/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include <bu/sio.h> #include <bu/lexer.h> #include <bu/parser.h> #include <bu/file.h> #include <bu/queuebuf.h> using namespace Bu; enum TokenType { tokIdentifier, tokColon, tokOr, tokSemiColon, tokTokens, tokEquals, tokOpenCurly, tokCloseCurly, tokOpenSquare, tokCloseSquare, tokEos=-1 }; class BnfLexer : public Lexer { public: BnfLexer( Stream &rSrc ) : rSrc( rSrc ) { } virtual ~BnfLexer() { } virtual Token *nextToken() { char cBuf; for(;;) { if( qbIn.getSize() == 0 ) { char buf[4096]; qbIn.write( buf, rSrc.read( buf, 4096 ) ); if( rSrc.isEos() && qbIn.getSize() == 0 ) return new Token( tokEos ); } qbIn.peek( &cBuf, 1 ); if( (cBuf >= 'a' && cBuf <= 'z') || (cBuf >= 'A' && cBuf <= 'Z') || (cBuf >= '0' && cBuf <= '9') || cBuf == '_' ) { sBuf.append( cBuf ); qbIn.seek( 1 ); } else if( sBuf.isSet() ) { if( sBuf == "tokens" ) { sBuf.clear(); return new Token( tokTokens ); } else { Token *pRet = new Token( tokIdentifier, sBuf ); sBuf.clear(); return pRet; } } else { switch( cBuf ) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': qbIn.seek( 1 ); continue; case ':': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokColon ); case ';': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokSemiColon ); case '|': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokOr ); case '=': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokEquals ); case '[': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokOpenSquare ); case ']': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokCloseSquare ); case '{': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokOpenCurly ); case '}': qbIn.seek( 1 ); return new Token( tokCloseCurly ); default: throw ExceptionBase("Unexpected character '%c'.", cBuf ); break; } } } } virtual String tokenToString( const Token &t ) { switch( (TokenType)t.iToken ) { case tokIdentifier: return "tokIdentifier"; case tokColon: return "tokColon"; case tokOr: return "tokOr"; case tokSemiColon: return "tokSemiColon"; case tokTokens: return "tokTokens"; case tokEquals: return "tokEquals"; case tokOpenCurly: return "tokOpenCurly"; case tokCloseCurly: return "tokCloseCurly"; case tokOpenSquare: return "tokOpenSquare"; case tokCloseSquare: return "tokCloseSquare"; case tokEos: return "tokEos"; } return "???"; } private: Stream &rSrc; QueueBuf qbIn; String sBuf; }; class BnfParser { public: BnfParser( BnfLexer &l ) : l( l ), pCur( NULL ), iLastToken( 0 ) { } virtual ~BnfParser() { delete pCur; pCur = NULL; } void parse() { for(;;) { next(); switch( pCur->iToken ) { case tokTokens: tokens(); break; case tokIdentifier: nonTerminal(); break; case tokEos: return; break; default: tokenError("tokTokens, tokIdentifier, or tokEos"); } } } private: void tokens() { next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokEquals ) tokenError("tokEquals"); for(;;) { next(); if( pCur->iToken == tokIdentifier ) { hTokens.insert( pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>(), ++iLastToken ); sio << "Added token[" << iLastToken << "]: " << pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>() << sio.nl; } else if( pCur->iToken == tokSemiColon ) break; else tokenError("tokIdentifier or tokSemiColon"); } } void nonTerminal() { Bu::String sNtName = pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>(); Parser::NonTerminal nt; p.addNonTerminal( sNtName ); sio.incIndent(); sio << "Created non-terminal: " << sNtName << sio.nl; next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokColon ) tokenError("tokColon"); production( nt ); for(;;) { switch( pCur->iToken ) { case tokOr: production( nt ); break; case tokSemiColon: p.setNonTerminal( sNtName, nt ); sio.decIndent(); sio << "Closing non-terminal." << sio.nl; return; default: tokenError("tkOr or tokSemiColon"); break; } } } void production( Parser::NonTerminal &nt ) { sio.incIndent(); sio << "Adding new production:" << sio.nl; Parser::Production pr; bool bAnything = false; for(;;) { next(); switch( pCur->iToken ) { case tokIdentifier: { const Bu::String &sName = pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>(); if( hTokens.has( sName ) ) { pr.append( Parser::State( Parser::State::typeTerminal, hTokens.get( sName ) ) ); sio << "Added terminal " << sName << sio.nl; } else { if( !p.hasNonTerminal( sName ) ) { p.addNonTerminal( sName ); } pr.append( Parser::State( Parser::State::typeNonTerminal, p.getNonTerminalId( sName ) ) ); sio << "Added non-terminal " << sName << sio.nl; } } break; case tokOpenSquare: { next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokIdentifier ) tokenError("tokIdentifier"); Bu::String sName = pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>(); next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokCloseSquare ) tokenError("tokCloseSquare"); if( !hTokens.has( sName ) ) throw ExceptionBase("Only token names may be " "enclosed in square brackets."); pr.append( Parser::State( Parser::State::typeTerminalPush, hTokens.get( sName ) ) ); sio << "Added terminal-push " << sName << sio.nl; } break; case tokOpenCurly: { next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokIdentifier ) tokenError("tokIdentifier"); Bu::String sName = pCur->vExtra.get<Bu::String>(); next(); if( pCur->iToken != tokCloseCurly ) tokenError("tokCloseCurly"); if( !p.hasReduction( sName ) ) p.addReduction( sName ); pr.append( Parser::State( Parser::State::typeReduction, p.getReductionId( sName ) ) ); sio << "Added reduction " << sName << sio.nl; } break; case tokOr: case tokSemiColon: if( bAnything ) { nt.addProduction( pr ); sio.decIndent(); sio << "Closing production." << sio.nl; } else { nt.setCanSkip(); sio.decIndent(); sio << "Closing empty production." << sio.nl; } return; default: tokenError("tokIdentifier, tokOpenSquare, tokOr, " "tokOpenCurly, or tokSemiColon"); } } } private: void next() { delete pCur; pCur = l.nextToken(); } void tokenError( const String &s ) { throw ExceptionBase( ("Expected " + s + " but found " + l.tokenToString( *pCur ) + ".").getStr() ); } private: typedef Bu::Hash<Bu::String, int> TokenHash; TokenHash hTokens; BnfLexer &l; BnfLexer::Token *pCur; int iLastToken; Parser p; }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if( argc < 2 ) { println("Provide an input filename as the first parameter."); return 0; } File fIn( argv[1], File::Read ); BnfLexer bl( fIn ); BnfParser parser( bl ); parser.parse(); /* for(;;) { Lexer::Token *pTok = bl.nextToken(); sio << bl.tokenToString(*pTok); if( pTok->vExtra.isSet() ) { sio << " - " << pTok->vExtra; } sio << sio.nl; if( pTok->iToken == tokEos ) break; } */ return 0; }