/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include "bu/hash.h" #include "bu/string.h" #include #include #ifndef WIN32 inline double getTime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday( &tv, NULL ); return ((double)tv.tv_sec) + ((double)tv.tv_usec/1000000.0); } #else #include "windows.h" #include "winbase.h" inline double getTime() { uint32_t t = (uint32_t) GetTickCount(); return (double) t / 1000.0; } #endif Bu::String genThing() { Bu::String bob; bob.append("ab "); bob += "cd "; bob += "efg"; printf("---bob------\n%08tX: %s\n", (ptrdiff_t)bob.getStr(), bob.getStr() ); return bob; } void thing( Bu::String str ) { printf("Hey: %s\n", str.getStr() ); } void copyfunc( std::string temp ) { temp += "Hi"; } void copyfunc( Bu::String temp ) { temp += "Hi"; } void doTimings() { Bu::String fs1, fs2; std::string ss1, ss2; double dStart, dEnd, tfs1, tfs2, tfs3, tss1, tss2, tss3; int nChars = 500000, nChunks=5000, nCopies=5000000, nChunkSize=1024*4; char *buf = new char[nChunkSize]; memset( buf, '!', nChunkSize ); printf("Timing Bu::String single chars...\n"); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nChars; j++ ) fs1 += (char)('a'+(j%26)); fs1.getStr(); dEnd = getTime(); tfs1 = dEnd-dStart; printf("Timing std::string single chars...\n"); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nChars; j++ ) ss1 += (char)('a'+(j%26)); ss1.c_str(); dEnd = getTime(); tss1 = dEnd-dStart; printf("Timing Bu::String %d char chunks...\n", nChunkSize); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nChunks; j++ ) fs2.append(buf, nChunkSize); fs2.getStr(); dEnd = getTime(); tfs2 = dEnd-dStart; printf("Timing std::string %d char chunks...\n", nChunkSize); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nChunks; j++ ) ss2.append(buf, nChunkSize); ss2.c_str(); dEnd = getTime(); tss2 = dEnd-dStart; fs2 = "Hello there."; ss2 = "Hello there."; printf("Timing Bu::String copies...\n"); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nCopies; j++ ) Bu::String stmp = fs2; dEnd = getTime(); tfs3 = dEnd-dStart; printf("Timing std::string copies...\n"); dStart = getTime(); for( int j = 0; j < nCopies; j++ ) std::string stpm = ss2; dEnd = getTime(); tss3 = dEnd-dStart; printf( "Results: singles: chunks: copies:\n" "Bu::String %10.2f/s %10.2f/s %10.2f/s\n" "std::string %10.2f/s %10.2f/s %10.2f/s\n", nChars/tfs1, nChunks/tfs2, nCopies/tfs3, nChars/tss1, nChunks/tss2, nCopies/tss3 ); delete[] buf; } #define pem printf("---------\n%08tX: %s\n%08tX: %s\n", (ptrdiff_t)str.getStr(), str.getStr(), (ptrdiff_t)str2.getStr(), str2.getStr() ); int main( ) { Bu::String fs1; for( int j = 0; j < 500000; j++ ) fs1 += (char)('a'+(j%26)); return 0; Bu::String str("th"); str.prepend("Hello "); str.append("ere."); Bu::String str2( str ); pem; str += " What's up?"; pem; str2 += " How are you?"; pem; str = str2; pem; str2 = genThing(); pem; str = str2; pem; thing( str2 ); thing("test."); printf("%d == %d\n", Bu::__calcHashCode( str ), Bu::__calcHashCode( str.getStr() ) ); doTimings(); return 0; }