/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/tafwriter.h" #include "bu/tafnode.h" #include "bu/stream.h" Bu::TafWriter::TafWriter( Bu::Stream &sOut ) : sOut( sOut ), iDepth( 0 ) { } Bu::TafWriter::~TafWriter() { } void Bu::TafWriter::ident() { for( int j = 0; j < iDepth; j++ ) sOut.write(" ", 4 ); } void Bu::TafWriter::writeGroup( const Bu::TafGroup *pRoot ) { ident(); sOut.write("{", 1 ); writeString( pRoot->getName() ); sOut.write(":\n", 2 ); iDepth++; const Bu::TafGroup::NodeList &nl = pRoot->getChildren(); for( Bu::TafGroup::NodeList::const_iterator i = nl.begin(); i != nl.end(); i++ ) { switch( (*i)->getType() ) { case Bu::TafNode::typeGroup: writeGroup( (Bu::TafGroup *)(*i) ); break; case Bu::TafNode::typeProperty: writeProperty( (Bu::TafProperty *)(*i) ); break; case Bu::TafNode::typeComment: writeComment( (Bu::TafComment *)(*i) ); break; } } iDepth--; ident(); sOut.write("}\n", 2 ); } void Bu::TafWriter::writeProperty( const Bu::TafProperty *pProp ) { ident(); if( !pProp->getName().isEmpty() ) { writeString( pProp->getName() ); sOut.write("=", 1 ); writeString( pProp->getValue() ); } else { writeString( pProp->getValue() ); } sOut.write("\n", 1 ); } void Bu::TafWriter::writeComment( const Bu::TafComment *pComment ) { ident(); if( pComment->isEOLStyle() ) { sOut.write("//", 2 ); sOut.write( pComment->getText().getStr(), pComment->getText().getSize() ); sOut.write("\n", 1 ); } else { sOut.write("/*", 2 ); sOut.write( pComment->getText().getStr(), pComment->getText().getSize() ); sOut.write("*/ ", 3 ); } } void Bu::TafWriter::writeString( const Bu::FString &str ) { sOut.write("\"", 1 ); for( Bu::FString::const_iterator s = str.begin(); s != str.end(); s++ ) { if( *s == '\"' ) sOut.write("\\\"", 2 ); else if( *s == '\\' ) sOut.write("\\\\", 2 ); else if( *s < 32 || *s > 126 ) { char buf[5]; sprintf( buf, "\\x%02X", (unsigned char)*s ); sOut.write(buf, 4 ); } else { const char buf = *s; sOut.write( &buf, 1 ); } } sOut.write("\"", 1 ); }