#include "httpconnectionmonitor.h" #include "http.h" #include HttpConnectionMonitor::HttpConnectionMonitor() { } HttpConnectionMonitor::~HttpConnectionMonitor() { } bool HttpConnectionMonitor::onNewConnection( Connection *pCon ) { Http hp( pCon ); pCon->readInput( 60, 0 ); printf("#######################\n%s\n#######################\n", pCon->getInput() ); while( hp.parseRequest() == false ); printf("Done parsing.\n\n"); if( hp.getRequestType() == Http::reqGet ) { printf("\"\"\"%s\"\"\"\n", hp.getRequestURI() ); if( !strcmp( hp.getRequestURI(), "/" ) ) { std::string content("Server Test</test></head><body>This is a test of a new system where all the pages will be more or less dynamic...<br>If you want to try to login, you can do that here:<br><form method=\"post\" action=\"showvars\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"name\"><br>Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\"><br><input type=\"submit\" name=\"action\" value=\"login\"></form></body></html>"); hp.buildResponse(); hp.setResponseContent( "text/html", content.c_str(), content.size() ); hp.sendResponse(); } else { std::string content("<html><head><title>URL Not Found</test></head><body>There is no content mapped to the URL you requested. Please try another one.</body></html>"); hp.buildResponse( 404, "File not found."); hp.setResponseContent( "text/html", content.c_str(), content.size() ); hp.sendResponse(); } } else { printf("Non get: %s\n", hp.getRequestTypeStr() ); } pCon->writeOutput(); if( pCon->hasInput() ) { std::string s( pCon->getInput(), pCon->getInputAmnt() ); printf("Reamining data\n==============\n%s\n==============\n", s.c_str() ); } pCon->disconnect(); return true; } bool HttpConnectionMonitor::onClosedConnection( Connection *pCon ) { return true; }