/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_BUFFER_H #define BU_BUFFER_H #include "bu/filter.h" namespace Bu { class Buffer : public Bu::Filter { public: Buffer( Bu::Stream &rNext, int iWhat=Both, int iBufSize=4096 ); virtual ~Buffer(); enum { Write = 1, Read = 2, Both = 3 }; virtual void start(); virtual Bu::size stop(); virtual Bu::size read( void *pBuf, Bu::size nBytes ); virtual Bu::size write( const void *pBuf, Bu::size nBytes ); using Stream::write; Bu::size getReadFill() { return iReadBufFill; } bool isWritePending() { return iWriteBufFill > 0; } virtual void flush(); virtual bool isEos(); private: void fillReadBuf(); private: Bu::size sSoFar; int iBufSize; char *sReadBuf; char *sWriteBuf; int iReadBufFill; int iReadPos; int iWriteBufFill; int iWritePos; int iWhat; }; }; #endif