/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/tafreader.h" #include "bu/exceptions.h" #include "bu/fstring.h" using namespace Bu; Bu::TafReader::TafReader( Bu::Stream &sIn ) : c( 0 ), sIn( sIn ) { next(); next(); } Bu::TafReader::~TafReader() { } Bu::TafGroup *Bu::TafReader::readGroup() { ws(); if( c != '{' ) throw TafException("Expected '{'"); next(); ws(); FString sName = readStr(); TafGroup *pGroup = new TafGroup( sName ); next(); //printf("Node[%s]:\n", sName.getStr() ); groupContent( pGroup ); if( c != '}' ) throw TafException("Expected '}'"); //next(); return pGroup; } void Bu::TafReader::groupContent( Bu::TafGroup *pGroup ) { for(;;) { ws(); if( c == '{' ) pGroup->addChild( readGroup() ); else if( c == '}' ) return; else if( c == '/' && la == '*' ) pGroup->addChild( readComment() ); else if( c == '/' && la == '/' ) pGroup->addChild( readComment( true ) ); else if( c == ':' ) throw TafException("Encountered stray ':' in taf stream."); else pGroup->addChild( readProperty() ); } } Bu::TafProperty *Bu::TafReader::readProperty() { FString sName = readStr(); ws(); if( c != '=' ) { //printf(" %s (true)\n", sName.getStr() ); return new Bu::TafProperty( "", sName ); } next(); FString sValue = readStr(); return new Bu::TafProperty( sName, sValue ); //printf(" %s = %s\n", sName.getStr(), sValue.getStr() ); } Bu::TafComment *Bu::TafReader::readComment( bool bEOL ) { FString sCmnt; next(); if( bEOL ) { for(;;) { next(); if( c == '\n' && la == '\r' ) { next(); next(); break; } else if( c == '\n' || c == '\r' ) { next(); break; } sCmnt += c; } } else { for(;;) { next(); if( c == '*' && la == '/' ) { next(); next(); break; } sCmnt += c; } } return new TafComment( sCmnt, bEOL ); } Bu::FString Bu::TafReader::readStr() { ws(); FString s; if( c == '"' ) { next(); for(;;) { if( c == '\\' ) { next(); if( c == 'x' ) { char code[3]={'\0','\0','\0'}; next(); code[0] = c; next(); code[1] = c; c = (unsigned char)strtol( code, NULL, 16 ); } else if( c == '"' ) c = '"'; else throw TafException("Invalid escape sequence."); } else if( c == '"' ) break; s += c; next(); } next(); } else { for(;;) { if( isws() || c == '}' || c == '{' || c == ':' || c == '=' ) break; s += c; next(); } } return s; } void Bu::TafReader::ws() { for(;;) { if( !isws() ) return; next(); } } bool Bu::TafReader::isws() { return (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'); } void Bu::TafReader::next() { if( c == '}' ) { sIn.read( &c, 1 ); if( c != '}' ) sIn.read( &la, 1 ); } else { c = la; if( c != '}' ) sIn.read( &la, 1 ); } }