#include "connection.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "exceptions.h"

// Read buffer size...maybe fix wierd issues...
#define RBS		(1024*10)

	nSocket = -1;
	bActive = false;
	bDisconnectMe = false;
	pProtocol = NULL;

	if( pProtocol != NULL ) delete pProtocol;

void Connection::ensureCapacity( int nSize )
	xOutputBuf.ensureCapacity( nSize );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const char *lpOutput, int nSize )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lpOutput, nSize );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const char lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const short lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const int lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const long lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const float lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const double lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const unsigned char lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const unsigned short lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const unsigned long lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendOutput( const unsigned int lOutput )
	return xOutputBuf.appendData( lOutput );

bool Connection::appendInput( const char *lpInput, int nSize )
	return xInputBuf.appendData( lpInput, nSize );

int Connection::scanInputFor( char cTarget )
	const char *lpTmp = xInputBuf.getData();
	int jMax = xInputBuf.getLength();

	for( int j = 0; j < jMax; j++ )
		if( lpTmp[j] == cTarget )
			return j;

	return -1;

const char *Connection::getOutput()
	return xOutputBuf.getData();

const char *Connection::getInput()
	return xInputBuf.getData();

void Connection::setSocket( int nNewSocket )
	nSocket = nNewSocket;

int Connection::getSocket()
	return nSocket;

bool Connection::isActive()
	return bActive;

void Connection::close()
	//printf("Close called, socket is:  %s\n", bActive?"Active":"Inactive" );
	if( bActive )
		fsync( nSocket );
		::close( nSocket );
		//printf("Socket closed.\n");
	bActive = false;
	//nSocket = -1;
	if( pProtocol != NULL )
		delete pProtocol;
		pProtocol = NULL;

bool Connection::open( int nNewSocket )
	bActive = true;
	setSocket( nNewSocket );
	bDisconnectMe = false;

	return true;

bool Connection::open( const char *sAddr, int nPort, int nSec )
	struct sockaddr_in xServerName;
	bActive = false;
	/* Create the socket. */
	nSocket = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
	if( nSocket < 0 )
		bActive = false;
		return false;

	// These lines set the socket to non-blocking, a good thing?
	int flags;
	flags = fcntl(nSocket, F_GETFL, 0);
	flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
	if (fcntl(nSocket, F_SETFL, flags) < 0)
		return false;
	/* Connect to the server. */
	//printf("Resolving hostname (%s)...\n", sAddr );
		struct hostent *hostinfo;
		xServerName.sin_family = AF_INET;
		xServerName.sin_port = htons( nPort );
		hostinfo = gethostbyname( sAddr );
		if (hostinfo == NULL)
			return false;
		xServerName.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) hostinfo->h_addr;

	//printf("Making actual connection...");
	//fflush( stdout );
		(struct sockaddr *)&xServerName,
	bActive = true;
	bDisconnectMe = false;

	if( nSec > 0 )
		fd_set rfds, wfds, efds;
		int retval;
		FD_SET(nSocket, &rfds);
		FD_SET(nSocket, &wfds);
		FD_SET(nSocket, &efds);

		struct timeval tv;
		tv.tv_sec = nSec;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		retval = select( nSocket+1, &rfds, &wfds, &efds, &tv );

		if( retval == 0 )
			throw ExceptionBase("Connection timeout.\n");

	if( ret < 0 )
		return false;

	return true;

int Connection::readInput()
	char buffer[RBS];
	int nbytes;
	int nTotalRead=0;

		//memset( buffer, 0, RBS );

		nbytes = read( nSocket, buffer, RBS );
		if( nbytes < 0 && errno != 0 && errno != EAGAIN )
			//printf("errno: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror( errno ) );
			/* Read error. */
			throw ConnectionException( excodeReadError, "Read error: %s", strerror( errno ) );
			if( nbytes <= 0 )
			nTotalRead += nbytes;
			appendInput( buffer, nbytes );
			/* Data read. */
			if( nbytes < RBS )

			/* New test, if data is divisible by RBS bytes on some libs the
			 * read could block, this keeps it from happening.
				fd_set rfds;
				FD_SET(nSocket, &rfds);
				struct timeval tv = { 0, 0 };
				int retval = select( nSocket+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv );
				if( retval == -1 )
					throw ConnectionException(
						"Bad Read error"
				if( !FD_ISSET( nSocket, &rfds ) )


	if( pProtocol != NULL && nTotalRead > 0 )

	return nTotalRead;

bool Connection::readInput( int nSec, int nUSec, int *pnSecBack, int *pnUSecBack )
	fd_set rfds, efds;
	struct timeval tv, start, end;
	struct timezone tz;
	int retval;
	gettimeofday( &start, &tz );

	FD_SET(nSocket, &rfds);
	FD_SET(nSocket, &efds);

	tv.tv_sec = nSec;
	tv.tv_usec = nUSec;

