/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "bu/programchain.h" #include "bu/programlink.h" using namespace Bu; Bu::ProgramChain::ProgramChain() { } Bu::ProgramChain::~ProgramChain() { } bool Bu::ProgramChain::addLink( ProgramLink *pLink ) { if( pLink->init() == false ) { emergencyShutdown(); return false; } lLink.append( pLink ); pLink->setChain( this ); return true; } ProgramLink *Bu::ProgramChain::getLink( const char *lpName ) { char a; a = lpName[0]; return NULL; } ProgramLink *Bu::ProgramChain::getBaseLink() { return NULL; } bool Bu::ProgramChain::execChainOnce() { for( Bu::List<Bu::ProgramLink *>::iterator i = lLink.begin(); i != lLink.end(); i++ ) { if( (*i)->timeSlice() == false ) { emergencyShutdown(); return false; } } return true; } bool Bu::ProgramChain::enterChainLoop() { for(;;) { if( execChainOnce() == false ) { return false; } } return true; } void Bu::ProgramChain::emergencyShutdown() { for( Bu::List<Bu::ProgramLink *>::iterator i = lLink.begin(); i != lLink.end(); i++ ) { (*i)->deInit(); delete *i; } lLink.clear(); } LinkMessage *Bu::ProgramChain::broadcastIRM( LinkMessage *pMsgOut, ProgramLink * /*pSender*/ ) { for( Bu::List<Bu::ProgramLink *>::iterator i = lLink.begin(); i != lLink.end(); i++ ) { LinkMessage *pMsg = (*i)->processIRM( pMsgOut ); if( pMsg != NULL ) { delete pMsgOut; return pMsg; } } delete pMsgOut; return NULL; }