/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #ifndef BU_NULL_STREAM_H #define BU_NULL_STREAM_H #include "bu/stream.h" namespace Bu { /** * Works a lot like /dev/null on *nix style systems. This class allows * infinite reading and writing. All operatorns "succeed" even if they * don't seem to do anything. This is great for testing writing code or * doing dry runs. When reading, it will produce NULL bytes, so any * application that would like the ability to produce null streams as a * snap-in replacement for any other Bu::Stream, this is the right option. * * As an added feature, the NullStream will track how many bytes it was * asked to read and write, allowing you to use it to determine how many * bytes a write opretion would use without actually writing anything. */ class NullStream : public Bu::Stream { public: NullStream(); virtual ~NullStream(); virtual void close(); virtual Bu::size read( void *pBuf, Bu::size nBytes ); virtual Bu::String readLine(); virtual Bu::size write( const void *pBuf, Bu::size nBytes ); using Bu::Stream::write; virtual Bu::size tell(); virtual void seek( Bu::size offset ); virtual void setPos( Bu::size pos ); virtual void setPosEnd( Bu::size pos ); virtual bool isEos(); virtual bool isOpen(); virtual void flush(); virtual bool canRead(); virtual bool canWrite(); virtual bool isReadable(); virtual bool isWritable(); virtual bool isSeekable(); virtual bool isBlocking(); virtual void setBlocking( bool bBlocking=true ); virtual void setSize( Bu::size iSize ); virtual size getSize() const; virtual size getBlockSize() const; virtual Bu::String getLocation() const; Bu::size getBytesRead() { return sRead; } Bu::size getByetsWritten() { return sWrote; } private: Bu::size sRead; Bu::size sWrote; }; }; #endif