/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/optparser.h" #include "bu/sio.h" using namespace Bu; #include Bu::OptParser::OptParser() { } Bu::OptParser::~OptParser() { } void Bu::OptParser::parse( int argc, char **argv ) { for( int j = 1; j < argc; j++ ) { if( argv[j][0] == '-' ) { // Now we're on to something, which kind is it? if( argv[j][1] == '-' ) { int iEPos; for( iEPos = 2; argv[j][iEPos] != '\0' && argv[j][iEPos] != '='; iEPos++ ) { } Bu::String sOpt; int iCount = argc-j; Bu::String sExtraParam; if( argv[j][iEPos] == '=' ) { sOpt.set( argv[j]+2, iEPos-2 ); iCount++; sExtraParam.set( argv[j]+iEPos+1 ); } else { sOpt.set( argv[j]+2 ); } if( !hlOption.has( sOpt ) ) { optionError( "--" + sOpt ); } else { // Long param, cool, that's easy, first search for = Option *pOpt = hlOption.get( sOpt ); if( pOpt->sUsed ) { Bu::StrArray aParams( iCount ); aParams.append( sOpt ); if( sExtraParam.isSet() ) { aParams.append( argv[j]+iEPos+1 ); } for( int k = j+1; k < argc; k++ ) { aParams.append( argv[k] ); } j += pOpt->sUsed( aParams ); } else if( pOpt->pProxy ) { if( pOpt->sOverride.isSet() ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValue( pOpt->sOverride ); } else if( sExtraParam.isSet() ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValueFromStr( sExtraParam ); } else if( argv[j+1] != '\0' ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValueFromStr( argv[j+1] ); j++; } } } } else { int iCPos; for( iCPos = 1; argv[j][iCPos] != '\0'; iCPos++ ) { if( !hsOption.has( argv[j][iCPos] ) ) { Bu::String sOpt("-"); sOpt += argv[j][iCPos]; optionError( sOpt ); } else { Option *pOpt = hsOption.get( argv[j][iCPos] ); char buf[2] = {argv[j][iCPos], '\0'}; if( pOpt->sUsed ) { Bu::StrArray aParams( argc-j+1 ); aParams.append( buf ); int iMod = 0; if( argv[j][iCPos+1] != '\0' ) { aParams.append( argv[j]+iCPos+1 ); iMod = -1; } for( int k = j+1; k < argc; k++ ) { aParams.append( argv[k] ); } int iUsed = pOpt->sUsed( aParams ); if( iUsed > 0 ) { j += iUsed + iMod; break; } } else if( pOpt->pProxy ) { if( pOpt->sOverride.isSet() ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValue( pOpt->sOverride ); } else if( argv[j][iCPos+1] != '\0' ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValueFromStr( argv[j]+iCPos+1 ); break; } else if( argv[j+1] ) { pOpt->pProxy->setValueFromStr( argv[j+1] ); j++; break; } } } } } } else { if( !sNonOption ) { optionError( argv[j] ); } else { int iCount = argc-j; Bu::StrArray aParams( iCount ); for( int k = j; k < argc; k++ ) { aParams.append( argv[k] ); } j += sNonOption( aParams ); } } } } void Bu::OptParser::addOption( const Option &opt ) { lOption.append( opt ); if( opt.cOpt != '\0' ) hsOption.insert( opt.cOpt, &lOption.last() ); if( opt.sOpt.isSet() ) hlOption.insert( opt.sOpt, &lOption.last() ); } void Bu::OptParser::setOverride( char cOpt, const Bu::Variant &sOverride ) { hsOption.get( cOpt )->sOverride = sOverride; } void Bu::OptParser::setOverride( const Bu::String &sOpt, const Bu::Variant &sOverride ) { hlOption.get( sOpt )->sOverride = sOverride; } void Bu::OptParser::setHelpDefault( const Bu::String &sOpt, const Bu::String &sTxt ) { hlOption.get( sOpt )->sHelpDefault = sTxt; } void Bu::OptParser::addHelpOption( char c, const Bu::String &s, const Bu::String &sHelp ) { Option o; o.sUsed = slot( this, &OptParser::optHelp ); o.cOpt = c; o.sOpt = s; o.sHelp = sHelp; addOption( o ); } void Bu::OptParser::addHelpBanner( const Bu::String &sText, bool bFormatted ) { Banner b; b.sText = sText; b.bFormatted = bFormatted; if( lOption.getSize() > 0 ) { for( b.iAfter = lOption.begin(); b.iAfter+1; b.iAfter++ ) { } } lBanner.append( b ); } int Bu::OptParser::optHelp( StrArray /*aParams*/ ) { bool bHasShort = false; int iMaxWidth = 0; int iScrWidth = 80; char *env = getenv("COLUMNS"); if( env ) iScrWidth = strtol( env, NULL, 10 ); for( OptionList::iterator i = lOption.begin(); i; i++ ) { if( (*i).cOpt != '\0' ) bHasShort = true; int lOptSize = (*i).sOpt.getSize() + (*i).sHelpDefault.getSize(); if( (*i).sOpt.isSet() && iMaxWidth < lOptSize ) iMaxWidth = lOptSize; } int iIndent = 4; if( bHasShort ) iIndent += 4; if( iMaxWidth > 0 ) iIndent += 4 + iMaxWidth; BannerList::iterator iBanner; for( iBanner = lBanner.begin(); iBanner; iBanner++ ) { if( (*iBanner).iAfter ) break; if( (*iBanner).bFormatted ) sio << format( (*iBanner).sText, iScrWidth-1, 0 ); else sio << (*iBanner).sText; sio << sio.nl; } for( OptionList::iterator i = lOption.begin(); i; i++ ) { sio << " "; if( bHasShort ) { if( (*i).cOpt == '\0' ) sio << " "; else sio << "-" << (*i).cOpt; sio << " "; } if( iMaxWidth > 0 ) { if( (*i).sOpt.isSet() ) { sio << "--" << Fmt(iMaxWidth, Fmt::Left) << (*i).sOpt + (*i).sHelpDefault; } else { sio << " " << Fmt(iMaxWidth) << ""; } sio << " "; } sio << format( (*i).sHelp, iScrWidth-iIndent-1, iIndent ); sio << sio.nl; for( ; iBanner; iBanner++ ) { if( (*iBanner).iAfter != i ) break; if( (*iBanner).bFormatted ) sio << format( (*iBanner).sText, iScrWidth-1, 0 ); else sio << (*iBanner).sText; sio << sio.nl; } } exit( 0 ); return 0; } void Bu::OptParser::optionError( const Bu::String &sOption ) { sio << "Unregcognized option discovered: " << sOption << sio.nl << sio.nl; exit( 1 ); } void Bu::OptParser::setNonOption( OptionSignal sSignal ) { sNonOption = sSignal; } Bu::String Bu::OptParser::format( const Bu::String &sIn, int iWidth, int iIndent ) { Bu::String sOut; Bu::String sIndent; for( int j = 0; j < iIndent; j++ ) sIndent.append(" ", 1); bool bFirst = true; int iSpaceCount = 0; bool bSpace = false; int iPrevLineLen; int iLineLen = 0; char c; Bu::String::const_iterator iLastSpace, iStart; for( Bu::String::const_iterator i = iLastSpace = iStart = sIn.begin(); i; i++ ) { c = *i; if( *i == ' ' ) { if( bSpace == false ) { iLastSpace = i; iSpaceCount++; bSpace = true; iPrevLineLen = iLineLen; } } else { bSpace = false; } iLineLen++; if( iLineLen >= iWidth ) { iSpaceCount--; if( bFirst == true ) bFirst = false; else sOut += sIndent; int iExtraSpaces = iWidth-iPrevLineLen; bSpace = false; float fFill = 0.0; int iSubSpaceCount = 0; float fAdd = ((float)iExtraSpaces/(float)iSpaceCount); for( Bu::String::const_iterator k = iStart; k != iLastSpace; k++ ) { sOut += *k; if( *k == ' ' ) { if( bSpace == false && iExtraSpaces > 0 ) { bSpace = true; fFill += fAdd; iSubSpaceCount++; for( int sp = 0; sp < (int)(fFill); sp++ ) { sOut += ' '; iExtraSpaces--; } fFill -= (int)fFill; if( iSubSpaceCount == iSpaceCount && iExtraSpaces > 0 ) { for(; iExtraSpaces > 0; iExtraSpaces-- ) { sOut += ' '; } } } } else bSpace = false; } //sOut.append( iStart, iLastSpace ); sOut.append("\n"); for(; iLastSpace && *iLastSpace == ' '; iLastSpace++ ) { } iStart = i = iLastSpace; bSpace = false; iLineLen = 1; iSpaceCount = 0; } } if( !bFirst ) sOut += sIndent; sOut.append( iStart ); return sOut; } // // Code for Bu::OptParser::_ValueProxy // Bu::OptParser::_ValueProxy::_ValueProxy() { } Bu::OptParser::_ValueProxy::~_ValueProxy() { } // // Code for Bu::OptParser::Option // Bu::OptParser::Option::Option() : cOpt( '\0' ), pProxy( NULL ) { } Bu::OptParser::Option::Option( const Option &rSrc ) : cOpt( rSrc.cOpt ), sOpt( rSrc.sOpt ), sHelp( rSrc.sHelp ), sUsed( rSrc.sUsed ), pProxy( NULL ), sOverride( rSrc.sOverride ) { if( rSrc.pProxy ) pProxy = rSrc.pProxy->clone(); } Bu::OptParser::Option::~Option() { delete pProxy; pProxy = NULL; }