/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/programlink.h" #include "bu/programchain.h" using namespace Bu; Bu::ProgramLink::ProgramLink() { } Bu::ProgramLink::~ProgramLink() { } LinkMessage *Bu::ProgramLink::sendIRM( LinkMessage *pMsgOut ) { return pChain->broadcastIRM( pMsgOut, this ); } void Bu::ProgramLink::setChain( ProgramChain *pNewChain ) { pChain = pNewChain; } /* void ProgramLink::postMessage( LinkMessage *pMsg, int nLvl ) { if( nLvl == msgToChain ) { qMsgToChain.enqueue( pMsg ); } else if( nLvl == msgToLink ) { qMsgToLink.enqueue( pMsg ); } else { // ERROR! } } LinkMessage *ProgramLink::getMessage( int nLvl ) { if( nLvl == msgToChain ) { return (LinkMessage *)qMsgToChain.dequeue(); } else if( nLvl == msgToLink ) { return (LinkMessage *)qMsgToLink.dequeue(); } else { // ERROR! } } */