/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Xagasoft, All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the libbu++ library and is released under the * terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "bu/formatter.h" #include "bu/heap.h" #include "bu/fstring.h" #include "bu/file.h" typedef struct num { num( int iNum, int iOrder ) : iNum( iNum ), iOrder( iOrder ) { } num( const num &src ) : iNum( src.iNum ), iOrder( src.iOrder ) { } int iNum; int iOrder; bool operator<( const num &oth ) const { if( iNum == oth.iNum ) return iOrder < oth.iOrder; return iNum < oth.iNum; } bool operator>( const num &oth ) const { return iNum > oth.iNum; } } num; void printHeap( Bu::Heap<Bu::FString> &/*h*/, int j ) { return; Bu::FString sFName; sFName.format("graph-step-%02d.dot", j ); Bu::File fOut( sFName, Bu::File::WriteNew ); Bu::Formatter f( fOut ); // h.print( f ); } int main() { /* Bu::Heap<num> hNum; for( int j = 0; j < 30; j++ ) { int r = rand()%10; printf("Pushing: %d, top: ", r ); hNum.enqueue( num( r, j ) ); printf("%d\n", hNum.peek().iNum ); } while( !hNum.isEmpty() ) { printf("(%d:%d) ", hNum.peek().iOrder, hNum.peek().iNum ); hNum.dequeue(); } printf("\n"); */ Bu::Heap<Bu::FString> hStr; int j = 0; hStr.enqueue("George"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("George"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Sam"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Abby"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Zorro"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Brianna"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Kate"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); hStr.enqueue("Soggy"); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); while( !hStr.isEmpty() ) { printf("\"%s\" ", hStr.dequeue().getStr() ); printHeap( hStr, j++ ); } printf("\n"); Bu::List<Bu::FString> lStr; lStr.insertSorted("George"); lStr.insertSorted("George"); lStr.insertSorted("Sam"); lStr.insertSorted("Abby"); lStr.insertSorted("Zorro"); lStr.insertSorted("Brianna"); lStr.insertSorted("Kate"); lStr.insertSorted("Soggy"); for( Bu::List<Bu::FString>::iterator i = lStr.begin(); i; i++ ) { printf("\"%s\" ", (*i).getStr() ); } printf("\n"); return 0; }