/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_RING_BUFFER_H #define BU_RING_BUFFER_H #include <memory> #include "bu/exceptionbase.h" #include "bu/queue.h" #include "bu/sharedcore.h" namespace Bu { template<typename value, typename valuealloc> class RingBuffer; /** @cond DEVEL */ template<typename value, typename valuealloc> class RingBufferCore { friend class RingBuffer<value, valuealloc>; friend class SharedCore<RingBuffer<value, valuealloc>, RingBufferCore<value, valuealloc> >; private: RingBufferCore() : iCapacity( 0 ), iStart( -1 ), iEnd( -2 ), aData( NULL ) { } virtual ~RingBufferCore() { clear(); } void init( int iNewCapacity ) { if( iCapacity > 0 ) return; iCapacity = iNewCapacity; iStart = -1; iEnd = -2; aData = va.allocate( iCapacity ); } void clear() { for( int j = iStart; j < iEnd; j=(j+1%iCapacity) ) { va.destroy( &aData[j] ); } va.deallocate( aData, iCapacity ); aData = NULL; iCapacity = 0; } void enqueue( const value &v ) { if( iStart == -1 ) { iStart = 0; iEnd = 1; va.construct( &aData[0], v ); } else if( iStart == iEnd ) { throw ExceptionBase("Hey, it's full!"); } else { va.construct( &aData[iEnd], v ); iEnd = (iEnd+1)%iCapacity; } } value dequeue() { if( iStart == -1 ) { throw ExceptionBase("No data"); } else { value &v = aData[iStart]; va.destroy( &aData[iStart] ); iStart = (iStart+1)%iCapacity; if( iStart == iEnd ) { iStart = -1; iEnd = -2; } return v; } } value &get( int iIndex ) { return aData[(iIndex+iStart)%iCapacity]; } int getSize() { if( iStart < 0 ) return 0; if( iEnd == iStart ) return iCapacity; if( iEnd < iStart ) return iEnd-iStart; return iCapacity-(iEnd-iStart); } int iCapacity; int iStart, iEnd; value *aData; valuealloc va; }; /** @endcond */ /** *@ingroup Containers */ template<typename value, typename valuealloc=std::allocator<value> > class RingBuffer : public Queue<value>, public SharedCore< RingBuffer<value, valuealloc>, RingBufferCore<value, valuealloc> > { private: typedef RingBuffer<value, valuealloc> MyType; typedef RingBufferCore<value, valuealloc> Core; protected: using SharedCore<MyType, Core>::core; using SharedCore<MyType, Core>::_hardCopy; using SharedCore<MyType, Core>::_allocateCore; public: RingBuffer( int iCapacity ) { core->init( iCapacity ); } RingBuffer( const RingBuffer &rSrc ) : SharedCore<MyType, Core>( rSrc ) { } virtual ~RingBuffer() { } int getCapacity() const { return core->iCapacity; } bool isFilled() const { return (core->iStart == core->iEnd); } bool isEmpty() const { return (core->iStart == -1); } virtual void enqueue( const value &v ) { _hardCopy(); core->enqueue( v ); } virtual value dequeue() { _hardCopy(); return core->dequeue(); } virtual int getSize() const { return core->getSize(); } virtual value &peek() { _hardCopy(); return core->get( 0 ); } virtual const value &peek() const { return core->get( 0 ); } value &operator[]( int iIndex ) { _hardCopy(); return core->get( iIndex ); } protected: virtual Core *_copyCore( Core *src ) { Core *pRet = _allocateCore(); pRet->init( src->iCapacity ); int iSize = src->getSize(); for( int j = 0; j < iSize; j++ ) { pRet->enqueue( src->get( j ) ); } return pRet; } }; } #endif