock->uFirstBlock, uIndex ); sStore.setPos( iBlockStart + (iBlockSize*uIndex)+1*4 ); sStore.write( &uNew, 4 ); getBlock( uNew, pBlock ); //printf("Allocated new block (%u) for stream %u.\n", // uNew, pBlock->uFirstBlock ); } else { throw Bu::NidsException("Reached end of stream."); } } else { uNew = pBlock->uNextBlock; getBlock( pBlock->uNextBlock, pBlock ); } return uNew; } Bu::Nids::Block *Bu::Nids::newBlock() { return (Block *)new char[iBlockSize]; } void Bu::Nids::deleteBlock( Block *pBlock ) { delete[] (char *)pBlock; }