/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include "bu/protocolhttp.h" #include "bu/logger.h" #define CRLF "\x0D\x0A" #define CR '\x0D' #define LF '\x0A' using namespace Bu; Bu::ProtocolHttp::ProtocolHttp() { } Bu::ProtocolHttp::~ProtocolHttp() { } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::onNewConnection( Bu::Client *pClient ) { this->pClient = pClient; iState = 0; } #define SDB( i ) (void)0 //#define SDB( i ) printf("state %d: %d, \"%s\"\n", i, tt, sToken.getStr() ) void Bu::ProtocolHttp::onNewData( Bu::Client *pClient ) { /* logHexDump( 1, pClient->getInput().getStr(), pClient->getInput().getSize(), "input" );*/ for(;;) { Bu::FString sToken; TokenType tt = getToken( sToken ); if( tt == ttOutOfData ) return; switch( iState ) { case 0: // Start token, should be "method" (get, put, etc) SDB( 0 ); sMethod = sToken; iState = 1; break; case 1: // The path requested SDB( 1 ); sPath = sToken; iState = 2; break; case 2: // The protocol name and version SDB( 2 ); if( strncmp( sToken.getStr(), "HTTP/", 5 ) ) { pClient->disconnect(); return; } else { char *s, *s2; s = sToken.getStr()+5; iMajor = strtol( s, &s2, 10 ); iMinor = strtol( s2+1, NULL, 10 ); iState = 3; } break; case 3: // End of initial header, now comes mime-style blocks. SDB( 3 ); if( tt == ttNewline ) { iState = 10; } else if( tt == ttDoubleNewline ) { earlyResponse(); } else { pClient->disconnect(); return; } break; case 10: // HTTP-Message (skipped for now...) SDB( 10 ); if( tt == ttString ) { iState = 11; } else { pClient->disconnect(); } break; case 11: // Should be a colon... SDB( 11 ); if( tt == ttSeperator && sToken == ":" ) { iState = 12; } else { pClient->disconnect(); } break; case 12: SDB( 12 ); if( tt == ttNewline ) { iState = 10; } if( tt == ttDoubleNewline ) { earlyResponse(); } break; case 20: SDB( 20 ); break; } } } Bu::ProtocolHttp::TokenType Bu::ProtocolHttp::getToken( Bu::FString &line ) { char s; int jmax = pClient->getInputSize(); bool bNonWS = false; for( int j = 0; j < jmax; j++ ) { pClient->peek( &s, 1, j ); if( iState > 2 && isSeperator( s ) ) { if( j == 0 ) { line += s; pClient->seek( 1 ); return ttSeperator; } else { pClient->seek( j ); return ttString; } } else if( isWS( s ) ) { if( bNonWS ) { pClient->seek( j ); return ttString; } } else if( s == CR ) { if( pClient->getInputSize() < 4 ) return ttOutOfData; char ss[3]; pClient->peek( ss, 3, j+1 ); if( ss[0] == LF && ss[1] != ' ' && ss[1] != '\t' ) { if( bNonWS ) { pClient->seek( j ); return ttString; } else if( ss[1] == CR && ss[2] == LF ) { pClient->seek( 4 ); return ttDoubleNewline; } else { pClient->seek( 2 ); return ttNewline; } } j += 2; if( bNonWS ) { pClient->seek( j ); return ttString; } } else { line += s; bNonWS = true; } } return ttOutOfData; } bool Bu::ProtocolHttp::isWS( char buf ) { return (buf == ' ' || buf == '\t'); } bool Bu::ProtocolHttp::isSeperator( char buf ) { return (buf == '(' || buf == ')' || buf == '<' || buf == '>' || buf == '@' || buf == ',' || buf == ';' || buf == ':' || buf == '\\' || buf == '\"' || buf == '/' || buf == '[' || buf == ']' || buf == '?' || buf == '=' || buf == '{' || buf == '}' ); } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::earlyResponse() { if( sMethod == "GET" ) { onRequest( sMethod, sPath ); iState = 0; } else { iState = 20; } } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::lateResponse() { onRequest( sMethod, sPath ); } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::sendResponse( const Response &rRes ) { char buf[1024]; int iSize = sprintf( buf, "HTTP/1.1 %d ", rRes.iCode ); pClient->write( buf, iSize ); pClient->write( rRes.sReason ); pClient->write( CRLF, 2 ); for( Response::StringHash::const_iterator i = rRes.hHeaders.begin(); i != rRes.hHeaders.end(); i++ ) { pClient->write( i.getKey() ); pClient->write(": ", 2 ); pClient->write( i.getValue() ); pClient->write( CRLF, 2 ); } iSize = sprintf( buf, "Content-Length: %ld" CRLF, rRes.sContent.getSize() ); pClient->write( buf, iSize ); pClient->write( CRLF, 2 ); pClient->write( rRes.sContent ); } // // Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response // Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response::Response( int iCode ) : iCode( iCode ) { switch( iCode ) { case 100: sReason = "Continue"; break; case 101: sReason = "Switching Protocols"; break; case 200: sReason = "OK"; break; case 201: sReason = "Created"; break; case 202: sReason = "Accepted"; break; case 203: sReason = "Non-Authoritative Information"; break; case 204: sReason = "No Content"; break; case 205: sReason = "Reset Content"; break; case 206: sReason = "Partial Content"; break; case 300: sReason = "Multiple Choices"; break; case 301: sReason = "Moved Permanently"; break; case 302: sReason = "Found"; break; case 303: sReason = "See Other"; break; case 304: sReason = "Not Modified"; break; case 305: sReason = "Use Proxy"; break; case 307: sReason = "Temporary Redirect"; break; case 400: sReason = "Bad Request"; break; case 401: sReason = "Unauthorized"; break; case 402: sReason = "Payment Required"; break; case 403: sReason = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: sReason = "Not Found"; break; case 405: sReason = "Method Not Allowed"; break; case 406: sReason = "Not Acceptable"; break; case 407: sReason = "Proxy Authentication Required"; break; case 408: sReason = "Request Time-out"; break; case 409: sReason = "Conflict"; break; case 410: sReason = "Gone"; break; case 411: sReason = "Length Required"; break; case 412: sReason = "Precondition Failed"; break; case 413: sReason = "Request Entity Too Large"; break; case 414: sReason = "Request-URI Too Large"; break; case 415: sReason = "Unsupported Media Type"; break; case 416: sReason = "Requested range not satisfiable"; break; case 417: sReason = "Expectation Failed"; break; case 500: sReason = "Internal Server Error"; break; case 501: sReason = "Not Implemented"; break; case 502: sReason = "Bad Gateway"; break; case 503: sReason = "Service Unavailable"; break; case 504: sReason = "Gateway Time-out"; break; case 505: sReason = "HTTP Version not supported"; break; } } Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response::Response( int iCode, const Bu::FString &sReason ) : iCode( iCode ), sReason( sReason ) { } Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response::~Response() { } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response::setHeader( const Bu::FString &sKey, const Bu::FString &sVal ) { hHeaders.insert( sKey, sVal ); } void Bu::ProtocolHttp::Response::setContent( const Bu::FString &sCont ) { sContent = sCont; }