/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/server.h" #include #include #include "bu/serversocket.h" #include "bu/client.h" #include "bu/socket.h" #include "bu/osx_compatibility.h" Bu::Server::Server() : nTimeoutSec( 0 ), nTimeoutUSec( 0 ), bAutoTick( false ) { FD_ZERO( &fdActive ); } Bu::Server::~Server() { shutdown(); } void Bu::Server::addPort( int nPort, int nPoolSize ) { ServerSocket *s = new ServerSocket( nPort, nPoolSize ); int nSocket = s->getSocket(); FD_SET( nSocket, &fdActive ); hServers.insert( nSocket, s ); } void Bu::Server::addPort( const FString &sAddr, int nPort, int nPoolSize ) { ServerSocket *s = new ServerSocket( sAddr, nPort, nPoolSize ); int nSocket = s->getSocket(); FD_SET( nSocket, &fdActive ); hServers.insert( nSocket, s ); } void Bu::Server::setTimeout( int nTimeoutSec, int nTimeoutUSec ) { this->nTimeoutSec = nTimeoutSec; this->nTimeoutUSec = nTimeoutUSec; } void Bu::Server::scan() { struct timeval xTimeout = { nTimeoutSec, nTimeoutUSec }; fd_set fdRead = fdActive; fd_set fdWrite /* = fdActive*/; fd_set fdException = fdActive; FD_ZERO( &fdWrite ); for( ClientHash::iterator i = hClients.begin(); i != hClients.end(); i++ ) { if( (*i)->hasOutput() ) FD_SET( i.getKey(), &fdWrite ); } if( TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY( select( FD_SETSIZE, &fdRead, &fdWrite, &fdException, &xTimeout ) ) < 0 ) { throw ExceptionBase("Error attempting to scan open connections."); } for( int j = 0; j < FD_SETSIZE; j++ ) { if( FD_ISSET( j, &fdRead ) ) { if( hServers.has( j ) ) { ServerSocket *pSrv = hServers.get( j ); addClient( pSrv->accept(), pSrv->getPort() ); } else { Client *pClient = hClients.get( j ); pClient->processInput(); if( !pClient->isOpen() ) { onClosedConnection( pClient ); pClient->close(); hClients.erase( j ); FD_CLR( j, &fdActive ); } } } if( FD_ISSET( j, &fdWrite ) ) { try { Client *pClient = hClients.get( j ); try { pClient->processOutput(); } catch( Bu::SocketException &e ) { onClosedConnection( pClient ); pClient->close(); hClients.erase( j ); FD_CLR( j, &fdActive ); } } catch( Bu::HashException &e ) { // Do nothing, I guess, the client is already dead... // TODO: Someday, we may want to handle this more graceully. } } } Bu::List lDelete; // Now we just try to write all the pending data on all the sockets. // this could be done better eventually, if we care about the socket // wanting to accept writes (using a select). for( ClientHash::iterator i = hClients.begin(); i != hClients.end(); i++ ) { if( (*i)->wantsDisconnect() && !(*i)->hasOutput() ) { lDelete.append( i.getKey() ); } } for( Bu::List::iterator i = lDelete.begin(); i != lDelete.end(); i++ ) { Client *pClient = hClients.get( *i ); onClosedConnection( pClient ); pClient->close(); hClients.erase( *i ); FD_CLR( *i, &fdActive ); } if( bAutoTick ) tick(); } void Bu::Server::addClient( int nSocket, int nPort ) { FD_SET( nSocket, &fdActive ); Client *c = new Client( new Bu::Socket( nSocket ), new SrvClientLinkFactory() ); hClients.insert( nSocket, c ); onNewConnection( c, nPort ); } Bu::Server::SrvClientLink::SrvClientLink( Bu::Client *pClient ) : pClient( pClient ) { } Bu::Server::SrvClientLink::~SrvClientLink() { } void Bu::Server::SrvClientLink::sendMessage( const Bu::FString &sMsg ) { pClient->onMessage( sMsg ); } Bu::Server::SrvClientLinkFactory::SrvClientLinkFactory() { } Bu::Server::SrvClientLinkFactory::~SrvClientLinkFactory() { } Bu::ClientLink *Bu::Server::SrvClientLinkFactory::createLink( Bu::Client *pClient ) { return new SrvClientLink( pClient ); } void Bu::Server::setAutoTick( bool bEnable ) { bAutoTick = bEnable; } void Bu::Server::tick() { for( ClientHash::iterator i = hClients.begin(); i != hClients.end(); i++ ) { (*i)->tick(); } } void Bu::Server::shutdown() { for( SrvHash::iterator i = hServers.begin(); i != hServers.end(); i++ ) { delete *i; } hServers.clear(); for( ClientHash::iterator i = hClients.begin(); i != hClients.end(); i++ ) { onClosedConnection( *i ); delete *i; } hClients.clear(); }