	//printf("Starting at %d %d\n", nSec, nUSec );
	retval = select( nSocket+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv );

	if( retval == -1 )
		// Oh my god!!! some kind of horrible problem!!!!
		throw ConnectionException( excodeBadReadError, "Bad Read error");
		return false;
	else if( retval )
		//printf("retval=%d, nSocket=%d,%d, sec=%d, usec=%d\n", retval, nSocket, FD_ISSET( nSocket, &rfds ), tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec );
		// None of them have data, but the connection is still active.
		if( FD_ISSET( nSocket, &rfds ) )
			if( readInput() == 0 )
				throw ConnectionException( excodeConnectionClosed, "Connection closed");	}

	gettimeofday( &end, &tz );

	int st, ust;
	st = nSec - ( end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec );
	if( ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec ) > nUSec )
		ust = 1000000 - (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);
		ust = nUSec - (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec);

	if( st < 0 )
		st = ust = 0;

	if( pnSecBack )
		*pnSecBack = st;
		*pnUSecBack = ust;

	//printf("New time:  %d %d\n", *pnSecBack, *pnUSecBack );

	return true;

void Connection::waitForInput( int nBytesIn, int nSec, int nUSec )
	int rlen = getInputAmnt();

	if( rlen >= nBytesIn )

	while( rlen < nBytesIn )
		if( nSec == 0 && nUSec == 0 )
			throw ConnectionException( excodeSocketTimeout, "Timed out while waiting for %d bytes.", nBytesIn );
		readInput( nSec, nUSec, &nSec, &nUSec );
		rlen = getInputAmnt();

bool Connection::clearOutput()
	return xOutputBuf.clearData();

bool Connection::clearInput()
	return xInputBuf.clearData();

#define min( a, b )   ((a<b)?(a):(b))

bool Connection::writeOutput()
	//int nBytes = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( write( nSocket, xOutputBuf.getData(), min( RBS, xOutputBuf.getLength() ) ) );
	int nBytes = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( write( nSocket, xOutputBuf.getData(), xOutputBuf.getLength() ) );
	if( nBytes < 0 )
		return true;
	if( nBytes < xOutputBuf.getLength() )
		printf("Havn't written all the data (%d/%d/%d%%)\n", nBytes, xOutputBuf.getLength(), nBytes/(xOutputBuf.getLength()*100) );
		printf("Wrote all pending data.\n");
	xOutputBuf.usedData( nBytes );

	return true;

bool Connection::writeAllOutput()
	while( hasOutput() ) writeOutput();
	return true;

bool Connection::hasOutput()
	if( xOutputBuf.getLength() == 0 )
		return false;
		return true;

bool Connection::hasInput()
	if( xInputBuf.getLength() == 0 )
		return false;
		return true;

bool Connection::usedInput( int nAmount )
	return xInputBuf.usedData( nAmount );

bool Connection::needDisconnect()
	return bDisconnectMe;

void Connection::disconnect()
	bDisconnectMe = true;

void Connection::setProtocol( class Protocol *pNewProtocol )
	pProtocol = pNewProtocol;
	pProtocol->setConnection( this );

int Connection::getInputAmnt()
	return xInputBuf.getLength();

int Connection::getOutputAmnt()
	return xOutputBuf.getLength();

class Protocol *Connection::getProtocol()
	return pProtocol;

void Connection::printInputDebug( const char *lpPrefix, FILE *fh, int nBytesMax )
		(const unsigned char *)xInputBuf.getData(),

void Connection::printOutputDebug( const char *lpPrefix, FILE *fh, int nBytesMax )
		(const unsigned char *)xOutputBuf.getData(),

void Connection::printDataDebug( const unsigned char *pData, long nDataLen, const char *lpName, const char *lpPrefix, FILE *fh, int nBytesMax )
	if( nBytesMax > 0 )
		nDataLen = (nBytesMax<nDataLen)?(nBytesMax):(nDataLen);

	fprintf( fh, "%sDisplaying %ld bytes of %s.\n", lpPrefix, nDataLen, lpName );
	int j = 0;
	fprintf( fh, lpPrefix );
	for( int l = 0; l < 8*3+2*8+2; l++ ) fprintf( fh, (l!=8*3)?("-"):("+") ); fprintf( fh, "\n");
		fprintf( fh, lpPrefix );
		int kmax = 8;
		if( nDataLen-j < 8 ) kmax = nDataLen-j;
		for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++ )
			if( k < kmax )
				fprintf( fh, "%02X ", (int)((unsigned char)pData[j+k]) );
				fprintf( fh, "-- ");
		printf("| ");
		for(int k = 0; k < kmax; k++ )
			fprintf( fh, "%c ", (pData[j+k]>32 && pData[j+k]<=128)?(pData[j+k]):('.') );
		fprintf( fh, "\n");
		j += kmax;
		if( j >= nDataLen ) break;
	fprintf( fh, lpPrefix );
	for( int l = 0; l < 8*3+2*8+2; l++ ) fprintf( fh, (l!=8*3)?("-"):("+") ); fprintf( fh, "\n");